
作者: 青蛙水手 | 来源:发表于2021-03-20 23:31 被阅读0次


    administrative model 行政模式 

    A decision-making model that includes the concepts of bounded rationality and satisficing and describes how managers make decisions in situations that are characterized by uncertainty and ambiguity.


    administrative principles approach 行政管理原則 

    A subfield of the classical perspective that focues on the total organization· rather than the individual worker and delineates the management functions of planning, organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling.


    after-action review 時候回顧 

    A disciplined procedure whereby managers review the results of decisions to evaluate what worked, what didn't, and how to do things better.


    ambiguity 含混性(模棱两可)

    A condition in which the goals to be achieved or the problem to be solved is unclear, alternatives are difficult to define, and information about outcomes is unavailable.


    behavioral sciences approach 行为科学理論  

    Draws from psychology, sociology, and other social sciences to develop theories about human behavior and interaction in an organizational setting.


    benchmarking 標桿管理 

    The continuous process of measuring products, services, and practices against major competitors or industry leaders.


    big data analytics 大數據分析 

    Technologies, skills, and process for searching and examining massive, complex sets of data that tranditional data processing applications cannot handle to uncover hidden patterns and corrlations.


    bounded rationality 有限理性

    Means that people have the time and cognitive ability to process only a limited amout of information on which to base decisions.


    gest a broad range of alternatives for making a decision.


    brainstorming  头脑风暴 

    A technique that uses a face-to-face group to spontaneously suggest a broad range of alternatives for making a decision.


    bureaucratic organizations approach 官僚組織研究法 

    Emphasizes management on an impersonal, rational basis through elements such as clearly defined authority and responsibility, formal recordkeeping, and separation of  management and ownership.


    certainty 確定性 

    A situation in which all the information the decision-maker needs is fully available.


    classical perspective 古典管理理论

    Takes a rational, scientific approach to management and seeks to turn organizations into efficient operating machines.


    competitives advantage 竞争优势

    Refers to what sets the organization apart from others and provides it with a distinctive edge in the marketplace.


    contingency plan 应急计划

    Identifies important factors in the environment and defines a range of alternative responses to be taken in the case of emergencies, setbacks, or unexpected conditions.


    contigency view 權變理論

    Tells managers that what works in one organizational situation might not work in another.


    core competence 核心競爭力

    Something that the organization does particularly well in comparison to others.


    crowdsourcing 众包

    An approach in which many people (sometimes hundreds of thousands of people) contribute to the innovation process via the Internet.


    decentralized planning 分權計劃法

    An approach where top executives or planning experts work with managers in major divisions or department to develop their own goals and plans.


    decision 决策

    A choice made from available alternatives.


    decision making 决策过程

    The process of identifying problems and opportunities and then resolving them.


    decision styles 決策風格

    Differences among people with respect to how they perceive problems and make choices.


    Devil's advocate 唱反调的人

    A devil’s advocate is a person who is assigned the role of challenging the assumptions and assertions made by the group to prevent premature consensus.


    diagnosis 诊断

    The step in which managers analyze underlying causal factors associated with the decision situation


    electronic brainstorming 电子头脑风暴

    Brainstorming that takes place in an interactive froup over a computer network, rather than meeting face to face.



    An emotional and mental state in which employees enjoy their work, contribute enthusiastically to meeting goals, and feel a sense of belonging and commitment to the organization.


    escalating commitment 不断升级的承诺

    Refers to continuing to invest time and money in a decision despite evidence that it is failing.


    evidence-based decision making 循证决策以證據爲基礎的決策

    A process founded on a commitment to examining potential biases, seeking and examining evidence with rigor, and making informed and intelligent decisions based on the best available facts and evidence.


    goal 目标

    A desired future state that the organization wants to realize.


    groupthink 群体思维

    The tendency of people in groups to suppress contrary opinions in a desire for harmony.


    Hawthorne studies 霍桑研究

    A series of research efforts that was importment in shaping ideas concerning how managers should treat workers.


    human relations movement 人際關係運動

    Stresses the satisfaction of employees' basic needs as the key to increased productivity.


    human resources perspective 人力資源的理論

    Suggests that jobs should be designed to meet people's higher-level needs by allowing employees to use their full potential.


    humanistic perspective 人本主義理念

    Emphasizes understanding human behavior, needs, and attributes in the workplace.


    implementation 实施

    Involves using managerial, administrative, and persuasive abilities to translate a chosen decision alternative into action.


    information technology (IT) 信息技术

    The hardware, software, telecommunications, database management, and other technologies used to store, process, and distribute information.


    intuition 直觉

    An aspect of administrative decision making that refers to a quick comprehension of a decision situation based on past experience but without conscious thought.


    key performance indicators (KPIs) 關鍵績效指標

    Tools used to assess what is important to an organization and how well the organization is progressing toward attaining its strategic goal, so that managers can establish lower-level goals that drive performance toward the overall strategic objective.


    legitimate power 合法权力

    Power that stems from a manager's formal position in an organization and the authority granted by that position.


    management 管理

    The attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources.


    management by means (MBM) 手段管理(MBM)

    An approach that focuses people on the methods and processes used to attain results, rather than on the results themselves.


    management by objectives (MBO) 目标管理(MBO)

    A method whereby managers and employees define goals for every department, project, and person and use them to monitor subsequent performance.


    management science 管理科学

    Uses mathematics, statistical techniques, and computer technology to facilitate management decision making, particularly for complex problems. Also called the quantitative perspective.


