step1 Ordering Oligos Compatible whith pLKO.1
在前面的shRNA oligo设计中已经提到,在此不再赘述。
step2 Annealing oligos
1 resuspend oligos in ddH2O to concentration of 20uM,then mix:
10ul Forward oligo
10ul Reverse oligo
5ul 10XNEB buffer2
25ul ddH2O
2 two ways you can choose
(1)if you used PCR machine,
4min 95℃
10min 70℃
then slowly cool to room temperature over the period of several hours.
(2) if using a braker of water
4min in boiling water
then remove the breaker from the flame,and allow the water to cool to room temperature. This will take a few hours, but it is important for the cooling to occur slowly.
Step3 Digesting PLKO.1 Cloning Vector
(1)Digest with Agel.
6ul PLKO.1 vector
5ul 10x NEB buffer 1
1ul Agel
to 50ul ddH2O
incubate at 37℃ for 2h
(2)purity with Qiaquick gel extraction kit. Elute in 30 ul of
(3)digest with Ecol:
30ul pLKO digest with Agel
5ul 10xNEB buffer for Ecol
1ul EcoR
to 14ul hhH2O
incubate at 37℃ for 2h
(4)Run digested DNA on 0.8% low melting point agarose gel. you can see 2 bands,one 7kb and one 1.9kb. Recycle 7kb band.
(5) purify the DNA using a Qiaquick gel extraction kit. Elute in 30ul of ddH2O.
(6) Measure the DNA concentration.
step 4 ligating and transforming into bacteria
4ul oligo from step2
20ng (or 1ul) PLKO step3
2ul 10x NEB T4 DNA ligase buffer
1ul NEB T4 DNA ligase
to 20ul ddH2O
incubate at 16℃ for 4-20h
3000rpm 4min离心,倒掉上清
取 50-100 μL 涂在含有氨苄青霉素( 100 μg/mL )的 LB 固体培养基上, 37℃ 倒置培养过夜。(如果涂上去的液体过多,则正置1h后倒置。
Step5 阳性克隆鉴定
PCR 验证,使用引物,见下篇文章“单克隆测序”
induciable plasmid kd 单克隆鉴定
plko f:1
plko r:1
pcr 退火90s