Spine pro - 快捷键

Spine pro - 快捷键

作者: UX咖啡馆 | 来源:发表于2020-07-15 13:25 被阅读0次

Spine 动画软件的常用快捷键。

常用 Common

Ctrl + Z -> Undo
Ctrl + Y -> Redo
Ctrl + Shift + Z -> Redo
Ctrl + O -> Open project
Ctrl + S -> Save project
Ctrl + E -> Export

工具 Tools

B -> Pose tool
G -> Weights tool
N -> Create tool
C -> Rotate tool
V -> Translate tool
X -> Scale tool
Z -> Shear tool

视图 Visibility

Ctrl + B -> View Bones
Ctrl + I -> View Images
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + B -> View Bones names
Ctrl + Shift + Alt + I -> View Images names

窗口 Views

Alt + T -> Tree
Alt + D -> Dopesheet
Alt + P -> Playback
Alt + G -> Graphs
Alt + R -> Preview

动画模式 Animation Mode

D -> Play Animation (forward)
A -> Play Animation (backwards)
Q -> Jump to start
E -> Jump to end
F -> Jump to the previous frame
R -> Jump to the next frame


Ctrl + ALT -> Offset mode
Space -> Deselect
Ctrl + R -> Enable /Disable looping



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    本文标题:Spine pro - 快捷键
