
作者: yjiyjige | 来源:发表于2016-06-13 01:54 被阅读3069次





  • 当两个操作数中有一个是floatdouble时,结果是double
  • 当两个操作数都是整型(shortcharbyteintlongBigInteger)或者BigDecimal时,结果是BigDecimal
  • 如果要像Java那样取整,需要调用intdiv方法
def result = 1 / 3.0f // 当其中有一个是float或double时
println result.class  // 结果是:class java.lang.Double
println result        // 0.3333333333333333
println 4.intdiv(3)   // 结果为1,与Java一样

def newResult = 1 / 2   // 当两个操作数都是整型
println newResult.class // class java.math.BigDecimal
println newResult       // 结果是0.5

指数运算符(Power operator)

Groovy中引入了指数运算符**。如2 ** 3表示为2的三次方。

// base and exponent are ints and the result can be represented by an Integer
// 基数和指数都是int,所得结果可以用int表示,那么结果就是int类型
assert 2**3 instanceof Integer    //  8
assert 10**9 instanceof Integer   //  1_000_000_000

// the base is a long, so fit the result in a Long
// (although it could have fit in an Integer)
// 基数是long类型,所以结果也是long类型,尽管用int就足够表示
assert 5L**2 instanceof Long       //  25

// the result can't be represented as an Integer or Long, so return a BigInteger
// 当结果超过了int和long的表示范围,用BigInteger表示
assert 100**10 instanceof BigInteger   //  10e20
assert 1234**123 instanceof BigInteger //  170515806212727042875...

// the base is a BigDecimal and the exponent a negative int
// but the result can be represented as an Integer
assert 0.5**-2 instanceof Integer    //  4

// the base is an int, and the exponent a negative float
// but again, the result can be represented as an Integer
assert 1**-0.3f instanceof Integer    //  1

// the base is an int, and the exponent a negative int
// but the result will be calculated as a Double
// (both base and exponent are actually converted to doubles)
assert 10**-1 instanceof Double     //  0.1

// the base is a BigDecimal, and the exponent is an int, so return a BigDecimal
assert 1.2**10 instanceof BigDecimal //  6.1917364224

// the base is a float or double, and the exponent is an int
// but the result can only be represented as a Double value
assert 3.4f**5 instanceof Double     //  454.35430372146965
assert 5.6d**2 instanceof Double     //  31.359999999999996

// the exponent is a decimal value
// and the result can only be represented as a Double value
assert 7.8**1.9 instanceof Double     //  49.542708423868476
assert 2**0.1f instanceof Double     //  1.0717734636432956

Elvis Operator


String name = getName(); // 假设这个方法可能返回空值,如果我们想在为空时赋上一个默认值

// 写法1,普通写法
if (name == null) {
    name = "unknow";

// 写法2,使用三元运算符
name = name != null ? name : "unknow";

在Groovy中,可以使用Elvis operator来进一步简化:

def name = getName()
name = name ?: 'unknown' // 在Groovy真值中,非空也为true
println name

安全访问运算符(Safe navigation operator)


def person = getPerson() // 假设该方法可能返回null
def name = person?.name // 如果person不为null,那返回具体的值;如果为null,也不会抛出异常,而是返回null

直接属性访问运算符(Direct field access operator)


class User {
    public final String name

    User(String name) { = name }

    String getName() { "Name: ${name}" }

def user = new User('Bob')
assert == 'Name: Bob' // 这里看似是访问属性name,但其实是调用getName方法


// 接上边的例子
assert user.@name == 'Bob'

方法指针运算符(Method pointer operator)


def str = 'example of method reference'
def fun = str.&toUpperCase // 取String的toUpperCase方法指针
println fun.class // class org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.MethodClosure
def upper = fun() // 这里相当于调用了方法
assert upper == str.toUpperCase()

展开运算符(Spread Operator)


class Car {
    String make
    String model

def cars = [
        new Car(make: 'Peugeot', model: '508'),
        new Car(make: 'Renault', model: 'Clio')]
def makes = cars*.make // 相当于访问了每一个元素的make
assert makes == ['Peugeot', 'Renault'] // 结果还是一个列表

范围运算符(Range operator)


def range = 0..5
println range.class // class groovy.lang.IntRange
assert (0..5).collect() == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
assert (0..<5).collect() == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] // 相当于左闭右开区间
assert (0..5) instanceof List // Range实现了List接口
assert (0..5).size() == 6

飞船运算符(Spaceship operator)


assert (1 <=> 1) == 0
assert (1 <=> 2) == -1
assert (2 <=> 1) == 1
assert ('a' <=> 'z') == -1

成员运算符(Membership operator)


def list = ['Grace', 'Rob', 'Emmy']
assert ('Emmy' in list) // 相当于list.contains('Emmy')或list.isCase('Emmy')

身份运算符(Identity operator)


def list1 = ['Groovy 1.8', 'Groovy 2.0', 'Groovy 2.3']
def list2 = ['Groovy 1.8', 'Groovy 2.0', 'Groovy 2.3']
assert list1 == list2 // 相当于list.equals(list2)
assert !

运算符重载(Operator overloading)


class Bucket {
    int size

    Bucket(int size) { this.size = size }

    Bucket plus(Bucket other) { // 重载这个以实现+操作
        return new Bucket(this.size + other.size)

def b1 = new Bucket(4)
def b2 = new Bucket(11)
assert (b1 + b2).size == 15 // 这里相当于(




