

作者: robotframe | 来源:发表于2020-08-19 17:24 被阅读0次

Thirty-Second Prep


2.Two or three main points to share


4.Call to action  (Ownership) encourage engagement

No Prep Time

1. Briefly delay

2.Work through thirty-second prep out loud

Think about the big milestones you just passed or are about to pass, or any big problem just solved or soon to be solved. Share at least two of these.Then close with a summary and a call to action so they know how to reach you.

Eg 1:

The accounting team has begun the yearly close process and expects to officially close the books by the end of February. 

However, we are aware of a few errors that affected payroll last quarter due to changes in tax law.Shareece is on it, and that will be resolved by next week. We also have to ask all of you to remind your teams to submit expense reports by close of business tomorrow.

It was a complex year thanks to new tax law, but we're happy to report the books look clean and almost ready to go on schedule.If anyone wants to take a deep dive, no problem. Just reach out after the meeting.Thanks.

Eg 2:

Well, Jim's right. What a year.

In IT,we faced many challenges, none bigger than losing two great colleagues due to retirement.We are still searching for replacements, but in the meantime, our seven other employees have clearly stepped up. They rolled out a new ERP system and upgraded nearly everyone's computer, among other things,so thanks team.

Impromptu speaking tips

1.Remember to thank the person who called you out.('Thanks Jenny', or 'Great question')

2.Try to relax and be more casual and informal

3.Be brief and simple when delivering impromptu remarks

4.Remember your body language

    Eye contact


Problem1: Drawing a blank

1.Don't make anything up

2.Empower a colleague

3.Use the thirty-second prep structure and start speaking

4.Defer answer.

Luke, my apologies, but I don't have an update for you just yet; however I'll get that electronically to the group later today.

Problem 2: Being asked a highly technical question

1.Defer answering

Intersting question ,but I am pretty sure only you,me, and Janette will care about the details on that one. How about I follow up after lunch with the group?

Problem3: You don't know the answer

1.Don't ack like you know

2.Validate, offer a future solution, and seek agreement

Jim, that question is a bit outside of my area. I do however have a least two members of my team who can address that for you. Can I have one of them follow up with you when we're done today?



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