Kotlin 编码规约
本页包含当前 Kotlin 语言的编码风格。
如需根据本风格指南配置 IntelliJ 格式化程序,请安装 Kotlin 插件1.2.20 或更高版本,转到“Settings | Editor | Code Style | Kotlin”,点击右上角的“Set from...”链接,并从菜单中选择“Predefined style / Kotlin style guide”。
如需验证代码已按风格指南格式化,请转到探查设置(Inspections)并启用“Kotlin | Style issues | File is not formatted according to project settings”探查项。验证风格指南中描述的其他问题(如命名约定)的附加探查项默认已启用。
在混合语言项目中,Kotlin 源文件应当与 Java 源文件位于同一源文件根目录下,并遵循相同的目录结构(每个文件应存储在与其 package 语句对应的目录中
在纯 Kotlin 项目中,推荐的目录结构遵循省略了公共根包的包结构(例如,如果项目中的所有代码都位于“org.example.kotlin”包及其子包中,那么“org.example.kotlin”包的文件应该直接放在源代码根目录下,而
如果 Kotlin 文件包含单个类(以及可能相关的顶层声明),那么文件名应该与该类的名称相同,并追加 .kt 扩展名。如果文件包含多个类或只包含顶层声明,那么选择一个描述该文件所包含内容的名称,并以此命名该文件。使用首字母大写的驼峰风格(例如 ProcessDeclarations.kt
鼓励多个声明(类、顶级函数或者属性)放在同一个 Kotlin 源文件中,只要这些声明在语义上彼此紧密关联并且文件保持合理大小(不超过几百行)。
特别是在为类定义与类的所有客户都相关的扩展函数时,请将它们放在与类自身定义相同的地方。而在定义仅对指定客户有意义的扩展函数时,请将它们放在紧挨该客户代码之后。不要只是为了保存“Foo 的所有扩展函数”而创建文件。
- 属性声明与初始化块
- 次构造函数
- 方法声明
- 伴生对象
Kotlin 遵循 Java 命名约定。尤其是:
open class DeclarationProcessor { …… }
object EmptyDeclarationProcessor : DeclarationProcessor() { …… }
fun processDeclarations() { …… }
var declarationCount = ……
abstract class Foo { …… }
class FooImpl : Foo { …… }
fun Foo(): Foo { return FooImpl(……) }
当且仅当在测试中,可以使用反引号括起来的带空格的方法名。(请注意,Android 运行时目前不支持这样的方法名。)测试代码中也允许方法名使用下划线。
class MyTestCase {
@Test fun `ensure everything works`() { ... }
@Test fun ensureEverythingWorks_onAndroid() { ... }
常量名称(标有 const
的属性,或者保存不可变数据的没有自定义 get
函数的顶层/对象 val
const val MAX_COUNT = 8
val USER_NAME_FIELD = "UserName"
val mutableCollection: MutableSet<String> = HashSet()
保存单例对象引用的属性的名称可以使用与 object
val PersonComparator: Comparator<Person> = ...
对于枚举常量,可以使用大写、下划线分隔的名称(enum class Color { RED, GREEN }
如果一个类有两个概念上相同的属性,一个是公共 API 的一部分,另一个是实现细节,那么使用下划线作为私有属性名称的前缀:
class C {
private val _elementList = mutableListOf<Element>()
val elementList: List<Element>
get() = _elementList
、 PersonReader
、 readPersons
。修改对象或者返回一个新对象的名称也应遵循建议。例如 sort
是对一个集合就地排序,而 sorted
、 Wrapper
、 HttpInputStream
在大多数情况下,Kotlin 遵循 Java 编码规范。
使用 4 个空格缩进。不要使用 tab。
if (elements != null) {
for (element in elements) {
// ……
(注意:在 Kotlin 中,分号是可选的,因此换行很重要。语言设计采用Java 风格的花括号格式,如果尝试使用不同的格式化风格,那么可能会遇到意外的行为。)
在二元操作符左右留空格(a + b
)。例外:不要在“range to”操作符(0..i
、 when
、 for
以及 while
class A(val x: Int)
fun foo(x: Int) { ... }
fun bar() {
绝不在 (
、 [
之后或者 ]
、 )
或者 ?.
