Recently, I've noticed a few things about human behaviour. Currently, in New Zealand, it's the holiday season and with no homework, many kids stay home and play games or do other entertaining activities. Noticing this in myself as well, I have deduced two main lessons.
Firstly, children (especially) willingly do things that they like. The massive increase in video games and entertainment shows that children like these activities and therefore are proactively willing to do these things. On the other hand, not many children are willing to go and study, showing that they don't like to study. It's only human nature for people to do what they like and avoid what they don't like, but through this, I've learnt that you can't choose what you want to do if you want to be successful. And I learnt it the hard way.
[Speaking of 'learning the hard way', I would like to elaborate on this idea. I've also noticed that people learn and implement life lessons idea. I've also noticed that people learn and implement life lessons better if they've learnt the hard way and that they tend to try to help other people to help avoid them from experiencing the same pain. Human psychology.]
The road to success will never be smooth and planned, therefore you won't always be given things you like to do. So linking back to my example, if children want to be successful at school and more importantly outside of school, they must realise, and then do some things that may not appeal to them as much as games and entertainment.
Secondly, I've noticed that, upon freedom, time-wise, pressure and many other types, people become susceptible to addiction. During my holiday break, I've noticed that without someone or something to concern over, patterns develop and without those things to concern me, don't break and become addictions. Especially I've noticed that during school term, I never voluntarily pick up my phone and start playing games. But now in the holidays, I've developed the addiction for games and is playing around 3-4 hours per day. So then I thought. How do I pull myself out of the abyss of addiction and over relaxation? The same as the first example, we must realise. By realising what we are doing we can tell ourselves if something is working or not and change by it.
By Realising that you have an addiction and it is a burden in your life, you can then change it with the realisation that you can't relax too much forever and it's time to do the things that you don't enjoy to break your previous bad patterns and make a better change.
Ultimately, out of my two weeks of relaxation and realisation, I've learnt that realisation is the key to success and happiness. By realising what you're doing wrong, you can make the changes you need to fix it and by realising what's working, you can continue to use the same strategies and 'ingredients' to make it happen again.
最近,我注意到了有关人类行为的一些事情。 目前,在新西兰,这是假期,没有作业,许多孩子留在家中玩游戏或进行其他娱乐活动。 我自己也注意到了这一点,因此得出了两个主要的教训。
首先,儿童(尤其是)愿意做自己喜欢的事情。 视频游戏和娱乐活动的大量增加表明,孩子们喜欢这些活动,因此他们主动愿意做这些事情。 另一方面,很少有孩子愿意去读书,这表明他们不喜欢读书。 人们做自己喜欢的事情并回避自己不喜欢的事情只是人类的天性,但是据此,我了解到,要想成功,就无法选择自己想做的事情。 而且我是很难学到的。
[谈到“努力学习”,我想详细阐述一下这个想法。 我还注意到人们学习并实施了人生课程的想法。 我还注意到,如果人们已经学会了艰辛的方法,他们会更好地学习和实施生活课程,并且他们倾向于尝试帮助他人来避免遭受同样的痛苦。 人类心理学。]
成功之路永远不会是平坦且有计划的,因此,您不会总是得到喜欢做的事情。 因此,回到我的例子中,如果孩子们想要在学校取得成功,更重要的是在学校外取得成功,他们必须意识到,然后做一些可能对他们没有吸引力的事情,比如游戏和娱乐。
其次,我注意到,在自由,时效,压力和许多其他类型的影响下,人们容易上瘾。 在放假期间,我注意到没有人或某事要关注,模式就会发展,没有那些我要关注的东西,请不要休息并成瘾。 尤其是我注意到,在上学期间,我从未自愿拿起电话开始玩游戏。 但是现在在假期中,我已经沉迷于游戏,每天大约要玩3-4个小时。 所以我想。 我该如何使自己摆脱成瘾和过度放松的深渊? 与第一个示例相同,我们必须意识到。 通过意识到我们正在做的事情,我们可以告诉自己是否有什么事情在起作用,然后进行改变。
通过意识到自己会上瘾,这是生活中的负担,然后您可以意识到自己不能永远放松太多,现在该做些自己不喜欢的事情来打破以前的习惯,从而改变自己 不良的模式并做出更好的改变。
最终,在两周的放松和实现中,我了解到实现是成功和幸福的关键。 通过意识到自己在做错的事情,可以进行修复所需的更改,并且通过了解正在起作用的事情,可以继续使用相同的策略和“成分”来使它再次发生。