How to read a book chap 12

How to read a book chap 12

作者: Fry17 | 来源:发表于2017-01-11 22:16 被阅读0次





4 types of extrinsic aids

1. relevant experiences

-common experiences

--relevant to fiction, philosophy books and history books

-special experiences

--relevant to scientific works and history books

2. other books

-read them according to time order

-fiction and plays can be read in isolation.

3. commentary and abstract

use them sparingly

2 reasons

-is not necessarily right

-is not necessarily complete

1 advice

-read them after getting through the book

4. reference books

4 kinds of knowledge

-have some idea of what you want to know

-know where to find out you want to know

-know how the particular work is organized

-know it is considered knowable by the author or complilers of the book

4.1. dictionary

find out how to spell and pronounce words

4 points about words:

1.words are physical things--writable words and speak-able sounds.

2.words are parts of speech.

3.words are signs.

4.words are conventional.

4.2. encyclopedia

look up dates and places and other simple facts

4 points about facts:

1.facts are propositions.

2.facts are true propositions.

3.facts are reflections of reality.

4.facts are to some extent conventianal.

Words and phrases

1. partake

This is because history partakes both of the fictional and the scientific.
How to read a book chap 12

2. exhaustive

How to read a book chap 12 How to read a book chap 12

3. at one's mercy

How to read a book chap 12

4. digest

How to read a book chap 12

5. creep in

How to read a book chap 12


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