2020-02-23 20/20异象系列之四:好牧人 (约翰福音

2020-02-23 20/20异象系列之四:好牧人 (约翰福音

作者: 羊皮卷的味道 | 来源:发表于2020-02-23 13:02 被阅读0次
Steven Lee 李司提反
John 10:7–15 约翰福音10:7-15
7 So Jesus again said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. 8 All who came before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not listen to them. 9 I am the door. If anyone enters by me, he will be saved and will go in and out and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. 11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. 13 He flees because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. 14 I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. 7 于是耶稣又说:“我实实在在告诉你们,我就是羊的门。 8 所有在我以先来的,都是贼和强盗;羊却不听从他们。 9 我就是门,如果有人藉着我进来,就必定得救,并且可以出、可以入,也可以找到草场。 10 贼来了,不过是要偷窃、杀害、毁坏;我来了,是要使羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛。 11 我是好牧人,好牧人为羊舍命。 12 那作雇工不是牧人的,羊也不是自己的,他一见狼来,就把羊撇下逃跑,狼就抓住羊群,把他们驱散了; 13 因为他是个雇工,对羊群漠不关心。 14 我是好牧人,我认识我的羊,我的羊也认识我, 15 好像父认识我,我也认识父一样;并且我为羊舍命。
The last three weeks we’ve looked at various passages that address the task of shepherding and oversight in the church. These have been sobering messages for us who serve as elders. This morning we look at a text that undergirds our understanding of the task of shepherding by examining the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ. 前面三周我们研读了几处讲教会牧养和监督的经文。这些对我们作长老的来说都是很严肃的提醒。今天早上我们要看的是支撑性的经文,我们关于牧养教义的理解是要察验好牧人,耶稣基督。
This message is not to convince of the wisdom of the changes or transitions the elders are proposing. We can talk about strategies, tactics, structure, and long-term future, but in this morning I mainly want to help us see the beauty and splendor of Christ. As we look at the trees of shepherding, let’s not lose sight of the forest of the Chief Shepherd himself. 这个信息不是用来让我们信服长老们提议的变更或过渡所包含的智慧。我们可以讨论策略、战术、架构或长久的未来,但今天早上我主要想让我们来看基督的荣美。当我们看到牧养之树,不要看不见大牧长那森林本身。
If you’ve been around church for some time, you may have heard a message or two about how dumb sheep are. These are dumb animals that will run off the ravine, eat excrement, wander off, jump off cliffs, and so forth. We may have heard stories of shepherds needing to break the legs of the sheep and then carrying them on his back. This morning is not about the stupidity of sheep, but rather the glory of the Good Shepherd. 如果你在教会待过一段时间,你可能就会听得到至少一两篇讲道信息讲的是羊有多笨。这些羊是愚笨的动物,会掉到沟里,吃屎,迷路,跳崖,等等。我们可能会听到故事说牧人不得不打断羊的腿,好把它们背回去。今天我们也不是在讲羊有多笨,而是要瞻仰好牧人的荣耀。
Main Point: By his death, Jesus gathers his sheep to himself by name, gives them abundant life, and guides them as the Good Shepherd. Knowing these truths about Jesus transforms everything. 要点:因祂的死,耶稣照着名字召集祂的羊,赐它们丰盛的生命,像好牧人一样带领它们。知道关于耶稣的这些真理会让一切都变得不同。
First we want to look at the two main controlling metaphors in our passage: 首先我们要看这段经文中两个主要的隐喻:
• Sheep enter through the door of Jesus (7–10). 羊经过耶稣的门进出(7-10节)
• Jesus is the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep (11–15). 耶稣是好牧人,为羊舍命(11-15节)
• Then, we’ll seek to apply these truths and see the implications of them. 然后,我们来应用这些真理,并挖掘其中隐含的意义。
Before we look at John 10, let me situate us to the context. John 10 comes right on the heels of his healing of the man born blind (John 9). Jesus heals him, the Pharisees and religious leaders are angry, they question him and his parents, and eventually the man is cast out of the synagogue (9:34). Don’t miss this, the blind man (now healed) sees Jesus, and the Pharisees (with no vision impairment) are spiritually blind. 在我们看约翰福音10章之前,让我们来了解其上下文。约翰福音10章紧跟在祂医治生盲者(第9章)之后。耶稣医治了他,法利赛人和宗教领袖们却很生气,他们质问他及其父母,最终这个人被赶出会堂(9:34)。不要忽视了这一点,盲人(现在治愈了)看见了耶稣,而法利赛人(肉眼没有病)在灵里却是瞎眼的。