左右留空格:foo.bar().filter { it > 2 }.joinToString()
, foo?.bar()
在 //
之后留一个空格:// 这是一条注释
不要在用于指定类型参数的尖括号前后留空格:class Map<K, V> { …… }
不要在 ::
、 String::length
不要在用于标记可空类型的 ?
在以下场景中的 :
- 当它用于分隔类型与超类型时;
- 当委托给一个超类的构造函数或者同一类的另一个构造函数时;
- 在
而当分隔声明与其类型时,不要在 :
在 :
abstract class Foo<out T : Any> : IFoo {
abstract fun foo(a: Int): T
class FooImpl : Foo() {
constructor(x: String) : this(x) { …… }
val x = object : IFoo { …… }
class Person(id: Int, name: String)
class Person(
id: Int,
name: String,
surname: String
) : Human(id, name) { …… }
class Person(
id: Int,
name: String,
surname: String
) : Human(id, name),
KotlinMaker { …… }
class MyFavouriteVeryLongClassHolder :
AndAnotherOne {
fun foo() { ... }
class MyFavouriteVeryLongClassHolder :
fun foo() { ... }
构造函数参数使用常规缩进(4 个空格)。
public / protected / private / internal
expect / actual
final / open / abstract / sealed / const
enum / annotation
private val foo: Foo
除非你在编写库,否则请省略多余的修饰符(例如 public
annotation class JsonExclude
@JsonExclude @JvmField
var x: String
@Test fun foo() { …… }
语句之前,并且用一个空白行与 package
/** 授权许可、版权以及任何其他内容 */
package foo.bar
fun longMethodName(
argument: ArgumentType = defaultValue,
argument2: AnotherArgumentType
): ReturnType {
// 函数体
函数参数使用常规缩进(4 个空格)。
fun foo(): Int { // 不良
return 1
fun foo() = 1 // 良好
如果函数的表达式函数体与函数声明不适合放在同一行,那么将 =
留在第一行。将表达式函数体缩进 4 个空格。
fun f(x: String) =
val isEmpty: Boolean get() = size == 0
对于更复杂的属性,总是将 get
与 set
val foo: String
get() { …… }
private val defaultCharset: Charset? =
如果 if
或 when
语句的条件有多行,那么在语句体外边总是使用大括号。将该条件的每个后续行相对于条件语句起始处缩进 4 个空格。将该条件的右圆括号与左花括号放在单独一行:
if (!component.isSyncing &&
) {
return createKotlinNotConfiguredPanel(module)
将 else
、 catch
、 finally
关键字以及 do/while 循环的 while
if (condition) {
// 主体
} else {
// else 部分
try {
// 主体
} finally {
// 清理
在 when
private fun parsePropertyValue(propName: String, token: Token) {
when (token) {
is Token.ValueToken ->
callback.visitValue(propName, token.value)
Token.LBRACE -> { // ……
when (foo) {
true -> bar() // 良好
false -> { baz() } // 不良
在较长参数列表的左括号后添加一个换行符。按 4 个空格缩进参数。将密切相关的多个参数分在同一行。
x = 10, y = 10,
width = 100, height = 100,
fill = true
在分隔参数名与值的 =
当对链式调用换行时,将 .
字符或者 ?.
val anchor = owner
.siblings(forward = true)
.dropWhile { it is PsiComment || it is PsiWhiteSpace }
Lambda 表达式格式化
在 lambda 表达式中,应该在花括号左右以及分隔参数与代码体的箭头左右留空格。如果一个调用接受单个 lambda 表达式,应该尽可能将其放在圆括号外边传入。
list.filter { it > 10 }
如果为 lambda 表达式分配一个标签,那么不要在该标签与左花括号之间留空格:
fun foo() {
ints.forEach lit@{
// ……
在多行的 lambda 表达式中声明参数名时,将参数名放在第一行,后跟箭头与换行符:
appendCommaSeparated(properties) { prop ->
val propertyValue = prop.get(obj) // ……
foo {
context: Context,
environment: Env
对于较长的文档注释,将开头 /**
* 这是一条多行
* 文档注释。
/** 这是一条简短文档注释。 */
通常,避免使用 @param
与 @return
标记。而是将参数与返回值的描述直接合并到文档注释中,并在提到参数的任何地方加上参数链接。只有当需要不适合放进主文本流程的冗长描述时才应使用 @param
与 @return
// 避免这样:
* Returns the absolute value of the given number.
