2017-03-22 中美关系的一个“历史性时刻”《经济学人》

2017-03-22 中美关系的一个“历史性时刻”《经济学人》

作者: potatomatoer | 来源:发表于2017-03-22 23:14 被阅读124次

    雷克斯蒂勒森谈到中美关系的一个“历史性时刻”《经济学人》20170320 版权归原作者和杂志所有



    ARE China and America preparing some sort of grand deal, to put their relationship on a new footing? Rex Tillerson appeared to hint at this during his first visit to Beijing as America’s secretary of state on March 18th and 19th. Whether such a deal is really possible is a different matter.


    Before the visit, the State Department’s acting head of Asian affairs said the new administration had not devised a term encapsulating American policy towards Asia, but she suggested it may no longer be called a “pivot”. In an interview during his trip, Mr Tillerson said China and America were at “somewhat of a historic moment” in their relationship. He said they needed to have a “fresh conversation” about what would define it for the next 50 years.


    Perhaps most tellingly, at a news conference with his Chinese counterpart, Wang Yi, Mr Tillerson talked about basing the relationship on “non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect [and] win-win co-operation.” This is a Chinese formulation. Under Barack Obama, the Americans refused to adopt it because China uses the term “mutual respect” to imply that others should respect its “core interests” (such as domination of the South China Sea). Mr Tillerson’s use of the formula caused a backlash in Washington, DC. One Democratic adviser to the previous administration tweeted that it was “a big mistake”. China’s official media also noted it—approvingly.

    翻译: 也许最重要的事情是,在与中方外交部长一起举行的新闻发布会上,蒂勒森先生谈到了要把双方关系建立在“不冲突,不对抗,相互尊重,合作共赢”的基础上。这是中国提出的主张。在奥巴马时期,美国拒绝接受这一提议因为中国使用“相互尊重”一词暗示了其他人应该尊重它的“核心利益”(例如中国南海的统治权)。蒂勒森对这一提议的使用,在华盛顿引起了强烈的反响。前政府的一个民主党参谋在Twitter上写道这是一个“大错误”。中国的官方媒体也特别指出了一点--十分满意地。

    The phraseology is associated with Xi Jinping, China’s president, who, at a summit in 2013, asked Mr Obama to agree to “a new type of major-country relations” based on the principles now being suggested by Mr Tillerson. The Obama administration did not respond. It is possible that the Trump administration might.


    If it does, there are substantial obstacles to clear away first. For one thing, the State Department (like several other departments in Washington, DC) has only a skeleton staff. The official in charge of Asia is a holdover from the Obama team. For another, Mr Trump’s officials are continuing to push diametrically opposing policies. Take trade, which is central to the America-China relationship. Peter Navarro, the head of the National Trade Council, espouses protectionism and confrontation. Gary Cohn, the director of the National Economic Council, supports free trade and co-operation.

    翻译:如果真要这么做,那么这里存在一些必须要先清除的障碍。首先,国务院(和华盛顿其他政府部门一样)现在只有骨干人员,人手不足。负责亚洲关系的官员是任期已满的前奥巴马政府官员。其次,川普政府的工作人员一直在提出完全相反的政策。以中美关系最为核心的贸易为例,Peter Navarro,国家贸易委员会的负责人,主张保护主义和对抗;而Gary Cohn,国家经济委员会的负责人,支持自由贸易和合作。

    Crucially, there are few signs that the traditional disagreements between the sides are becoming easier to manage. Before he arrived in Beijing, Mr Tillerson said that all options (including military force) would be on the table if North Korea persisted with its development of nuclear weapons. That country promptly raised the stakes further by testing a new high-thrust rocket for a ballistic missile. Mr Tillerson’s visit did not appear to narrow differences between China and America over how to deal with Kim Jong Un, the North Korean leader. China wants America and South Korea to end their joint military exercises in exchange for a North Korean freeze of its nuclear and missile programmes. America has rejected the idea.


    On the eve of Mr Tillerson’s departure, American media were filled with reports that the administration was preparing a big new arms sale to Taiwan, which is certain to incur China’s wrath. (Taiwan is paramount among its core interests.) And Axios, an American online newspaper, has reported that White House officials are preparing measures to punish Chinese trade practices in the car business: Chinese tariffs on imported cars are around ten times American levels.


    Mr Trump has reportedly invited Mr Xi to his club at Mar-a-Lago, Florida, in early April. Mr Tillerson did not confirm when the meeting will take place. Perhaps they have too much to talk about before they can agree on a date.




    1. 中美双方完全是可以合作共赢的。一个要“Make China Great Again”,一个要“实现美利坚伟大复兴”,俩人的使命并不抵触。

    2. 我主张自由贸易和经济全球化。贸易不是一个零和游戏,而是一个共赢游戏,对于参与自由贸易的双方来说,都是受益的。因为贸易双方都在干自己擅长的事情,所以创造出了更多的财富总和,这对双方来说都是好的。

    3. 然而即使对一个人来说,金钱和经济都不是全部,更何况是对一个国家而言。总是有些障碍阻止自由贸易的进程。比如要支持民族企业,比如要补贴在自由贸易中利益受损的那部分国内群体。



        本文标题:2017-03-22 中美关系的一个“历史性时刻”《经济学人》