The Pharisees exhibit a threefold blindness. They are blind to Jesus’ power to heal (9:3), blind to Jesus as the light of the world (9:5), and blind to their spiritual blindness (9:40–41). 法利赛人表现了三重盲目。他们看不见耶稣医治的大能(9:3),看不见耶稣是世界的光(9:5),看不见他们自己属灵的瞎眼(9:40-41)。
My aim this morning, in the midst of all the conversation about live preaching and campus specific QSMs, is for us not to lose sight of and to fully trust the Good Shepherd of our souls. 我今天早上的目的是,在我们讨论关于现场讲道、各堂区季度战略会议等等事务的时候,让我们不要看不见我们灵魂的好牧人,让我们完全信靠祂。
OVERVIEW OF JOHN 10:1–6 总结约翰福音10:1-6
In verses 1–6, Jesus teaches that there is a mutual recognition between a shepherd and his sheep. The image is of a large sheep pen comprised of the sheep of various families or shepherds, with a hired gatekeeper to guard them in the night. In the morning, the shepherds comes and calls out to them with his distinctive voice or sound, and his sheep recognize him and follow him out of the pen to find pasture. This is contrasted with a thief and robber that enters by another way, like unlike the Pharisees of John 9 that cast the healed man out of the synagogue (9:34). 在1-6节中,耶稣教导说,牧人和羊互相认识。这意象是一个大羊圈,里面的羊属于好几个家庭或牧人,有一个雇来看门人在晚上守夜。到了早上,牧人们来用他们各自不同的嗓音来呼叫他们各自的羊,他的羊认识他,跟着他出了羊圈去找草地。与之成对比的是,一个小偷或强盗,以另一种方式来,就像约翰福音9章中的法利赛人,把被医治好的人赶出会堂(9:34)。
There is a deep intimacy between Jesus and his sheep. John 10:4, “the sheep follow him, for they know his voice. A stranger they will not follow, but they will flee from him, for they do not know the voice of strangers.” Thieves and robbers—like the Pharisees and religious leaders—are strangers, unfamiliar, and seek to use the sheep, but Jesus knows his sheep and his sheep know him. 在耶稣和祂的羊之间有很深的亲密关系。约翰福音10:4-5说:“他把自己的羊领出来以后,就走在前头,羊也跟随他,因为认得他的声音。牠们决不会跟随陌生人,反而逃避他,因为不认得陌生人的声音。”小偷和强盗——就像法利赛人和宗教领袖——是陌生人,不认识,想要利用羊,但耶稣认识祂的羊,祂的羊也认识祂。
Recently on Twitter (a bastion of thoughtful engagement) I read a tweet by an atheist organization mocking Christianity that read like this: “Christianity: Belief that one God created a universe 13.79 billion yrs old, 93 billion light yrs in diameter (1 light yr = approx. 6 trillion miles), consisting of over 200 billion galaxies, each containing ave. of 200 billion stars, only to have a personal relationship with you.”1 John 10 tells us that Jesus “calls his own sheep by name” (John 10:3). 最近在推特(一个深思熟虑的碉堡)上我读到一个无神论组织嘲笑基督教的一条推文:“基督教:相信一位神创造了一个宇宙,有130亿7千9百万岁,直径有930亿光年(1光年大约有6万亿英里),包含了2千亿个星系,每个星系大约有2千亿个恒星,只是为了跟你有一个个人的关系。”约翰福音10章告诉我们耶稣“按着名字呼叫自己的羊”(10:3)。
SHEEP GATE (10:7–10) 羊门(10:7-10)
The people didn’t understand Jesus’ teaching, so he proceeds to use another related metaphor. Jesus says, “I am the door of the sheep.” Surprisingly, Jesus calls himself a sheep gate, expanding upon the metaphor of sheep and shepherd. This might be harkening back to Psalm 118:20, “This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous shall enter through it.” 人们不理解耶稣的教导,所以祂接着用另一个相关的隐喻。耶稣说:“我就是羊的门。”出人意外的是,耶稣称自己为羊的门,扩展了羊和牧人的隐喻。这可能回应诗篇118:20:“这是耶和华的门,义人才可以进去”
Here Jesus contrasts thieves and robbers who had gone before him, such as false Messiahs, Israel’s leaders, Pharisees, and others. The thief comes only to “steal and kill and destroy” (10:10) but Jesus comes so that his sheep might have life, and have it abundantly! 这里耶稣对比在祂之前来的小偷和盗贼,比如假弥赛亚、以色列的领导、法利赛人及其他。盗贼来不过是要“偷窃、杀害、毁坏”(10:10)但耶稣来是要祂的羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛!
