

作者: 冥想音 | 来源:发表于2017-04-10 23:07 被阅读34次

Part One    Composition

(碎碎念:觉得好难,每天接收新任务最烦恼的就是如何结合实际需求,想了半天还是写个年终工作总结会议吧,今天从itinerary、agenda、schedule、rundown中选择agenda. 其实不难的,第一,先抓住agenda侧重写什么——列席人员+会议目标+主要项目,第二,搭好结构再填充各项目内容,恩,第一次写期望不要太高。)

Agenda of The 2016 Annual Summary And Appraisal General Assembly of XXX Company 

Time: 8:00 am Wednesday, January 11th, 2017

Location: Conference Room 1, on the 3rd floor of Center Building

Attendees: All Staff

Special individuals present: XXX( Vice Mayor), XXX(Deputy Head of AIC), XXX (General Manager of XY Company)

Moderator: XXX(Production Department Manager)

Objective: To summarize the work of 2016 and discuss the blueprint of 2017. Additionally, appraisal ceremony of outstanding performance awards for excellent employees will be held.

8:00 am to 8:40 am                       I. Opening Ceremony

                                                         A. Introduction of leaders and guests by the moderator

                                                         B. Address by Manager Director XXX

                                                         C. Guest Speech by Vice Mayor XXX

8:40 am to 10:20 am                      II. Read the work report of 2016 by General Manager XXX

10:20 am to 10:40 am                    Break

10:40 am to 12:00 am                    III. Read the outline of 2017's work plan by Manager         Director XXX

12:00 am to 1:30 pm                      Lunch and Break

1:30 pm to 3:30 pm                       IV. Presentations of 2016’s achievements by Research and Development Manager XXX and engineer XXX, as well as customer services’ progress by Sales Manager XXX

3:30 pm to 4:00 pm                      V. Ceremony of outstanding performance awards for excellent employees

4:00 pm to 4:30 pm                      VI. Q&A

4:30 pm to 5:00 pm                      VII. Closing Ceremony

                                                        D. Address by Manager Director XXX

                                                        E. Guest Speech by Deputy Head of AIC XXX

5:30 pm to 6:30 pm                      Dinner


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