* @param number The number to return the absolute value for.
* @return The absolute value.
fun abs(number: Int) = ……
// 而要这样:
* Returns the absolute value of the given [number].
fun abs(number: Int) = ……
一般来说,如果 Kotlin 中的某种语法结构是可选的并且被 IDE高亮为冗余的,那么应该在代码中省略之。为了清楚起见,不要在代码中保留不必要的语法元素。
如果函数返回 Unit,那么应该省略返回类型:
fun foo() { // 这里省略了“: Unit”
println("$name has ${children.size} children")
优先使用不可变(而不是可变)数据。初始化后未修改的局部变量与属性,总是将其声明为 val
而不是 var
, List
, Set
, Map
// 不良:使用可变集合类型作为无需改变的值
fun validateValue(actualValue: String, allowedValues: HashSet<String>) { …… }
// 良好:使用不可变集合类型
fun validateValue(actualValue: String, allowedValues: Set<String>) { …… }
// 不良:arrayListOf() 返回 ArrayList<T>,这是一个可变集合类型
val allowedValues = arrayListOf("a", "b", "c")
// 良好:listOf() 返回 List<T>
val allowedValues = listOf("a", "b", "c")
// 不良
fun foo() = foo("a")
fun foo(a: String) { …… }
// 良好
fun foo(a: String = "a") { …… }
typealias MouseClickHandler = (Any, MouseEvent) -> Unit
typealias PersonIndex = Map<String, Person>
Lambda 表达式参数
在简短、非嵌套的 lambda 表达式中建议使用 it
用法而不是显式声明参数。而在有参数的嵌套 lambda 表达式中,始终应该显式声明参数。
在 lambda 表达式中返回
避免在 lambda 表达式中使用多个返回到标签。请考虑重新组织这样的 lambda 表达式使其只有单一退出点。如果这无法做到或者不够清晰,请考虑将 lambda 表达式转换为匿名函数。
不要在 lambda 表达式的最后一条语句中使用返回到标签。
当一个方法接受多个相同的原生类型参数或者多个 Boolean
drawSquare(x = 10, y = 10, width = 100, height = 100, fill = true)
优先使用 try
与 when
return if (x) foo() else bar()
return when(x) {
0 -> "zero"
else -> "nonzero"
if (x)
return foo()
return bar()
when(x) {
0 -> return "zero"
else -> return "nonzero"
还是 when
二元条件优先使用 if
而不是 when
when (x) {
null -> ……
else -> ……
而应使用 if (x == null) …… else ……
如果有三个或多个选项时优先使用 when
在条件中使用可空的 Boolean
如果需要在条件语句中用到可空的 Boolean
, 使用 if (value == true)
或 if (value == false)
(优先使用常规的 for
循环,除非 forEach
的接收者是可空的或者 forEach
使用 until
for (i in 0..n - 1) { …… } // 不良
for (i in 0 until n) { …… } // 良好
优先使用多行字符串而不是将 \n
如需在多行字符串中维护缩进,当生成的字符串不需要任何内部缩进时使用 trimIndent
,而需要内部缩进时使用 trimMargin
val a = """if(a > 1) {
| return a
- 不会抛异常
- 计算开销小(或者在首次运行时缓存)
- 如果对象状态没有改变,那么多次调用都会返回相同结果
放手去用扩展函数。每当你有一个主要用于某个对象的函数时,可以考虑使其成为一个以该对象为接收者的扩展函数。为了尽量减少 API 污染,尽可能地限制扩展函数的可见性。根据需要,使用局部扩展函数、成员扩展函数或者具有私有可视性的顶层扩展函数。
、 to
class Point(val x: Double, val y: Double) {
companion object {
fun fromPolar(angle: Double, radius: Double) = Point(...)