The image here is of Jesus as the entryway into God’s kingdom, into his family, or into the safety of his flock. This is not unlike John 14:6, where Jesus makes an exclusive claim, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” There is no other way into God’s kingdom and family apart from Jesus. 这里的意像是耶稣作为入口,藉着祂进入神的国,进入祂的家,或进入祂羊群的平安。这就像约翰福音14:6,耶稣作了一个排他性的宣告:“我就是道路、真理、生命,如果不是藉着我,没有人能到父那里去。”除了耶稣,没有别的路可以进入神的国和神的家。
These verses are a simple picture of the gospel. Especially for those unbelievers among us who are asking questions and not fully convinced of what the Bible says. This is Jesus himself saying that we live in a world where there are forces that want to steal, kill, and destroy you and your joy. Our world is full of things that rob us of joy: anxiety over the coronavirus, current political election, opioid epidemic, health failures and crisis, and dozens of other things that rob our joy. And Jesus tells us in no uncertain terms that if you’re in his family, you have the God of the universe on your side. Jesus gives salvation, spiritual nourishment, and abundant life. 这些经节是一幅福音的速写,特别是对于我们中间的不信者,他们在问问题,但还没有完全相信圣经所说的。这是耶稣亲自说我们生活在一个充满邪恶力量的世界里,这些邪恶势力总想偷窃、杀害和毁坏你和你的快乐。我们的世界充满着剥夺我们喜乐的东西:为新冠病毒担忧,为即将来临的大选操心,为毒品泛滥忧心,为健康问题和健康危机忧虑,诸如此类的诸多事情在掠夺我们的喜乐。耶稣用毫不迟疑的口吻告诉我们说,如果你在祂的家里,祂就有宇宙君王上帝站在你这边。耶稣赐予救恩、属灵的滋养和丰盛的生命。
At the final judgment the Bible says that Jesus will separate the sheep and the goats. 到了最后的审判,圣经说耶稣将把绵羊和山羊分开。
Matthew 25:33–34, 41 马太福音25:33-34,41
“[33] And he will place the sheep on his right, but the goats on the left. [34] Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world.” 32 万族要聚集在他面前,他要把他们彼此分开,好像牧羊人把绵羊和山羊分开一样: 33 把绵羊放在右边,山羊放在左边。
[41] Then he will say to those on his left, ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” 41 王也要对左边的说:‘你们这被咒诅的,离开我,到为魔鬼和他的使者所预备的永火里去吧!
This morning is a plea for you to heed the voice of the Good Shepherd, to listen and follow him. Jesus came that you “may have life and have it abundantly,” and he makes that possible because he died to take the punishment for your sins against an infinitely holy God. He knows you, and he’s calling you to come and find life, nourishment, safety, and security in Christ. 今天早上,我要呼召你们来听好牧人的声音,听从跟随祂。耶稣来就是要让你“得生命,并且得的更丰盛。”祂也让这成为可能,因为祂的死就是要承担我们对无限圣洁之神犯罪的刑罚。祂认识你,祂正在呼召你来,在基督里找到生命、滋养、安全和保障。
The whole point of the book of John’s Gospel is “so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31). So we plead with you to believe in the Son of God. Jesus desires to be the Good Shepherd of your soul. 整本约翰福音的目的就是“要你们信耶稣是基督,是 神的儿子,并且使你们信了,可以因他的名得生命”(约翰福音20:31)。所以我们呼吁你,相信神的儿子。耶稣渴望做你灵魂的好牧人。
For those who are trusting in Jesus this morning—though we wander, we are fearful and anxious, we are overwhelmed and flustered—Jesus gives us abundant life. Call to mind Psalm 23. Our shepherd leads us beside still waters, we lie down in green pastures, we have our souls restored, we walk down paths of righteousness for his names sake, and we will not fear evil. Or consider Psalm 16:11 “You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Isaiah 40:11 tells us of his shepherding care: “He will tend his flock like a shepherd; he will gather the lambs in his arms; he will carry them in his bosom, and gently lead those that are with young.” 对于已经相信耶稣的人——尽管我们会迷路,会害怕和担忧,会惊惶不知所措——耶稣赐给了我们丰盛的生命。想想诗篇23.我们的牧人带领我们到可安歇的水边,我们躺卧在青草地上,我们的灵魂甦醒,我们为祂的名走义路,我们不怕遭害。或想想诗篇16:11“你必把生命的路指示我,在你面前有满足的喜乐, 在你的右手中有永远的福乐。”以赛亚书40:11告诉我们祂的牧养:“他必像牧人牧养自己的羊群,像用膀臂聚集羊羔, 抱在自己的怀中, 慢慢引导乳养小羊的。”
Jesus gathers his sheep to himself in safety, and gives them abundant life in Christ. Now in 11–15 he calls himself the Good Shepherd. 耶稣聚集祂的羊到自己安全的所在,给牠们在基督里丰盛的生命。现在11-15节中祂称自己为好牧人。
