美国留学生日记 American Student Diary(0

美国留学生日记 American Student Diary(0

作者: hansen_usa | 来源:发表于2017-02-19 02:18 被阅读0次

美国留学生日记 American Student Diary(02/17/2017)(2017-02-19 02:11:20)

标签:教育 文化

021717    Friday     Fun at Ping Pong but hurt my hand tonight

数学课上, 我们用了图形计算器, 可以给方程式画图。

物理课上, 我们考了个试, 并不算难, 但我没有提前复习好, 所以有几道题让我困惑。

中午, 我们在室内打了乒乓球,因为外面下雨。 我也许得发信息告诉别人, 不然也不会只有我跟老师两个人了。 我教了他正手抽球的技巧, 他学的好快! 不一会儿已经可以抽了。 美国人都学东西很快, 让我很震撼

电影课上, 我录了我那个泥人的视频。 电脑配了个摄像头, 用来拍视频的。 我动泥人一下就拍一张, 然后把他们拼在一起,就成了一个短片!总共10秒

手语课也考了试, 对我不算难,但我犯了几个小错误。 一样的问题,没有提前复习好。 考试后, 我们爱干啥干啥, 我就用平板看了个电影 《你的名字》, 用网站 “Animeget.io” 看的。 有各种各样的日漫, 英文字幕的。 用来学习也不错。

晚上在家时, 我拿拖把拖地, 可它却断了。 重要的是, 我左手被划到了! 我赶紧洗手, 挤血, 不然可能会被感染, 因为那玩意生锈了。 爸爸说那东西之前已经不对劲, 就应该早点扔掉。 表面上不像是我的错, 但我心里知道我还是该小心的。

转自微信公众号:美国留学生日记   American Student Diary(02/17/2017)

In Algebra class, we learned how to use those graphing calculators again and I was starting to get the hang of it. Those ones were not cheap, jso I couldn't afford to have one at home, I really should learn how to use it properly, because using it only once a week is not enough.

In AP Physics, we had  quiz, and it wasn’t hard for me, but I was still uncertain of a fe problems. I should’ve studied more before taking it, or I’d find myself in a hole, and not being able to dig myself out of it.

At noon, it was raining cats and dogs, so I doubted if we’d play the tennis game against Bonita High School this afternoon. I texted Coach Al, and he replied that the game’s cancelled. I brought the tennis racket here for nothing! Well, it wasn’t too much of trouble to carry it, so it’s alright. I brought it here just in case we’d play. Maybe I didn’t get to play tennis, but I got to play Ping Pong, in Mr. Distaso’s classroom. This is the benefit of Ping Pong: You may play it both inside and outside of the room! By the way, I taught Mr. Distaso how to swing the paddle properly, and you know what? He learned very fast! He could hit the ball back and forth with me by swinging like that, and it’s really fast! I am impressed that a lot of Americans are very fast learners.

In Animation, we did the filming of the clay figure with the app: iStopMotion. I just “shot” at the figure with the camera and combined those frames together, so when I played all of them, I would be watching a short movie. It needed to be at least 10 seconds long, which was 120 frames. I didn’t really like my stop-motion movie because my hands must get in the camera in order to keep the figure steady. Well, I checked, everybody was doing the very same thing. There’s nothing to worry about.

In ASL, we had a test of signing 15 sentences, and it’d be recorded by a camera on the computer. It wasn’t too hard for me, but I made some slight mistakes. I started to find hardness in this new language, which was expected by me: There’s no way that a new language can be easily learned and mastered in a short amount of time. After the test, we were off to do anything else, so I watched the movie, “Your Name” on the website “Animeget.io”, which provided thousands of animes with English subtitles. I only watched for ten minutes, then we must wrap things up and get ready to leave.

After school, I went to Mr. Distaso’s classroom and played more Ping Pong. We really had a lot of fun practicing together. We stopped at 3:20, and arranged to play again next week. After that, I called mom to pick me up due to the heavy rain outside. Despite of the rain, I had an alto saxophone with me, there’s no way I’d choose to walk home with that.

While I was waiting, I visited other science classroom, and I saw Drago and Ahmed making some mechanical stuffs together. They were in the STEM Club, or Robotic Club, which was responsible for teaching mechanical information. I examined some of them, and was impressed by the detailed designs. Those people didn’t look that easy on the outside at all!

I found out that one of those stuffs was a fan, which could spin in the presence of the wind. I tried it near a spinning fan, and this thing spinned as well! Then I found that there’s a mechanical box, which contained a lot of tools



      本文标题:美国留学生日记 American Student Diary(0