返回平台类型表达式的公有函数/方法必须显式声明其 Kotlin 类型:
fun apiCall(): String = MyJavaApi.getProperty("name")
任何使用平台类型表达式初始化的属性(包级别或类级别)必须显式声明其 Kotlin 类型:
class Person {
val name: String = MyJavaApi.getProperty("name")
fun main() {
val name = MyJavaApi.getProperty("name")
使用作用域函数 apply/with/run/also/let
Kotlin 提供了一系列用来在给定对象上下文中执行代码块的函数:let
、 run
、 with
、 apply
以及 also
在编写库时,建议遵循一组额外的规则以确保 API 的稳定性:
- 总是显式指定成员的可见性(以避免将声明意外暴露为公有 API )
- 总是显式指定函数返回类型以及属性类型(以避免当实现改变时意外更改返回类型)
- 为所有公有成员提供 KDoc 注释,不需要任何新文档的覆盖成员除外
Kotlin 开发者社区
国内第一Kotlin 开发者社区公众号,主要分享、交流 Kotlin 编程语言、Spring Boot、Android、React.js/Node.js、函数式编程、编程思想等相关主题。
Kotlin Coding Conventions
This page contains the current coding style for the Kotlin language.
- Source code organization
- Naming rules
- Formatting
- Documentation comments
- Avoiding redundant constructs
- Idiomatic use of language features
- Coding conventions for libraries
Applying the style guide
To configure the IntelliJ formatter according to this style guide, please install Kotlin plugin version1.2.20 or newer, go to Settings | Editor | Code Style | Kotlin, click on "Set from..." link in the upperright corner, and select "Predefined style / Kotlin style guide" from the menu.
To verify that your code is formatted according to the style guide, go to the inspection settings and enablethe "Kotlin | Style issues | File is not formatted according to project settings" inspection. Additionalinspections that verify other issues described in the style guide (such as naming conventions) are enabled by default.
Source code organization
Directory structure
In mixed-language projects, Kotlin source files should reside in the same source root as the Java source files,and follow the same directory structure (each file should be stored in the directory corresponding to each packagestatement).
In pure Kotlin projects, the recommended directory structure is to follow the package structure withthe common root package omitted (e.g. if all the code in the project is in the "org.example.kotlin" package and itssubpackages, files with the "org.example.kotlin" package should be placed directly under the source root, andfiles in "org.example.kotlin.foo.bar" should be in the "foo/bar" subdirectory of the source root).
Source file names
If a Kotlin file contains a single class (potentially with related top-level declarations), its name should be the sameas the name of the class, with the .kt extension appended. If a file contains multiple classes, or only top-level declarations,choose a name describing what the file contains, and name the file accordingly. Use camel humps with an uppercase first letter(e.g. ProcessDeclarations.kt
The name of the file should describe what the code in the file does. Therefore, you should avoid using meaninglesswords such as "Util" in file names.
Source file organization
Placing multiple declarations (classes, top-level functions or properties) in the same Kotlin source file is encouragedas long as these declarations are closely related to each other semantically and the file size remains reasonable(not exceeding a few hundred lines).
In particular, when defining extension functions for a class which are relevant for all clients of this class,put them in the same file where the class itself is defined. When defining extension functions that make senseonly for a specific client, put them next to the code of that client. Do not create files just to hold"all extensions of Foo".
Class layout
Generally, the contents of a class is sorted in the following order:
- Property declarations and initializer blocks
- Secondary constructors
- Method declarations
- Companion object
Do not sort the method declarations alphabetically or by visibility, and do not separate regular methodsfrom extension methods. Instead, put related stuff together, so that someone reading the class from top to bottom wouldbe able to follow the logic of what's happening. Choose an order (either higher-level stuff first, or vice versa)and stick to it.
Put nested classes next to the code that uses those classes. If the classes are intended to be used externally and aren'treferenced inside the class, put them in the end, after the companion object.
Interface implementation layout
When implementing an interface, keep the implementing members in the same order as members of the interface (if necessary,interspersed with additional private methods used for the implementation)
Overload layout
Always put overloads next to each other in a class.