GOOD SHEPHERD (11–15) 好牧人(11-15节)
Jesus calls himself the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep. The contrast here is with the “hired hand” who flees because he doesn’t care. Essentially, “you don’t pay me enough to risk my life” whereas the Good Shepherd protects at great cost, putting himself in mortal danger. 耶稣称自己为好牧人,为羊舍命。这里与之对比的是“雇来的人”逃跑了,因为他不在乎羊。根本上是在说:“你没有付我足够的钱,我犯不着拿自己的生命冒险”但是好牧人不惜代价,冒死相救。
In the metaphor, a good shepherd is one who is willing, at cost to himself and by putting himself in danger, to protect the sheep. Like King David as a shepherd boy in 1 Samuel 17:34–35, “34 But David said to Saul, “Your servant used to keep sheep for his father. And when there came a lion, or a bear, and took a lamb from the flock, 35 I went after him and struck him and delivered it out of his mouth.” 在隐喻中,一个好牧人是心甘情愿,付上自己为代价,置自己于危险之中来保护羊。就像撒母耳记上17:34-35中大卫王就是一个这样的牧羊娃:“34 大卫对扫罗说:“你仆人是为父亲放羊的,有时狮子或熊来了,从羊群中抓去一只小羊, 35 我就出去追赶牠,击打牠,从牠的嘴里把小羊救出来。如果牠起来攻击我,我就揪住牠的胡须,击打牠,把牠杀死。”
Look at the contrast between the hired hand and Jesus himself. Verse 12 says, “He who is a hired hand and not a shepherd, who does not own the sheep, see the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and flees, and the wolf snatches them and scatters them.” There is a striking difference between the hired hand and the good shepherd. This image of the good shepherd contrasts with what we read Zechariah 11:17, “Woe to my worthless shepherd, who deserts the flock! May the sword strike his arm and his right eye! Let his arm be wholly withered, his right eye utterly blinded!” 看看雇工和耶稣之间的对比。第12节说:“那作雇工不是牧人的,羊也不是自己的,他一见狼来,就把羊撇下逃跑,狼就抓住羊群,把他们驱散了。”在雇工和好牧人之间有惊人的对比。这好牧人的意像与撒迦利亚书11:17的坏牧人成巨大反差:“那丢弃羊群的无用牧人有祸了! 愿刀剑落在他的膀臂和他的右眼上; 愿他的膀臂全然枯槁, 愿他的右眼完全失明!”
Perhaps one of the most fearful passages is God’s condemnation of shepherds of Israel: 也许最可怕的经文之一是神谴责以色列的牧者:
Ezekiel 34:2–6 “Thus says the Lord GOD: Ah, shepherds of Israel who have been feeding yourselves! Should not shepherds feed the sheep? 3 You eat the fat, you clothe yourselves with the wool, you slaughter the fat ones, but you do not feed the sheep. 4 The weak you have not strengthened, the sick you have not healed, the injured you have not bound up, the strayed you have not brought back, the lost you have not sought, and with force and harshness you have ruled them. 5 So they were scattered, because there was no shepherd, and they became food for all the wild beasts. My sheep were scattered; 6 they wandered over all the mountains and on every high hill. My sheep were scattered over all the face of the earth, with none to search or seek for them.” 以西结书34:2-6“ 2 “人子啊! 你要说预言攻击以色列众牧者;你要对他们说预言:‘主耶和华这样说:以色列众牧者有祸了! 他们只顾牧养自己。牧者岂不应当牧养羊群吗? 3 你们吃脂油、穿羊毛,宰肥壮的羊,却不牧养羊群。 4 瘦弱的,你们没有养壮;患病的,你们没有医治;受伤的,你们没有包紮;被赶散的,你们没有领回;迷失的,你们没有寻找;你们反而用强暴严严地管辖牠们。 5 牠们没有牧人,就分散了,作了田野一切走兽的食物。 6 我的羊在众山和各高冈上流离;牠们分散在全地上,没有人去寻,也没有人去找。”
This is a sharp and brutal rebuke for the shepherds of Israel. God then makes a promise of his personal shepherding care through a shepherd like David. 这是对以色列的牧者尖锐而不留情面的谴责。神然后应许要藉着像大卫一样的牧人来亲自牧养他们。
Ezekiel 34:23–25 “23 And I will set up over them one shepherd, my servant David, and he shall feed them: he shall feed them and be their shepherd. 24 And I, the LORD, will be their God, and my servant David shall be prince among them. I am the LORD; I have spoken. 25 I will make with them a covenant of peace and banish wild beasts from the land, so that they may dwell securely in the wilderness and sleep in the woods.” 以西结书34:23-25“23 我必立一个牧人,就是我的仆人大卫,看管牠们,牧养牠们。他必牧养牠们,作牠们的牧人。 24 我耶和华必作牠们的 神,我的仆人大卫要在牠们中间作领袖。我耶和华已经说了。 25 我必与牠们立平安的约,使恶兽从境内灭绝,牠们就可以在旷野安居,在树林中躺卧。”
