2017-03-17 现在谁是美国政坛最受欢迎的人?《卫报》

2017-03-17 现在谁是美国政坛最受欢迎的人?《卫报》

作者: potatomatoer | 来源:发表于2017-03-18 04:09 被阅读157次


    背景介绍:在这个互联网和社交网络极度发达的年代,在这个选举永远充满意外的年代,在这个政治新闻比娱乐新闻还抢眼的时代,谁是美国人民最喜欢的政坛人物?美国的福克斯电视台(最坚定的右派媒体)给出了答案,伯尼桑德斯(Bernie Sanders)这个极左参议员最受欢迎,位居第二的是副总统麦克彭斯。




    作者:Trevor Timm

    时间:2017年3月17日 周五

    If you look at the numbers, Bernie Sanders is the most popular politician in America – and it’s not even close. Yet bizarrely, the Democratic party – out of power across the country and increasingly irrelevant – still refuses to embrace him and his message. It’s increasingly clear they do so at their own peril.


    A new Fox News poll out this week shows Sanders has a +28 net favorability rating among the US population, dwarfing all other elected politicians on both ends of the political spectrum. And he’s even more popular among the vaunted “independents”, where he is at a mind boggling +41.


    This poll is not just an aberration. Look at this Huffington Post chart that has tracked Sanders’ favorability rating over time, ever since he gained national prominence in 2015 when he started running for the Democratic nomination. The more people got to know him, they more they liked him – the exact opposite of what his critics said would happen when he was running against Clinton.


    One would think with numbers like that, Democratic politicians would be falling all over themselves to be associated with Sanders, especially considering the party as a whole is more unpopular than the Republicans and even Donald Trump right now. Yet instead of embracing his message, the establishment wing of the party continues to resist him at almost every turn, and they seem insistent that they don’t have to change their ways to gain back the support of huge swaths of the country.


    Politico ran a story just this week featuring Democratic officials fretting over the fact that Sanders supporters may upend their efforts to retake governorships in southern states by insisting those candidates adopt Sanders’ populist policies – seemingly oblivious to the fact that Sanders plays well in some of those states too.

    翻译:《政治》杂志这周发表的报导指出了一个看起来被人遗忘的事实:Bernie在某些州支持率很高。报道里说到 Bernie的支持者在发愤图强,通过坚持 Bernie的民粹政策来重新夺回南方某些州的领导权,而民主党人对此感到烦恼。

    Sanders’ effect on Trump voters can be seen in a gripping town hall this week that MSNBC’s Chris Hayes hosted with him in West Virginia – often referred to as “Trump country” – where the crowd ended up giving him a rousing ovation after he talked about healthcare being a right of all people and that we are the only industrialized nation in the world who doesn’t provide healthcare as a right to all its people.

    翻译:Bernie对川普支持者的影响可以从这周MSNBC的主持人Chris Hayes 和Bernie在对民众做演讲时的情形中看出。活动发生在西佛吉尼亚州--川普大本营--市政厅。在听到 Bernie说“医疗保险应该是所有人的基本权利,而我们是世界上唯一一个没有普及全民医保的工业国家”后,人群中想起了热烈的掌声。

    But hand wringing by Democratic officials over 2018 candidates is really just the latest example: the establishment wing of the party aggressively ran another opponent against Keith Ellison, Sanders’ choice to run the Democratic National Committee, seemingly with the primary motivation to keep the party away from Sanders’ influence.

    翻译:民主党官员对2018年中期选举做的小动作还只是最新的例子:民主党建制派积极支持另外一个人来对抗Bernie支持的人选Keith Ellison作为民主党全国委员会(DNC)的主席,看起来这样做最大的动机就是要保持党内远离Bernie的影响。

    They’ve steadfastly refused to take giant corporations head on in the public sphere and wouldn’t even return to an Obama-era rule that banned lobbyist money from funding the DNC that was rescinded last year. And despite the broad popularity of the government guaranteeing health care for everyone, they still have not made any push for a Medicare-for-all plan that Sanders has long called for as a rebuttal to Republicans’ attempt to dismantle Obamacare.