Naming rules
Kotlin follows the Java naming conventions. In particular:
Names of packages are always lower case and do not use underscores (org.example.myproject
). Using multi-wordnames is generally discouraged, but if you do need to use multiple words, you can either simply concatenate them togetheror use camel humps (org.example.myProject
Names of classes and objects start with an upper case letter and use camel humps:
open class DeclarationProcessor { ... }
object EmptyDeclarationProcessor : DeclarationProcessor() { ... }
Function names
Names of functions, properties and local variables start with a lower case letter and use camel humps and no underscores:
fun processDeclarations() { ... }
var declarationCount = ...
Exception: factory functions used to create instances of classes can have the same name as the class being created:
abstract class Foo { ... }
class FooImpl : Foo { ... }
fun Foo(): Foo { return FooImpl(...) }
Names for test methods
In tests (and only in tests), it's acceptable to use method names with spaces enclosed in backticks.(Note that such method names are currently not supported by the Android runtime.) Underscores in method names arealso allowed in test code.
class MyTestCase {
@Test fun `ensure everything works`() { ... }
@Test fun ensureEverythingWorks_onAndroid() { ... }
Property names
Names of constants (properties marked with const
, or top-level or object val
properties with no custom get
functionthat hold deeply immutable data) should use uppercase underscore-separated names:
const val MAX_COUNT = 8
val USER_NAME_FIELD = "UserName"
Names of top-level or object properties which hold objects with behavior or mutable data should use regular camel-hump names:
val mutableCollection: MutableSet<String> = HashSet()
Names of properties holding references to singleton objects can use the same naming style as object
val PersonComparator: Comparator<Person> = ...
For enum constants, it's OK to use either uppercase underscore-separated names(enum class Color { RED, GREEN }
) or regular camel-humps names starting with an uppercase letter, depending on the usage.
Names for backing properties
If a class has two properties which are conceptually the same but one is part of a public API and another is an implementationdetail, use an underscore as the prefix for the name of the private property:
class C {
private val _elementList = mutableListOf<Element>()
val elementList: List<Element>
get() = _elementList
Choosing good names
The name of a class is usually a noun or a noun phrase explaining what the class is: List
, PersonReader
The name of a method is usually a verb or a verb phrase saying what the method does: close
, readPersons
.The name should also suggest if the method is mutating the object or returning a new one. For instance sort
issorting a collection in place, while sorted
is returning a sorted copy of the collection.
The names should make it clear what the purpose of the entity is, so it's best to avoid using meaningless words(Manager
, Wrapper
etc.) in names.
When using an acronym as part of a declaration name, capitalize it if it consists of two letters (IOStream
);capitalize only the first letter if it is longer (XmlFormatter
, HttpInputStream
In most cases, Kotlin follows the Java coding conventions.
Use 4 spaces for indentation. Do not use tabs.
For curly braces, put the opening brace in the end of the line where the construct begins, and the closing braceon a separate line aligned horizontally with the opening construct.
if (elements != null) {
for (element in elements) {
// ...
(Note: In Kotlin, semicolons are optional, and therefore line breaks are significant. The language design assumesJava-style braces, and you may encounter surprising behavior if you try to use a different formatting style.)
Horizontal whitespace
Put spaces around binary operators (a + b
). Exception: don't put spaces around the "range to" operator (0..i
Do not put spaces around unary operators (a++
Put spaces between control flow keywords (if
, when
, for
and while
) and the corresponding opening parenthesis.
Do not put a space before an opening parenthesis in a primary constructor declaration, method declaration or method call.
class A(val x: Int)
fun foo(x: Int) { ... }
fun bar() {
Never put a space after (
, [
, or before ]
, )
Never put a space around .
or ?.
: foo.bar().filter { it > 2 }.joinToString()
, foo?.bar()
Put a space after //
: // This is a comment
Do not put spaces around angle brackets used to specify type parameters: class Map<K, V> { ... }
Do not put spaces around ::
: Foo::class
, String::length
Do not put a space before ?
used to mark a nullable type: String?
As a general rule, avoid horizontal alignment of any kind. Renaming an identifier to a name with a different lengthshould not affect the formatting of either the declaration or any of the usages.
Put a space before :
in the following cases:
- when it's used to separate a type and a supertype;
- when delegating to a superclass constructor or a different constructor of the same class;
- after the
Don't put a space before :
when it separates a declaration and its type.
