CPI  Effect

CPI  Effect

作者: 南北1 | 来源:发表于2018-08-26 08:38 被阅读0次

Better and Better                                                                                              Day 2

      We all know that there is an important macroeconomic variable called CPI,the consumer price index .In fact ,in addition to CPI,we also have many important macro-economic  variables ,such as PPI (production price index ),as well as total retail sales,total social financing and so on .However ,due to this limited attention ,our public attention is entirely placed on CPI.In these years of macroeconomic analysis ,we will find that the directional role of these variables on the economic analysis is much stronger and more sensitive .While the public limited attention lead the CPI’s attention is 2.5 times than PPI ,10 times than other macro variables .This is called CPI Effect .


                                                                                                      August 26th,2018



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