- https://juejin.cn/post/6844903869424599053
// Place your 全局 snippets here. Each snippet is defined under a snippet name and has a scope, prefix, body and
// description. Add comma separated ids of the languages where the snippet is applicable in the scope field. If scope
// is left empty or omitted, the snippet gets applied to all languages. The prefix is what is
// used to trigger the snippet and the body will be expanded and inserted. Possible variables are:
// $1, $2 for tab stops, $0 for the final cursor position, and ${1:label}, ${2:another} for placeholders.
// Placeholders with the same ids are connected.
// Example:
"log快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "log",
"body": [
"description": "log快捷键"
"const func快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "func",
"body": [
"const ${1:func} = (${2:params}) => {\n\t$3\n}"
"description": "const func快捷键"
"useEffect 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "effect",
"body": [
"useEffect(() => {\n\t$2\n}, [$1])",
"description": "快速创建 useEffect"
"useState 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "state",
"body": [
"const [$2, set$3] = useState($1)",
"description": "快速创建 useState"
"匿名方法 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "func",
"body": [
"() => {\n\t$1\n}",
"description": "快速创建 useState"
"字体属性 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "font",
"body": [
"fontWeight: '400',",
"fontSize: pxToVw(13),",
"color: 'rgba(235, 235, 245, 0.6)',"
"description": "快速创建 font属性"
"style 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "st",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建 font属性"
"style属性 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "sts",
"body": [
"${1:name}: {",
"description": "快速创建 font属性"
"height属性 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "he",
"body": [
"height: pxToVh($1),\n",
"description": "快速创建 height属性"
"width属性 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "wi",
"body": [
"width: pxToVw($1),\n",
"description": "快速创建 width属性"
"backgroundColor属性 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "bg",
"body": [
"backgroundColor: '${1:gray}',\n",
"description": "快速创建 backgroundColor属性"
"borderRadius 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "br",
"body": [
"borderRadius: pxToVw(${1:12}),\n",
"description": "快速创建 borderRadius属性"
"paddingHorizontal 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "ph",
"body": [
"paddingHorizontal: pxToVw(${1:12}),\n",
"description": "快速创建 paddingHorizontal属性"
"fontSize 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "fs",
"body": [
"fontSize: pxToVw(${1:12}),\n",
"description": "快速创建 fontSize属性"
"justifyContent 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "jc",
"body": [
"justifyContent: '${1:center}',\n",
"description": "快速创建 justifyContent属性"
"alignItems 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "ai",
"body": [
"alignItems: '${1:center}',\n",
"description": "快速创建 alignItems属性"
"marginTop 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "mt",
"body": [
"marginTop: pxToVh(${1:12}),\n",
"description": "快速创建 marginTop属性"
"marginVertical 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "mv",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建 marginVertical属性"
"absolute 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "ab",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建 absolute属性"
"require 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "so",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建 require属性"
"right 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "ri",
"body": [
"right: pxToVw(${1:10}),\n",
"description": "快速创建 right属性"
"left 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "le",
"body": [
"left: pxToVw(${1:10}),\n",
"description": "快速创建 left属性"
"top 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "to",
"body": [
"top: pxToVw(${1:10}),\n",
"description": "快速创建 top属性"
"bottom 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "bo",
"body": [
"bottom: pxToVh(${1:10}),\n",
"description": "快速创建 bottom属性"
"marginBottom 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "mb",
"body": [
"marginBottom: pxToVh(${1:10}),\n",
"description": "快速创建 marginBottom属性"
"marginHorizontal 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "mh",
"body": [
"marginHorizontal: pxToVw(${1:10}),\n",
"description": "快速创建 marginHorizontal属性"
"flexRow 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "flexrow",
"body": [
"flexDirection: 'row',\n",
"description": "快速创建 flexRow 属性"
"flexColumn 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "flexcolumn",
"body": [
"flexDirection: 'column',\n",
"description": "快速创建 flexColumn 属性"
"borderWidth 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "bw",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建 borderWidth 属性"
"borderColor 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "bc",
"body": [
"borderColor:'${1:rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)}',\n",
"description": "快速创建 borderColor 属性"
"marginRight 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "mr",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建 marginRight 属性"
"marginLeft 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "ml",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建 marginLeft 属性"
"device 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "de",
"body": [
"useEffect(() => {",
"const remove = DeviceEventEmitter.addListener(notificationKey.${1:go_to_music_detail}, (${2:songImage})=>{\n",
"return ()=>{",
"}, [])",
"description": "快速创建 device 属性"
"effectReturn 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "effectReturn",
"body": [
"useEffect(() => {",
"return () => {",
"${1:DeviceEventEmitter.emit(notificationKey.float_music_panel, true);}",
"}, []);",
"description": "快速创建 effectReturn 属性"
"navigationType 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "navigationType",
"body": [
"export type ${1:RecordVoice}RouteParams = {",
"${2:defaultCount}: ${3:number};",
"description": "快速创建 navigationType 属性"
"StyleSheet 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "styleshe",
"body": [
"const styles = StyleSheet.create({",
"description": "StyleSheet 属性"
"navigation 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "navi",
"body": [
"const navigation = useNavigation()",
"description": "快速获取navigation"
"inset 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "inset",
"body": [
" const inset = useSafeAreaInsets()",
"description": "快速获取inset"
"useSelector 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "selector",
"body": [
"const ${1:songDescription} = useSelector((state: RootState)=> state.${2:cache.data.songDescription)}",
"description": "快速获取useSelector"
"useDispatch 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "dispatch",
"body": [
"const dispatch = useDispatch()",
"description": "快速获取useDispatch"
"dispatch 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "dispatchSet",
"body": [
"const data = ${1:value};",
"description": "快速set dispatch"
"emit 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "emit",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建emit"
"await 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "await",
"body": [
"try {",
"const res = await ${1:referAPI.getCredits();}",
"}catch (error) {",
"description": "快速创建await"
"color 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "co",
"body": [
"color:'${1:rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)}',\n",
"description": "快速创建 color"
"paddingVertical 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "pv",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建 paddingVertical"
"paddingTop 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "pt",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建 paddingTop"
"paddingLeft 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "pl",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建 paddingLeft"
"paddingRight 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "pr",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建 paddingRight"
"paddingBottom 快捷键": {
"scope": "",
"prefix": "pb",
"body": [
"description": "快速创建 paddingBottom"