Python Challenge[10]

Python Challenge[10]

作者: Recgat | 来源:发表于2017-02-09 23:01 被阅读0次

[Level 10]

Title: what are you looking at?

len(a[30]) = ?

除此之外,源码中没其他提示,图片牛的区域可点击,进去的网页显示a = [1, 11, 21, 1211, 111221,找到规律,再求出len(a[30])即可。

import re
e = '1'
a = [e]
for i in range(30):
  temp = ''
  while e:
    x = e[0]
    c = re.match('{0}+'.format(x),e).end()
    temp += str(c) + x
    e = e[c:]
  e = temp

21表示2个1(11),1211表示1个2,1个1(21)略坑。最终答案是5808[Level 11]

Python Challenge Wiki


a = '1'
for i in range(30):
a = ''.join(map(lambda x: repr(len(x))+x[0], re.findall('(1+|2+|3+)', a)))

或者`a = ''.join([str(len(i+j))+i for i,j in re.findall(r'(\d)(\1*)', a)])`



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