    Maslow's hierarchy of needs 馬斯洛的需求層次


    mission 使命

    An organization's purpose or reason for existence.


    mission statement 使命宣言

    A broadly stated definition of an organization's basic business scope and operations that distinguishes it from similar types of organizations.


    non-programmed decision 非程序化决策

    A choice made in response to a situation that is unique, is poorly defined and largely unstructured, and has import consequences for the organization.


    normative 规范性

    Menas that it defines how a manager should make logical decisions and provides guidelines for reaching an ideal outcome.


    operational goal 操作的目标

    A special, measurable result that is expected from departments, work groups, and individuals.


    opportunity 机会

    A situation in which managers see potential organizational accomplishments that exceed current goals.


    organization 组织

    A social entity that is goal derected and deliberately structured.


    organization development (OD) 組織發展(OD) 

    A planned, systematic process of change that uses behavioral science techniques to improve an organization's health and effectiveness through its ability to cope with environmental changes, improve internal relationships, and increase learning and problem-solving capacities.



    An organization's ability to attain its goals by using resources in an efficient and effective manner.


    plan 计划

    A blueprint specifying the resource allocations, schedules, and other actions neccessary for attaining goals.


    planning 规划

    The management function concerned with defining goals for future performance and how to attain them.


    point-counterpoint 正方-反方辩论法

    A technique that breaks a decision-making group into two subgroups and assigns them different, often competing, responsibilities.


    problem 问题

    A situation in which organizational accomplishments have failed to meet established goals.


    programmed decision 程序化決策

    A decision made in response to a situation that has occured often enough to enable managers to develop dicision rules that can be applied in the future.


    quantitative techniques 定量技術

    The use of mathematics, statistics, and computer technology to facilitate management decision making.


    quasirationality 准理性

    Combining intuitive and analytical thought.


    risk 風險性 

    Means that a decision has clear-cut goals and good information is available, but the future outcomes associated with each alternative are subject to chance.


    risk propensity 風險傾向

    The willingness to undertake risk with the opportunity of gaining an increased payoff.


    role 角色

    A set of expectations for one's behavior.


    satisficing 滿意性

    Refers to choosing the first alternative that satisfies minimal decision criteria, regardless of whether better solutions are presumed to exist.


    scenario building 場景構建

    An approach where managers look at trends and discontinuities and imagine possible elternative futures to build a framework within which unexpected future events can be managed.


    scientific management 科学管理

    A subfield of the classical perspective that emphasizes scientifically determined changes in management practices as the solution to improving labor productivity.


    social media programs 社會媒體項目

    Include online community pages, social media sites, microblogging platforms, and company online forums, and company online forums that enable managers to interact electronically with employees, customers, partners, and other stakeholders.


    strategic goal 戰略目标

    A broad statement of where an organization wants to be in the future; pertains to the organization as a whole rather than to specific divisions or departments.


    strategic management 戰略管理 

    Refers to the set of decisions and actions used to formulate and implement strategies that will provide a competitively superior fit between an organization and its environment so as to achieve organizational goals.


    strategic plan 戰略計劃

    Action steps by which an organization intends to attain strategic goals.


    strategy 戰略

    A plan of action that describes resource allocation and activities for dealing with the environment, achieving a competitive advantage, and attaining goals.


    strengths 優勢

    Natural talents and abilities that have been supported and reinforced with learned knowledge and skills.


    stretch goal 彈性目標

    A reasonable yet highly ambitious and compelling goal that energizes people and inspires excellence.


    subsystem 子系統

    Parts of a system that depend on one another for their functioning.


    supply chain management 供應鏈管理

    Managing the sequence of supplies and purchasers, covering all stages of processing from obtaining raw materials to distributing finished goods to consumers.


    synergy 協力優勢

    A concept that says that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


    system 系統

    A set of interrelated parts that function as a whole to achieve a common purpose.


    systems thinking 系統思考

    Looking not just at discrete parts of an organizational situation, but also at the continually changing interactions among the parts.


    tactical goal 戰術目標

    The outcome that major divisions and departments must achieve for an organization to reach its overall goals.



    tactical plan 戰術計劃

    Designed to help execute major strategic plans and to accomplish a specific part of a company's strategy.


    time management 時間管理

    Using techniques that enable you to get more done in less time and with better results, be more relaxed, and have more time to enjoy your work and your life.


    total quality management (TQM) 全面品质管理

    Focuses on managing the total organization to deliver quality to customers.


    uncertainty 不确定性

    Occurs when managers know which goals they want to achieve, but information about alternatives and future events is incomplete.




    Differentiation strategy

    A strategy with which managers seek to distinguish the organization's products and services from those of others in the industry.

    cost leadership strategy

    A strategy with which managers aggressively seek efficient facilities, cut costs, and use tight cost controls to be more efficient than others in the industry.

    focus strategy

    A strategy where managers use either a differentiation or a cost leadership approach, but they concentrate on a specific regional market or buyer group.



