The Bachelor-----Day3

作者: honey缘木鱼 | 来源:发表于2019-01-02 21:30 被阅读1次

    The bachelor first eyed the single rose left on the table,and then the two women standing in front of him.

    He became nauseous(恶心的) about the choice he was about to make,which only grew harder with each passing week.(每过一周)

    In his heart he cared for each and every woman that he had met,and the fact that after they left the ranch he would never see them again.made doing this almost unbearable.

    Deep down, he knew that if he was going to find true love,that he would have to push his feelings aside and choose.

    "Jessica, will you accept this rose?"

    "Of course," she replied, as she gasped(喘气) and breathed a sigh of relief.

    Sylvia burst into tears(突然流下眼泪) as she watched Jessica steal a kiss,take her rose and then join the other five women who were still left.

    She knew her time was over and it broke her heart,almost as much as the pain of losing the man she had come to care for so much.

    The bachelor slowly approached her and took her into a warm embrace.

    I'm so sorry Sylvia. You are a wonderful woman,but we just didn't connect like I did with the others.I wish you the best in your journey."

    And with those words he raised the revolver(手枪) to her head and pulled the trigger(板把手).

    Sylvia didn't have time to react before the bullet entered her skull,traveled through her brain and exited the other side.

    Her body instantly became limp(软的) and her eyes seemed to stare off into the vastness of oblivion.

    The other women jumped, but it had been expected.

    They quickly moved towards Sylvia's body,and as each woman passed they dropped a single rose each onto her body,thankful for another week to try and win the bachelor's heart.


    1. care for someone   喜欢某人

    2. push one's feelings aside:   把某人的感受抛到一边

    3.breathed a sigh of relief  发出一声宽慰的叹息

    4.ablivious to something  忘掉某事



        本文标题:The Bachelor-----Day3
