The Lost Ring

The Lost Ring

作者: DWHL | 来源:发表于2018-12-13 09:57 被阅读0次

 The Lost Ring



  By the time she got the box open. Nancy was so excited that

she could hardly contain herself . Eagerly she removed the cotton surrounding

the small object inside the box, and held it up to the light. It glittered and

sparkled-made alive by the bright sunlight pouring through the large picture


  Nancy turned the object slowly in her hands, first this way

and then that way. It continued to sparkle and shine as if it had a light of its

own. She gave a little squeal of delight. Her diamond engagement ring had been

found and returned to her, just as the woman on the phone had


  For two weeks, Nancy had almost become a nervous wreck after

losing the ring on the subway. She has placed ads in the newspapers and over the

radio, offering a reward for the return of the ring. And, she had almost given

up hope when the telephone call came.

  A kind, elderly female voice informed her that she had found

the ring wedged in a seat cushion. She had called, she said, to ascertain the

exact address and had promised to return the ring by insured mail the next day.

And then she had added sweetly:

  "There's no need to send a reward either. I lost my engagement

ring once when I was young,and some kind, unknown person returned it to me the

next day. I fell I'm only paying back an old debt of gratitude."

  Nancy had thanked the finder profusely land asked her name,

but the other woman had said that it wasn't important.

  And now,here was the ring once again in her hand. She slipped

it once again on her finger and breathed a huge sigh of relief.


  l,could hardly contain oneself 几乎不能自制

  2·picture window 观景窗

  3·as if 仿佛 ,好像;后面跟的是比较状语从句。

  4·a little squeal of delight 高兴地轻轻一声尖叫

  5·diamond engagement ring 钻石定婚戒指

  6·a nervous wreck 一个神经极度受损的人,落魄者

  7·ad 广告 (ad是 advertisement的缩写.)

  8·almost...when 几乎就要……这时

  g·wedge in 嵌在……里,楔人

  l0·insured mail 保价邮件

  11·thank....profusely 感激不尽,千恩万谢

  12·breathe a huge sigh of relief大大地松了一口气




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