这个月Eric带我们读金博士的I Have a Dream好像回到了大学的精读课,但是比之前的精读课来的更有趣。Eric带我们一起分析每个词、每个短语在句子中的作用、意义。与上个月的晨读课不同的是我们这个月更加注重的是赏析,背诵。怎么背诵?首先要弄懂意思,弄清楚发音,然后理解段落的框架和逻辑。熟读,注意细节,然后背诵。 我发现在理解的基础上背诵,记得更牢,即使有个地方忘记了,也能根据当时的理解倒推回来。终于发现背诵也是件有意思的事情。之前老师让背诵简直是噩耗,那时候不懂怎么背,屡背屡忘,也没有尝到背诵的甜头,然后就彻底失去了耐心和信心。说起来现在也是来还债的。

1. happy 在这里用这个简单的小词,显得更真诚。
2. Emancipation Proclamation奴隶解放宣言
3. Momentous
very important, often because of the effects that it will have in the future.
4. sear 烧灼,灼伤。在这里是文学的用法,指水深火热。
5. cripple
6. dramatize 使引人注目
以tize结尾的词:idolize (崇拜), demonize (妖魔化), monetize (变现), weaponize (变成武器)
1. go down in history (take your place in history) 名垂千古
2. a great beacon light of hope
3. A came as a textbook example of B.
4. When the song ends, people scatter. 曲终人散
5. find oneself +n. find oneself+Ving
6. being bedded by the emperor 被皇上宠幸
1. Five score years ago, a great American, in whose symbolic shadow we stand today, signed the Emancipation Proclamation.
1) Five score years ago, 用这个表达是模仿Lincoln's Gettysburg Address中的Four score and seven years,也用这个表达来对此致敬。
2) in whose symbolic shadow we stand today在这里插入语让句子更有层次,三个s开头的单词压头韵在这里让句子读起来更有音乐美。
2. One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.
1. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity.
One hundred years later, the life of the Negro is still sadly crippled by the manacles of segregation and the chains of discrimination.