Always put a space after :
abstract class Foo<out T : Any> : IFoo {
abstract fun foo(a: Int): T
class FooImpl : Foo() {
constructor(x: String) : this(x) { ... }
val x = object : IFoo { ... }
Class header formatting
Classes with a few primary constructor parameters can be written in a single line:
class Person(id: Int, name: String)
Classes with longer headers should be formatted so that each primary constructor parameter is in a separate line with indentation.Also, the closing parenthesis should be on a new line. If we use inheritance, then the superclass constructor call or list of implemented interfacesshould be located on the same line as the parenthesis:
class Person(
id: Int,
name: String,
surname: String
) : Human(id, name) { ... }
For multiple interfaces, the superclass constructor call should be located first and then each interface should be located in a different line:
class Person(
id: Int,
name: String,
surname: String
) : Human(id, name),
KotlinMaker { ... }
For classes with a long supertype list, put a line break after the colon and align all supertype names horizontally:
class MyFavouriteVeryLongClassHolder :
AndAnotherOne {
fun foo() { ... }
To clearly separate the class header and body when the class header is long, either put a blank linefollowing the class header (as in the example above), or put the opening curly brace on a separate line:
class MyFavouriteVeryLongClassHolder :
fun foo() { ... }
Use regular indent (4 spaces) for constructor parameters.
Rationale: This ensures that properties declared in the primary constructor have the same indentation as properties
declared in the body of a class.
If a declaration has multiple modifiers, always put them in the following order:
public / protected / private / internal
expect / actual
final / open / abstract / sealed / const
enum / annotation
Place all annotations before modifiers:
private val foo: Foo
Unless you're working on a library, omit redundant modifiers (e.g. public
Annotation formatting
Annotations are typically placed on separate lines, before the declaration to which they are attached, and with the same indentation:
annotation class JsonExclude
Annotations without arguments may be placed on the same line:
@JsonExclude @JvmField
var x: String
A single annotation without arguments may be placed on the same line as the corresponding declaration:
@Test fun foo() { ... }
File annotations
File annotations are placed after the file comment (if any), before the package
statement, and are separated from package
with a blank line (to emphasize the fact that they target the file and not the package).
/** License, copyright and whatever */
package foo.bar
Function formatting
If the function signature doesn't fit on a single line, use the following syntax:
fun longMethodName(
argument: ArgumentType = defaultValue,
argument2: AnotherArgumentType
): ReturnType {
// body
Use regular indent (4 spaces) for function parameters.
Rationale: Consistency with constructor parameters
Prefer using an expression body for functions with the body consisting of a single expression.
fun foo(): Int { // bad
return 1
fun foo() = 1 // good
Expression body formatting
If the function has an expression body that doesn't fit in the same line as the declaration, put the =
sign on the first line.Indent the expression body by 4 spaces.
fun f(x: String) =
Property formatting
For very simple read-only properties, consider one-line formatting:
val isEmpty: Boolean get() = size == 0
For more complex properties, always put get
and set
keywords on separate lines:
val foo: String
get() { ... }
For properties with an initializer, if the initializer is long, add a line break after the equals signand indent the initializer by four spaces:
private val defaultCharset: Charset? =
Formatting control flow statements
If the condition of an if
or when
statement is multiline, always use curly braces around the body of the statement.Indent each subsequent line of the condition by 4 spaces relative to statement begin.Put the closing parentheses of the condition together with the opening curly brace on a separate line:
if (!component.isSyncing &&
) {
return createKotlinNotConfiguredPanel(module)
Rationale: Tidy alignment and clear separation of condition and statement body
Put the else
, catch
, finally
keywords, as well as the while
keyword of a do/while loop, on the same line as thepreceding curly brace:
if (condition) {
// body
} else {
// else part
try {
// body
} finally {
// cleanup
In a when
statement, if a branch is more than a single line, consider separating it from adjacent case blocks with a blank line:
private fun parsePropertyValue(propName: String, token: Token) {
when (token) {
is Token.ValueToken ->
callback.visitValue(propName, token.value)
Token.LBRACE -> { // ...
