1. General impressions of the book
I have never read a fiction book before,but I watched several fiction films in the past a few years.Before reading,I began to imagined what' s in this book.Is it familiar with fiction films I watched in the cinema?The earth has been attacked by some Aliens,and a group of people flew to other planets to fight with the aliens.Finally, the earth people won the war.However this book is different.Firstly It has nothing to do with the war against the enemies,it's about scientific research.Although many details of chemical reactions or math problems were described in this book,it was easy to understand even if you are not expertise in chemistry or math field,So you don't have to spend much time and effort in figuring out what the problem was. Secondly,the word in this book is much easier compared to the book the Omnivore's dilemma we read last month,As a consequence,you will have no difficulty going through it.At present,I have a deep interest in reading this book.
2. A lot of details have been put into the book, especially in terms of how everything works. In Chapter 1, for example, Mark describes the entire route of the Mars expedition. Now this is going to be very unorthodox, but could you DRAW this route? (Since most of you, or all, are reading on a digital device, and in order not to mess with your reading progress, one of these questions will suffice. For now.)
Sorry,I am not good at drawing。。。。
3. Every entry of Mark's is labeled with "SOL". Have you ever wondered what is ?
When I was reading this book,I saw every beginning of the newly article marked with SOL.The first time I saw it,I guess it may be a signal or something else, so I just skip it.Later,I saw it again and again and again,I think I have to figure it out.Fortunately,I found the answer,the word sol is short for solar day.