Notice the stark difference between the shepherd and the hired hand. A hired hand has no care or concern for the welfare of the sheep. Whereas a shepherd cares for their flourishing, welfare, and safety of the sheep. A hired hand see danger and threats and flees, leaving the sheep to be devoured and scattered. A shepherd knows his sheep, cares for his sheep, and remains to protect the sheep. 请注意牧人与雇工之间的强烈反差。一个雇工不关心羊群的福祉。而牧人关心羊群的兴盛、福祉和安全。一个雇工看见危险或威胁就逃跑,任由羊群被吞吃、赶散。牧人认识祂的羊,关爱祂的羊,留下来保护羊群。
But the statement “I am the good shepherd who lays down his life for the sheep” is actually a really bad scenario. It’s a surprising statement because the death of a shepherd would have been terrible. If the shepherd is dead, then all the sheep are exposed to the elements, predators, and are sheep literally without any guidance, protection, or care. They are ripe for the picking for any thief, robber, predator, or dangerous terrain. Dead shepherds are not good shepherds, except in the case of Jesus Christ. 但“我是好牧人,好牧人为羊舍命”的宣告实际上真的是可怕的情节。这是让人惊讶的宣告,因为牧人的死将是可怕的。如果牧人死了,那所有的羊就暴露在各种危险和掠食者面前,羊群就真的没有了带领、保护或关怀。它们成了盗贼、掠食者的美餐,或死在危险的地形。死牧人不是好牧人,除了耶稣基督例外。
Jesus is the good shepherd precisely because he dies, precisely because he provides the needed sacrifice for sinners. He dies on the cross, which is what makes him a good shepherd. Jesus is good because he knows his sheep, loves his sheep, cares for his sheep, and his sheep know him. But Jesus is good most foundationally because Jesus sacrifices himself for his sheep as the Lamb of God (now blurring metaphors again). And Jesus’ words make explicit so that there would be no confusion at his crucifixion. There is intentionality in Jesus dying. Jesus was not an unwilling participant that was dragged along, powerless to prevent his death, and blindsided by the cross. No. Jesus lays down his life for the sheep. He does so intentionally, purposefully, and with the rescue of his sheep in view. We have a glorious Savior and a Good Shepherd in Christ! 耶稣是好牧人,恰恰是因为祂死了,恰恰是因为祂为罪人提供了所需要的献祭。祂死在十字架上,正是这让祂成为好牧人。耶稣是好的,因为祂认识祂的羊,爱祂的羊,关怀祂的羊,而祂的羊也认识祂。但耶稣是好的,最本质上而言是因为耶稣为祂的羊牺牲自己,作了神的羔羊(现在这些隐喻融合成一团了)。耶稣的话说得很明显,这样在祂被钉十字架的时候就不会搞错。耶稣的死是有目的性的。耶稣不是一个不情愿的参与者,被拖着拽着,无力避免自己的死亡,对十字架猝不及防。不是的。耶稣为羊舍命。祂有意这样做,为要救祂的羊。我们在基督里拥有一位荣耀的救主和好牧人!
This is made explicit in Hebrews 13:20­–21, “Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead the Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of the eternal covenant, equip you with everything good that you may do his will, working in us that which is pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever. Amen.” There is no Good Shepherd apart of the shedding of blood. 这在希伯来书13:20-21说得很清楚:“20 愿赐平安的 神,就是那凭着永约的血,把群羊的大牧人我们的主耶稣,从死人中领出来的那一位, 21 在一切善事上成全你们,好使你们遵行他的旨意;又藉着耶稣基督在我们里面,行他所喜悦的事。愿荣耀归给他,直到永永远远。阿们。”如果没有流血,就没有好牧人。
With no uncertainty, Jesus declares himself to be the good shepherd. But Jesus goes even further, he says “I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father” (10:14–15). Jesus knows his sheep just as the Father knows the Son, and the Son knows the Father. This is perhaps one of the most profound statements Jesus makes here. 耶稣毫不含糊地宣告自己是好牧人。不仅如此,耶稣还进一步说:“我认识我的羊,我的羊也认识我,好像父认识我,我也认识父一样”(10:14-15)。耶稣认识祂的羊,正如圣父认识圣子,圣子也认识圣父。这也许是耶稣在这里所说的意味最为深远的一句话。
How well does God know Jesus, or does Jesus know God? Perfectly. Intimately. Fully. No deficit. There is a constant, overflowing, and eternal love between the Father and the Son. There is nothing about the Son that the Father does not know. There is nothing in person and nature of the Father that the Son does not partake in. 神如何认识耶稣,或耶稣如何认识神?完美,亲密,完全,没有缺陷。在圣父与圣子之间有永恒持续不间断的爱的流淌。关于子,没有父不知道的。在圣父的位格与属性中圣子也完全有份。