    Democrats seem more than happy to put all the blame of the 2016 election on a combination of Russia and James Comey and have engaged in almost zero introspection on the root causes of the larger reality: they are also out of power in not the presidency, but both also houses of Congress, governorships and state houses across the country as well.


    As Politico reported on the Democrats’ post-Trump strategy in February, “Democratic aides say they will eventually shift to a positive economic message that Rust Belt Democrats can run on”. However: “For now, aides say, the focus is on slaying the giant and proving to the voters who sent Trump into the White House why his policies will fail.”


    In other words, they’re doubling down on the exact same failing strategy that Clinton used in the final months of the campaign. Sanders himself put it this way in his usual blunt style in an interview with New York magazine this week – when asked about whether the Democrats can adapt to the political reality, he said: “There are some people in the Democratic Party who want to maintain the status quo. They would rather go down with the Titanic so long as they have first-class seats.”


    In the long term, change may be coming for Democrats whether they like it or not. Sanders loyalists are quietly attempting to take over many local Democratic party positions around the country. While Ellison lost the race for the DNC chair, it was incredibly close – closer than Sanders came to beating Clinton. And Sanders’ supporters are already organizing primary challenges to incumbent Democrats who aren’t sufficiently opposing Trump.


    One thing’s for sure: Democrats who refuse to change do so at their peril.




    1. 引用川普在Ellison竞选DNC主席失败后发的Twitter." Bernie and his guy never has a chance".一个号称“民主党”的人还不如竞争对手共和党“民主”,超级党员的一票相当于普通党员的几千票,这怎么说也不是民主吧。
    2. 希拉里不受大众喜欢这早就不是什么新闻了。不过 Bernie同志这么受欢迎,除了和他自己品德端正、情操高尚以外,还有一点就是普通人内心都有一股对弱者和失败者的同情。就跟很多人喜欢的那首歌那样《阿根廷别为我哭泣》。可以想象,如果今天坐在白宫的是Bernie同志,那么他肯定不会是最受欢迎的政坛人物。而且,很多普通美国人根深蒂固地对社会主义者有巨大的偏见和莫名的恐惧,这也是他们不喜欢Bernie同志的一个原因。
    3. 一直以来都是Bernie的铁杆粉丝,本来觉得自己很小众,现在一下来了那么多人,感觉自己一点都不特别了。
    4. Bernie同志从来都不是民主党人。在国会几十年,一直独来独往,从来都是标榜自己是社会主义者。在民主党正式确认希拉里为提名人的那个下午, Bernie同志的维基百科介绍就又变回无党派人士。这次借着民主党的平台参加总统大选,也不过是借壳生蛋而已。民主党自己当时也是想培养一个弱弱的竞争对手来衬托希拉里的,想不到事与愿违。而 Bernie同志自己从开始竞选的那一刻就应该已经知道自己肯定是不能问鼎白宫的。能走到今天这一步,他应该是很意外的了。对他而言,能当总统固然最好,不能当的话,还是有其他同样重要的追求:变革。或者说变革才是他参加总统竞选的真正目的,发现和发展国内的革命力量,改变目前的现状。
    5. 很多人认为Bernie应该以第三党派人士参加竞选,其实我觉得那样的话,他得到的知名度肯定更小,参考2016年大选的另外两个第三党派,几乎被大家忽略。如果他的目的是当总统的话,第三党派难度更大;如果他的目的是变革的话,第三党派难度也更大。和民主党的这个临时合作其实还是满足了他当时的一些设想的。毕竟更多的人知道Bernie这个人,而且更多的人参加到他的变革活动中。如果以后他们真的成功了,那么 Bernie在2016参加民主党的初选则是这个成功的开始。
    6. 全球民粹盛行,难道真的到了结束资本主义进入GC主义革命的时代了吗?经济学家马克思的预想要开始了吗?

    2017.03.17. 周五



        本文标题:2017-03-17 现在谁是美国政坛最受欢迎的人?《卫报》