Put short branches on the same line as the condition, without braces.
when (foo) {
true -> bar() // good
false -> { baz() } // bad
Method call formatting
In long argument lists, put a line break after the opening parenthesis. Indent arguments by 4 spaces.Group multiple closely related arguments on the same line.
x = 10, y = 10,
width = 100, height = 100,
fill = true
Put spaces around the =
sign separating the argument name and value.
Chained call wrapping
When wrapping chained calls, put the .
character or the ?.
operator on the next line, with a single indent:
val anchor = owner
.siblings(forward = true)
.dropWhile { it is PsiComment || it is PsiWhiteSpace }
The first call in the chain usually should have a line break before it, but it's OK to omit it if the code makes more sense that way.
Lambda formatting
In lambda expressions, spaces should be used around the curly braces, as well as around the arrow which separates the parametersfrom the body. If a call takes a single lambda, it should be passed outside of parentheses whenever possible.
list.filter { it > 10 }
If assigning a label for a lambda, do not put a space between the label and the opening curly brace:
fun foo() {
ints.forEach lit@{
// ...
When declaring parameter names in a multiline lambda, put the names on the first line, followed by the arrow and the newline:
appendCommaSeparated(properties) { prop ->
val propertyValue = prop.get(obj) // ...
If the parameter list is too long to fit on a line, put the arrow on a separate line:
foo {
context: Context,
environment: Env
Documentation comments
For longer documentation comments, place the opening /**
on a separate line and begin each subsequent linewith an asterisk:
* This is a documentation comment
* on multiple lines.
Short comments can be placed on a single line:
/** This is a short documentation comment. */
Generally, avoid using @param
and @return
tags. Instead, incorporate the description of parameters and return valuesdirectly into the documentation comment, and add links to parameters wherever they are mentioned. Use @param
only when a lengthy description is required which doesn't fit into the flow of the main text.
// Avoid doing this:
* Returns the absolute value of the given number.
* @param number The number to return the absolute value for.
* @return The absolute value.
fun abs(number: Int) = ...
// Do this instead:
* Returns the absolute value of the given [number].
fun abs(number: Int) = ...
Avoiding redundant constructs
In general, if a certain syntactic construction in Kotlin is optional and highlighted by the IDEas redundant, you should omit it in your code. Do not leave unnecessary syntactic elements in codejust "for clarity".
If a function returns Unit, the return type should be omitted:
fun foo() { // ": Unit" is omitted here
Omit semicolons whenever possible.
String templates
Don't use curly braces when inserting a simple variable into a string template. Use curly braces only for longer expressions.
println("$name has ${children.size} children")
Idiomatic use of language features
Prefer using immutable data to mutable. Always declare local variables and properties as val
rather than var
ifthey are not modified after initialization.
Always use immutable collection interfaces (Collection
, List
, Set
, Map
) to declare collections which are notmutated. When using factory functions to create collection instances, always use functions that return immutablecollection types when possible:
// Bad: use of mutable collection type for value which will not be mutated
fun validateValue(actualValue: String, allowedValues: HashSet<String>) { ... }
// Good: immutable collection type used instead
fun validateValue(actualValue: String, allowedValues: Set<String>) { ... }
// Bad: arrayListOf() returns ArrayList<T>, which is a mutable collection type
val allowedValues = arrayListOf("a", "b", "c")
// Good: listOf() returns List<T>
val allowedValues = listOf("a", "b", "c")
Default parameter values
Prefer declaring functions with default parameter values to declaring overloaded functions.
// Bad
fun foo() = foo("a")
fun foo(a: String) { ... }
// Good
fun foo(a: String = "a") { ... }
Type aliases
If you have a functional type or a type with type parameters which is used multiple times in a codebase, prefer defininga type alias for it:
typealias MouseClickHandler = (Any, MouseEvent) -> Unit
typealias PersonIndex = Map<String, Person>
Lambda parameters
In lambdas which are short and not nested, it's recommended to use the it
convention instead of declaring the parameterexplicitly. In nested lambdas with parameters, parameters should be always declared explicitly.
Returns in a lambda
Avoid using multiple labeled returns in a lambda. Consider restructuring the lambda so that it will have a single exit point.If that's not possible or not clear enough, consider converting the lambda into an anonymous function.