Jesus says he knows his own and his own know him like that. There is a profound and glorious image of how much Jesus knows and loves his sheep. Because of Jesus’ death, we have entrance into his kingdom, abundant life in Christ, and a Good Shepherd of our souls. 耶稣说祂认识祂自己的羊,祂自己的羊也认识祂,就像圣父子之间一样。这是一个深刻而荣耀的意像,描绘耶稣如何认识和关爱祂的羊。因为耶稣的死,我们有了进入祂国度的门,在基督里有丰盛的生命,我们的灵魂有好牧人。
So what do we do with these truths about Jesus as the sheep gate and as the good shepherd? Three things I want us to remember this morning. 那么我们该如何应用耶稣是羊门和好牧人这样的真理?我希望大家记住三件事。
(1) You Are God’s Beloved Sheep (1)你是被神所爱的羊
You are God’s beloved sheep. Jesus says “I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father” (John 10:15). Jesus says to us, “I know you as deeply, intimately, and with a heart disposition of love and joy as the God knows me deeply, intimately, and with a heart disposition of love and joy.” How much does the Father know and love the Son? Infinitely. Fully. No hint of reservation to the Father’s love. And vice versa. There is no reservation to Jesus’ love for you if you’ve been washed in his blood. This is not a mushy, sentimental love, but a reality rooted in the cross, carried out at Calvary that will echo for all eternity: you are God’s beloved sheep. 你是被神所爱的羊。耶稣说:“我认识我的羊,我的羊也认识我,好像父认识我,我也认识父一样”(10:15)。耶稣对我们说:“我认识你们深沉,亲密,真情的爱与喜乐,就像神认识我一样深沉,亲密,真情的爱与喜乐。”圣父认识并喜爱圣子的程度如何?无限。完全。父的爱没有一点保留。反之亦然。如果你已经被耶稣的血洗净,祂对你的爱也是毫无保留。这不是多愁善感、矫揉造作的爱,而是一个现实,扎根于十字架,实现在加略山上,在永恒中回响:你是神所爱的羊。
Don’t base your self-worth in your performance, success, likeability, productivity, respectability, or accomplishments. Your self-worth and value is in Christ, and you are infinitely valuable. Every child of God is of great and infinite worth because Jesus was willing to pay with his own blood to redeem us. 不要将你的自我价值建立在绩效、成功、可爱、效率、受人尊敬或成就上。你的自我价值是在基督里,你有无限的价值。每一个神的儿女都有无限的价值,因为耶稣甘心用自己的血为代价来赎卖我们。
(2) You Have a Good Shepherd (2)你有一位好牧人
Second implication we ought to see is that we have a good shepherd in Christ Jesus. He is leading and guiding you. The metaphors that Jesus uses are helpful to see the contrast of how Jesus cares for his sheep: 我们应该看到的第二个隐含意义是我们在基督耶稣里有一个好牧人。祂正在引领带领你。耶稣所用的隐喻很有助于我们看到耶稣如何关爱祂的羊及其反衬。
• Jesus is not a thief or robber. He doesn’t want you so he can sell you on the black market. So he can get something out of you. So he can benefit from you. Instead he lays down his life for you so that you might have life and have it abundantly. His commands are not burdensome, but lead us to abundant life and joy. 耶稣不是小偷或盗贼。祂想要你,不是为了要把你卖到黑市里,从你那里捞到什么,从你那里得什么好处。相反,祂为你舍命,是要让你得生命,并且得的更丰盛。祂的命令不是重担,而是带领我们得丰盛的生命和喜乐。
• Jesus is not a stranger. God calls us with an irresistible love so that when we hear his voice, we know him deep in our souls, his voice and truth is familiar and causes our hearts to burn, and we know him and follow him. Do not harden your heart to the Good Shepherd. Turn from sin, self-sufficiency, self-condemnation, and other insufficient saviors and return to the Good Shepherd of our souls. 耶稣不是陌生人。神用不可抗拒的爱呼召我们,为了要我们一听到祂的声音就在我们灵魂深处认得祂,祂的声音和真理是为我们所熟悉的,让我们心中火热,我们认识祂并跟随祂。不要对好牧人硬着你的心。转离罪、自我满足、自我谴责及其它各种不胜任的救主,回转到我们灵魂的好牧人这里来。
• Jesus is not a hired hand. He doesn’t see danger and run the other direction. He doesn’t do it for the wages, or for what he can get out of it. He doesn’t flee when things get tough. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. He knows, loves, and cares for the sheep with his own life, with his own blood. He knows and loves his sheep like God the Father knows and loves Jesus. 耶稣不是雇工。祂不是一看见危险扭头就跑。祂不是为了工钱,或为了捞什么好处。当事情变得棘手时祂并不逃走。耶稣是好牧人。祂认识,祂爱,并关心祂的羊,用祂自己的生命和自己的宝血。祂认识羊,爱羊,正如父神认识耶稣,爱耶稣那样。
