华盛顿大学(UW/University of Washington)的设计专业Design(*基础课Design 166只对西雅图校区开放)由文理学院College of Arts and Sciences下的School of Art + Art History +Design提供,BDes有三个专业:
1 Industrial Design(工业设计)
2 Interaction Design(交互设计)
3 Visual Communication Design(视觉传播设计)

| 专业介绍
Interaction DesignCredential OverviewInteraction Designers define the structure and behavior of interactive products and services. Interaction Designers create compelling relationships between people and the interactive systems they use, from computers to mobile devices to appliances; Interaction Designers lay the groundwork for intangible experiences. The need for interaction designers for the development of new interactive products, systems and services has increased exponentially in recent years in virtually all industries. Interactive systems are present in many areas in everyday life where people coordinate tasks and engage in activities in collaboration with others, facilitated through technology. Examples range from mobile phones to computer software, from GPS systems for cars or navigation in the open ocean, and information systems that support the work of expert practitioners in technology-driven domains such as aviation, medicine, and process control.
专业课设置:1. “交互设计”和“视觉传播设计”重叠的课程:DESIGN 207(设计绘图), DESIGN 208(设计历史调查), DESIGN 209(排版基础), DESIGN 210(协作和即兴创作), DESIGN 371(界面设计), DESIGN 372(界面设计 2 ), DESIGN 485(高级毕业设计),DESIGN 486(设计展)2. 交互设计独有的课程:61-63 credits from DESIGN 206*(设计方法), DESIGN 215(视觉讲故事)*, DESIGN 383(交互设计基础 ), DESIGN 481(实地研究), DESIGN 483,(高级交互设计) 3. 选修课16-20 credits from DESIGN 325(物理交互), DESIGN 326(数字制造), DESIGN 373,(设计案例研究) DESIGN 374(交互式媒体设计), DESIGN 376(排版), DESIGN 400(新商业模式的设计), DESIGN 467(展览和装置设计), DESIGN 488(专业实践)4. 10 credits of art history
UW对Visual Communication Design的解释:
Credential OverviewThe Visual Communication Design program educates and trains designers for the communication needs of industry and society. Emphasis is placed on the conception, creation, planning and realization of visual solutions to complex problems in contemporary culture. Students integrate methodology, prototyping, aesthetics, human factors, technology, materials, context and audience to develop strategies and solutions that give form to print, screen and the built environment. Faculty emphasize the objectives of design rather than the process of production, and encourage innovative visual ideas that inform, interpret, instruct or persuade the intended user across the spectrum of application.
专业课设置:1. 交互设计和视觉传播设计重叠的课程:见1.12. 视觉传播设计独有的课程:76-78 credits from DESIGN 214(标记和符号)*, DESIGN 368*(企业识别研究 ); DESIGN 369*(视觉系统), DESIGN 370*(动画设计概论 ), DESIGN 376*(排版 ), DESIGN 466*(出版物设计); DESIGN 478*(信息呈现设计), 3. 两个专业选修课类似,见1.34. 10 credits of art history
| 专业比较

华大的交互设计专业本科,学生们是不能直接申请的。而是分为两种情况,一种是进入学校(西雅图分校)后选择华大的Design 166这门课,当这门课GPA高于3.7时,你会被学校自动录到交互设计专业。若低于3.7, 则需要参加华大暑期的Design Entrance Workshop完成作业再接受审核评定。

【1】UW College介绍:https://www.washington.edu/about/academics/
【4】UW: College of Arts & Sciences Arts Division:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-BL6dyXEFHk
【5】UW:Design Show优秀作品展示:https://www.uwdesignshow.com
