

作者: 俊才鑫驰 | 来源:发表于2022-06-04 17:14 被阅读0次

today is so hot. haobao went out playing with his mom. when i got up i felt a little bit tired so i did not follow them.  in these days i have spent so much time learning english. and hope to grasp it in a short time. i did dictation, read articles, found many opportunities to speak with foreigners. i can feel that my ortal english has deveoped . but not too much . maybe it is a long process. perseverance is very important. an adult often knows the truth. but when you really operate it . it is really tough. time is important.
 everyone has 24 hours a day. and u also need to substract the eating time,sleeping time. to an adult like me, i also need to substract the time to accompany my kids. haobao is my little kid, i often do not have  too much time to play with him. shanzai,his elder brother,i also do not have time and he also does not like to play with me. he is a big boy and has his own friends to play with. when i speak more words to him. i can feel that he behaves unpatiently.

an adult needs to be self-displine, and perseverance is important. i think everybody knows this rule. when in real life. it is difficult to handle.

today as no kids is at home. i ordered a takeout at noon. i read the food items on the app for more than 10 minutes and no one raised my appitite. so i decided to search a restrauant i once often go with my friends before the pandemic. it is so amazing. i can not believe the restaurant also provides takeout now. once i am sure it disdains doing this. in order to survive,even the nobles have to bow their heads. and i ordered one. yes. so nice. althgouth the price is higher than other's .but its taste never makes you disappointed.

finally i think i  need to distribute my time valid.time is limited. i am also an old guy, has no reason to waste my time.


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