(3) Your Under Shepherds Are Looking to Good Shepherd (3)你们的牧者正在仰望好牧人
I have intentionally tried to not draw a straight line between the Good Shepherd and the changes and transition we’re talking about. Yes your elders want to know you, but we won’t know you like Jesus, and Jason, Dave, or I won’t know each and every single one of you. 我故意不要在“好牧人”和我们正在谈论的变更与过渡之间画一条直线。是的,你们的长老们想要认识你们,但我们不会像耶稣那样认识你们,杰森、戴夫或者我都不会认识你们中的每一位。
Elders, overseers, pastors aspire to shepherd more like the Good Shepherd. As has been said previous weeks already, we know that we will have to give an account for how we cared for and protected those entrusted to us (Hebrews 13:17). The elders of Bethlehem are indeed eager to shepherd the flock that is among us, exercising oversight, willingly, not for shameful gain, and as examples to the flock (1 Peter 5:1–4). This passage is both beautiful and sobering. We are not Jesus. We are not the Good Shepherd, but we look to him in our shepherding task. Consider the following: 长老们,监督们,牧师们渴慕更像好牧人那样来牧养。正如前几周说过的,我们知道我们将要为我们所照顾和保护交托给我们的羊交账(希伯来书13:17)。伯利恒教会的长老们真的渴望牧养在我们中间的羊群,执行监督的职责,甘心乐意,不是出于贪心,而是要做羊群的榜样(彼得前书5:1-4)。这段经文既优美又发人深省。我们不是耶稣。我们不是好牧人,但我们在牧养工作中仰望祂。请考虑以下:
• We model our ministry after the Good Shepherd. We want to know those we are called to serve. We want to know, feed, lead, and protect the sheep, in preaching and teaching, leading, and providing pastoral care. 我们的服事效法好牧人。我们想要认识那些我们蒙召要去服事的那些人。我们想要认识、喂养、带领和保护羊群,通过讲道、教导、带领以及提供牧养关怀。
• We labor to be approved and faithful. We want to labor not as thieves, robbers, strangers, or hired hands, but those who “do [their] best to present [themselves] to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). 我们劳苦为要忠心得称许。我们不想像小偷、盗贼、陌生人或雇工那样,而是要像那些“竭力在 神面前作一个蒙称许、无愧的工人,正确地讲解真理的道”(提摩太后书2:15)。
• We are sheep. We too are sheep, and we need the Good Shepherd. Interact with any of your elders and you know that we are sinners in need of grace. We are beggars that have found bread and get to point fellow beggars to the Bread of Life. Your under shepherds are first sheep that need a Good Shepherd to lead them. 我们是羊。我们也是羊,我们需要好牧人。你和任何一位长老打交道就会知道,我们是需要恩典的罪人。我们是乞丐,得到了粮食,就给乞丐伙伴指向那生命的粮。你们的牧者们是领头羊,需要好牧人来带领他们。
We will labor imperfectly, sinning at times, and yet we’re eager to shepherd this flock entrusted to us with wisdom and care. 我们劳作并不完美,有时也会犯罪,然而我们依然热切希望用智慧和关爱来牧养交托给我们的羊群。
In the midst of all this conversation possible change and transition, which makes some really excited and others don’t like change, be reminded that our hope and trust is not on strategies, tactics, FAQs, models or methods, but our hope and trust remains on our Good Shepherd. He will lead and guide his people, and he will build his church. And as you pray, consider these changes, and ask good questions, place your trust not in Jason, not in Dave, not in Ken, not in Steven, but on the Good and Chief Shepherd of our souls. 在这关于变更与过渡的所有对话中,有些人很喜欢,有些人则不喜欢改变,请记住,我们的盼望和信心不在于策略、战术、常见问答、模式或方法,我们的盼望和信心总在于我们的好牧人。祂会引导带领祂的百姓,祂会建造祂的教会。当你们祷告的时候,请思考这些变更,提好问题,不是把信心放在杰森、戴夫、肯恩、或司提反身上,而是在我们灵魂的好牧人和大牧长身上。
