The Joy Luck Club - Two Kinds

The Joy Luck Club - Two Kinds

作者: lnori | 来源:发表于2019-01-02 17:57 被阅读4次



    After reading the Joy Luck Club, we may have such a feeling that even if the rain falls in torrential rain, the four mothers and daughters can still stand up to their chests, face life squarely, and grin generously.

    对于Li Do和Waverly来说,正是因为身为母亲的Li Do经历过被控制的人生,才会那么希望女儿能够不妥协,不受控,做真正自由的自己。而对于An Mei和Rose来说,做一个独立自尊的女性,而不是依附男人的花朵,才是她们真正所追求的东西吧。最后,Ying ying和Lena,我认为她们正是整个故事中最具悲剧性的存在,遇人不淑导致的人生悲剧带来的创伤是最难抚平的,但也正因如此,她们才更明白选择一个能够爱你,珍惜你的人有多么重要。

    For Li Do and Waverly, it is because Li Do, as a mother, has lived a controlled life, that she wants her daughter to be uncompromising, uncontrollable, and truly free of herself. For An Mei and Rose, being an independent, self-respecting woman, rather than being attached to a man's flower, is what they really want. Then Ying ying and Lena, I think they are the most tragic existence in the whole story, the most difficult to heal the trauma caused by the tragedy of human life, but also because of this, they know how important to choose someone who love and cherish you!

    我们回到我们文章的主线——Suyuan和Jinmei,她们彼此珍惜,却因为误会成为了相互折磨的“恶魔”。就母亲suyuan来讲,她希望Jinmei成为“天才”而寄予厚望,就女儿Jinmei来说,她因为对自己的失望而焦虑且无所适从,于是母女的情感开始背道而驰,误会阻挡了她们相互了解、理解的脚步,就像文章的标题说的那样,Two Kinds,另类,对于母女来说,对方正是自己眼中的“另类”,完全不同的存在。

    Let's back to the main line of our article-Suyuan and Jinmei, they cherish each other, but because of misunderstanding, they became other's torture "evil." For the mother, suyuan, she wanted Jinmei to be a "genius," but for the daughter, Jinmei, she was anxious and disapointes about the truth that she was not even very snart, so the relationship began to diverge. Misunderstanding blocked their way to understand each other, as the title of the article said that, Two Kinds, alternative, for the mother and daughter, the other side is in their eyes, "alternative", completely different existence.


    Generally speaking, Joy Luck Club wants to reflect a lot of things, such as American dream, mother-daughter love, cultural conflict in that social background, and also  the rise of female consciousness. Personally, I prefer the mother-daughter relationship, because it is closer to the reality of our own life. Through this article, I think we can all think more about the relationship between ourselves and our mothers, or even our fathers.



          本文标题:The Joy Luck Club - Two Kinds
