

作者: 易渔_ | 来源:发表于2018-11-19 16:35 被阅读23次

    Police作名词时,是个很常用的词,意思是“警方; 警察部门; 警察”。其实,它也可以当动词用,一层意思是“维持治安,监督/管辖”,还有层意思是“整理,使整洁”。

    比如,2018年10月26日这期的 Science 上,有篇标题为 Rethinking Retractions 的专题,里面就有把police当动词用的例子:

    1. The rise of retractions seems to reflect not so much an epidemic of fraud as a community trying to police itself. (易渔的粗译:被撤回的文章增多,与其说是反映了学术造假的盛行,不如说是反映了学术界正努力端正风气。)
    1. Given the simultaneous rise in retractions, that pattern suggests journals are collectively
      doing more to police papers, says Daniele Fanelli, a lecturer in research methods at the London School of Economics and Political Science who has co-written several studies of retractions. (易渔的粗译:鉴于被撤回的文章数量同时增多,那个模式表明,众多期刊都在共同努力,采取更多措施监控论文……)

    Police 作动词算不上罕见用法,比如2018年5月5日的 The Economist 上就有例子:

    Syria used to treat the Palestinians well. They were provided with health care and education and allowed to own homes. Many worked for the government. Mr Assad gave Palestinian security forces arms and training to police their camps. (易渔注:这句说的是叙利亚对待流落到它境内的巴勒斯坦难民的态度。粗译一下:叙利亚以前对巴勒斯坦难民很好,给他们提供卫生保障,让他们接受教育,还让他们有了自己的家。总统阿萨德为巴勒斯坦安全部队提供了武器和培训,让他们能维持营地的治安。)

    再如2018年3月24日的 The Economist 上也有例子,在一篇讨论 Facebook 的数据丑闻的文章中有这样的句子:

    As some users turn away, politicians in America and Europe are likely to give Facebook more of their attention. They are scrutinising Facebook’s conduct and may propose new laws, especially in the domain of data privacy. In May regulations concerning data protection and user consent will come into effect in Europe. America has historically been weak on data protection, except for specific industries like health care. Overworked regulators have typically responded to reports of misconduct on a case-by-case basis, and the online advertising industry has been trusted to police itself. (易渔注:这个太长,就不试译了)

    说啥都不如查词典,来看看 police 词条:

    美国传统词典上的police.jpg 牛津高阶英汉双解词典上的police词条.jpg



