- Jane Wang 的Scalers Talk 6th roun
- Jane Wang 的Scalers Talk 6th roun
- Jane Wang 的Scalers Talk 6th roun
- Jane Wang 的Scalers Talk 6th roun
- Jane Wang 的Scalers Talk 6th roun
- Jane Wang 的Scalers Talk 6th roun
- Jane Wang 的Scalers Talk 6th roun
- Maze的Scalers Talk 6th round 新概念朗
- Maze的Scalers Talk 6th round 新概念朗
- Maze的Scalers Talk 6th round 新概念朗
Lesson24 It could be worse
ˈlɛsn24// ɪt// kəd ///b/i wɜːs
I entered the hotel manager's office and sat down.
//aɪ// ˈɛntəd// ðə// həʊˈtɛl// ˈmænɪʤəz// ˈɒfɪs// ənd //sæt //daʊn
I had just lost £50 and I felt very upset.
//aɪ// həd //ʤəst //lɒst// £50// ənd //aɪ //fɛlt//ˈvɛri //ʌpˈsɛt
' I left the money in my room,' I said,
//aɪ //lɛft//ðə //ˈmʌni //ɪn //maɪ//ruːm///aɪ/ sɛd,
'and it's not there now.'
//ənd// ɪts// nɒt// ðeə //naʊ
The manager was sympathetic, but he could do nothing.
//ðə// ˈmænɪʤə// wəz //sɪmpəˈθɛtɪk// bət// hi //kəd //dʊ //ˈnʌθɪŋ
'Everyone's losing moneythese days,' he said.
//ɛvrɪwʌnz// ˈluːzɪŋ// ˈmʌni// ðiːz// deɪz//hi// sɛd
He started to complain about this wicked world but was interruptedby a knock at the door.
//hi// ˈstɑːtɪd //tə //kəmˈpleɪn//əˈbaʊt//ðɪs//ˈwɪkɪd//wɜːld//bət//wəz//ˌɪntəˈrʌptɪd //baɪ//ə //nɒk//at the// dɔː
A girl came in and put an envelope on his desk.
//ə// gɜːl //keɪm//ɪn// ənd//pʊt //ən//ˈɛnvələʊp//ɒn// ɪz //dɛsk
It contained £50.
//ɪt// kənˈteɪnd// £50
'I found this outside this gentleman's room' she said.
//aɪ//faʊnd//ðɪs //aʊtˈsaɪd// ðɪs// ˈʤɛntlmənz// ruːm//ʃi //sɛd
'Well,' I said to the manager,
//wɛl// aɪ// sɛd/// tə/ ðə// ˈmænɪʤə
'there is still some honesty in this world!
//ðə //z /stɪl //səm //ˈɒnɪsti //ɪn //ðɪs //wɜːld!
L0+ L4