Shepherding is not the end goal. Shepherding leads to delighting in Jesus, and mature, godly, blood-bought, God-centered, Word-saturated disciples that make disciples. All of this is so that we can get out there and fulfill our mission. Jesus himself tells us in John 10:16, “I have other sheep that are not of this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice.” In this context he might have been talking about the Gentiles that he would bring in, but today, as God’s people, when we open our mouths to bear witness of the risen Lord Jesus Christ, we get to be used by God as Jesus’ voice that would beckon others into his everlasting flock. So let’s not lose sight of the mission of the church as we live out our calling as disciple making disciples who know and follow the voice of our Good Shepherd. 牧养不是最终目的。牧养引导人喜爱耶稣,成熟、敬虔、血赎、以神为中心、被神话语浸透的门徒也会培养门徒。所有这一切是为了我们可以走出去,实现我们的使命。耶稣在约翰福音10:16中亲自告诉我们:“我还有别的羊,不在这羊圈里;我必须把牠们领来,牠们也要听我的声音。”在这上下文中祂可能是在说外邦人,祂也要带来。但今天,作为神的子民,当我们开口为复活的主耶稣基督作见证,我们要被神用作耶稣的喉舌,招呼他们进入祂永恒的羊群中。让我们不要忘记教会的使命,我们活出作门徒培养门徒的呼召,真门徒认得我们好牧人的声音,并且跟随祂。
Sermon Discussion Questions 讲道讨论问题
Sermon Title: The Good Shepherd 讲道标题:好牧人
Sermon Text: John 10:7–15 讲道经文:约翰福音10:7-15
Main Point: By his death, Jesus gathers his sheep to himself by name, gives them abundant life, and guides them as the Good Shepherd. 要点:藉着祂的死,耶稣按着名字聚集祂的羊群,给他们丰盛的生命,并像好牧人那样带领他们。
Outline: 纲要:
1. Jesus is the sheep gate (7–10). 1.耶稣是羊的门(7-10节)
2. Jesus is the good shepherd (11–15) 2.耶稣是好牧人(11-15节)
3. Application & Implications 3.应用与意义
Discussion Questions: 讨论问题
1. What is some of the surrounding context that gives rise to Jesus’ teaching in John 10:7–15? (See John 9) 1.约翰福音10:7-15中耶稣的教导有什么上下文铺垫?(见约翰福音9章)
2. What are some of the contrasts that Jesus highlights between himself and others? Why? 2.耶稣强调了祂自己和其他人之间的什么差别?为什么?
3. What are some other sheep/shepherd passages in the Bible that add texture to our understanding of this passage? (e.g., Ezekiel 34, Psalm 23) 3.圣经中还有哪些有关羊/牧人的经文为我们理解今天的经文锦上添花?(例:以西结书34章,诗篇23)
4. What is the significance of Jesus as sheep gate (7–10) and good shepherd (11–15)? 4.耶稣是羊门(7-10节)和好牧人(11-15节)有什么重要意义?
Application Questions: 应用问题:
5. In light of John’s purpose in writing (John 20:31), what should we do in response to these truths and who might we share this good news with? 5.鉴于约翰写作的目的(约翰福音20:31),我们应该如何回应这些真理,我们可以向哪些人分享这个好消息?
6. How does the truth of being God’s beloved sheep combat some of the lies we’re tempted to believe about ourselves? 6.我们是神所爱的羊这个真理如何帮助我们战胜关于自己的一些谎言?
7. How does Jesus as the Good Shepherd elicit in us fresh praise, adoration, and worship for who he is and what he does? 7.耶稣作为好牧人如何促使我们对祂所是及祂所作的发出历久弥新的赞美、爱慕和敬拜?
8. Your elders as under shepherds look mainly to the Good Shepherd, and are likewise sheep. How does that truth help you pray for your elders? How does that help you appreciate their labors, but not unduly idolize them? 8.你们的长老们作为下属牧者主要要仰望好牧人,他们同样也是羊。这个真理如何帮助你为长老们祷告?如何帮助你感谢他们的劳苦,而不是过度地以他们为偶像?
9. How does the ministry of Jesus as Good Shepherd relate to some of our church-wide conversations about preaching and transition? 9.耶稣作为好牧人的服事与我们全教会关于讲道与过渡的对话有什么关系?
Prayer Focus: 祷告聚焦:
Praise God for dying for sinners in order to give them entrance into his kingdom, and for being the Good Shepherd, who knows, loves, and shepherds his people. Confess your sins of failing to trust him, being blind to his love and care, or for putting our trust in other people or things. Thank him for rescue, redemption, and for his present love, care, and protection as our Good Shepherd. Ask God to help you to trust him in all the trials and challenges of life, and for open doors to introduce this Good Shepherd to those without the hope of Jesus. 赞美神!因祂为罪人死,为要让他们进入祂的国度;祂是好牧人,认识、关爱、牧养祂的子民。承认你不信的罪,看不见祂的爱与关怀,或把我们的信心放在其他人事物上面。感谢祂为祂拯救、救赎,为祂作我们的好牧人爱我们,关心我们,保护我们。祈求神帮助你在各样的试验和挑战中信靠祂,也为向那些还没有耶稣里的盼望之人引介这位好牧人而开门。



      本文标题:2020-02-23 20/20异象系列之四:好牧人 (约翰福音
