A Good morning. We are extremely pleased that you are here. It is good to come together for the purpose of co-creating, do you agree? Take thought beyond that which it has been before? Adding to the expanse of the Universe, fulfilling your reason for being, focusing from the perspective of who-you-really-are? Coming into vibrational alignment with that which is really you? Focusing with others who are also exploring the contrast for the purpose of arriving at new decisions about what you want? Recognizing that the new decision is out there in a new frequency that you are not accustomed to, but knowing it because you can tell by the way you feel that you're not vibrationally up to speed with it yet? Recognizing it by utilizing your knowledge of your own Guidance System, your emotional basis that lets you know the vibrational frequency of the Source Energy part of you that you 've just expanded to, that the human part of you is not yet caught up with...? Recognizing that that yearning or that discomfort in not yet having this newly hatched desire is an indicator that you' ve just a little bit off vibrationally? And then feeling your way into emotional comfort so that you can feel that you've come vibrationally into alignment with who-you-are?
Truly, friends, does it get any better than that? Leading-edge creators in leading-edge bodies, backed up by the Energy that creates worlds, having at your fingertips the access to Infinite Intelligence? Don't you love your life? Don't you love your life? Well, we always push a little there because... Well, we love your life. We love your life We are appreciating. We are appreciating all that you bring to All-That-Is.
We appreciate that you have not just willingly but eagerly projected yourself into this physical body, this leading edge time-space reality that you have not just willingly but eagerly embarked on this adventure of exploring contrast. That you were willing to come forth into all of this variety. Not one of you ever asking for a feathered nest, every one of you knowing that have within you Guidance to help you to discern and decide and discover expansion, joyous expansion... You know that,