Do not use a labeled return for the last statement in a lambda.
Named arguments
Use the named argument syntax when a method takes multiple parameters of the same primitive type, or for parameters of Boolean
type,unless the meaning of all parameters is absolutely clear from context.
drawSquare(x = 10, y = 10, width = 100, height = 100, fill = true)
Using conditional statements
Prefer using the expression form of try
, if
and when
. Examples:
return if (x) foo() else bar()
return when(x) {
0 -> "zero"
else -> "nonzero"
The above is preferable to:
if (x)
return foo()
return bar()
when(x) {
0 -> return "zero"
else -> return "nonzero"
versus when
Prefer using if
for binary conditions instead of when
. Instead of
when (x) {
null -> ...
else -> ...
use if (x == null) ... else ...
Prefer using when
if there are three or more options.
Using nullable Boolean
values in conditions
If you need to use a nullable Boolean
in a conditional statement, use if (value == true)
or if (value == false)
Using loops
Prefer using higher-order functions (filter
, map
etc.) to loops. Exception: forEach
(prefer using a regular for
loop instead,unless the receiver of forEach
is nullable or forEach
is used as part of a longer call chain).
When making a choice between a complex expression using multiple higher-order functions and a loop, understand the costof the operations being performed in each case and keep performance considerations in mind.
Loops on ranges
Use the until
function to loop over an open range:
for (i in 0..n - 1) { ... } // bad
for (i in 0 until n) { ... } // good
Using strings
Prefer using string templates to string concatenation.
Prefer to use multiline strings instead of embedding \n
escape sequences into regular string literals.
To maintain indentation in multiline strings, use trimIndent
when the resulting string does not require any internalindentation, or trimMargin
when internal indentation is required:
val a = """if(a > 1) {
| return a
Functions vs Properties
In some cases functions with no arguments might be interchangeable with read-only properties.Although the semantics are similar, there are some stylistic conventions on when to prefer one to another.
Prefer a property over a function when the underlying algorithm:
- does not throw
- is cheap to calculate (or caсhed on the first run)
- returns the same result over invocations if the object state hasn't changed
Using extension functions
Use extension functions liberally. Every time you have a function that works primarily on an object, consider making itan extension function accepting that object as a receiver. To minimize API pollution, restrict the visibility ofextension functions as much as it makes sense. As necessary, use local extension functions, member extension functions,or top-level extension functions with private visibility.
Using infix functions
Declare a function as infix only when it works on two objects which play a similar role. Good examples: and
, to
, zip
.Bad example: add
Don't declare a method as infix if it mutates the receiver object.
Factory functions
If you declare a factory function for a class, avoid giving it the same name as the class itself. Prefer using a distinct namemaking it clear why the behavior of the factory function is special. Only if there is really no special semantics,you can use the same name as the class.
class Point(val x: Double, val y: Double) {
companion object {
fun fromPolar(angle: Double, radius: Double) = Point(...)
If you have an object with multiple overloaded constructors that don't call different superclass constructors andcan't be reduced to a single constructor with default argument values, prefer to replace the overloaded constructors withfactory functions.
Platform types
A public function/method returning an expression of a platform type must declare its Kotlin type explicitly:
fun apiCall(): String = MyJavaApi.getProperty("name")
Any property (package-level or class-level) initialised with an expression of a platform type must declare its Kotlin type explicitly:
class Person {
val name: String = MyJavaApi.getProperty("name")
A local value initialised with an expression of a platform type may or may not have a type declaration:
fun main() {
val name = MyJavaApi.getProperty("name")
Using scope functions apply/with/run/also/let
Kotlin provides a variety of functions to execute a block of code in the context of a given object: let
, run
, with
, apply
, and also
.For the guidance on choosing the right scope function for your case, refer to Scope Functions.
Coding conventions for libraries
When writing libraries, it's recommended to follow an additional set of rules to ensure API stability:
- Always explicitly specify member visibility (to avoid accidentally exposing declarations as public API)
- Always explicitly specify function return types and property types (to avoid accidentally changing the return type
when the implementation changes) - Provide KDoc comments for all public members, with the exception of overrides that do not require any new documentation
(to support generating documentation for the library)