An ecology of Hurt (摘錄)by Nora Bateson
Small Arcs of Larger Circles: Framing Through Other Patterns
Forgiveness is not actually something you give,or make,or force. Forgiveness is about something learned. Learning must take place, not just any learning, but learning that bridges the emotional, intellectual and physical realms.
....the fact that someone can hurt me means I care.
Caring enables us to learn, perhaps because the resentment is too difficult to sustain,Learning means we can heal and evolve. Fake forgiveness, just like fake orgasms, is not good for the overall ecology of the relationship.
With learning comes the capacity to learn again. To be alive is to accept the possibility of pain and to know that one day another form of pain will manifest.
When hurt gets too painful and repetitive, we might try this approach:
1. Allow complexity. 允許複雜
2. Pause the impulse to find cause. 暫停衝動的慾望尋找到原因
3. Increase mutual learning within the situation. 對於情況當中相互學習到的理解
4. Previously in-seeable possibilities appear. 看見之前未見可能性的出現
5. Repeat steps 1-5 indefinitely 無限期的重複這五步驟
There are infinite ways to approach approaching. 接近有無限的方式
says nils frahm