

作者: 啊攀攀了 | 来源:发表于2019-07-10 17:25 被阅读0次

    今天听的优质课,是深圳的李温和老师讲的一堂英语诗《A RED RED ROSE》。李老师,选择诗歌的题材,很新颖,也有难度。但是李老师,通过朗读,欣赏,创作,三个环节,让学生不仅理解了这首诗的意思,而且欣赏了英语诗歌的美。还应用从课堂上学到对诗歌的鉴赏知识,创作了一首属于自己的诗歌。

    让我也学到了,鉴赏诗歌要从四个方面:主题(theme),意象(image),韵脚(rhyme),修辞(figure of speech) 。

    Good morning everyone. I know you have read some Chinese poems before, right? But today we are going to try something different. And we are going to appreciate an English poem together  and create a poem with the help of ipad.

    First look at this handsome man. Oh what is he holding?  Yes a red rose.  And what will come to your mind when we say red rose? Love, anything else?  How about you? This handsome boy?  A famous romantic poet, Robert Burns, also used a rose to show his love in his beautiful poem:  A red red rose. Can you sense the differences between A Red Rose and a Red Red Rose?  Which shows the stronger emotions? Let's appreciate the poem together and see how  he showed his love in his poem. I'm going to read the poem to you while you are listening. Please think about this question: What is the theme of the poem?

    ( The teacher began to read the poem while music was played in the background. )

                    A RED RED ROSE
                      Robert Burns
    Oh, my love is like a red, red rose,
    That's newly sprung in June.
    Oh, my love is like a melody,
    That's sweetly played in tune.
    As fair as you, my bonnie lass,
    So deep in love am I;
    And I will love you still, my dear,
    Till all the seas gone dry.
    Till all the seas gone dry, my dear,
    And the rocks melt with the sun;
    I will love you till, my dear,
    While the sands of life shall run
    And fare you well, my only love!
    And fare you well, a while!
    And I will come again, my love,
    Though it were ten thousand mile.

    (After reading, students give a big applause to the teacher)

    Thank you very much. That is a poem. How do you feel now?  Now you know the theme of the poem. The thing is about a love story.

    Let's see here: Why does the poem use a red red rose to express his love? Why not use a vegetable? Why not use a yellow rose? ( The teacher is holding a red rose) You can see it. Smell it and even feel it. Why does the poet use a red rose here? Because the repetition can let out the emotion. Do you have anything you do no understand in the poem?

    Since you have a general understanding of the poem, let's feel the poem again.  Let's feel the poem again. And let's be an actor , shall we? I would like you to work in pairs, read the poem to your parnter. Imagine you are the poet and read the poem to your only love.




