Quora精选|What did you learn too l

Quora精选|What did you learn too l

作者: 胡说数据 | 来源:发表于2018-10-23 21:54 被阅读11次

    Dipayan Dey, Site Engineer at Sigaram Construction (2018-present)

    1. Perception is reality

    It's true. The way you interpret and understand the world directly            affects your beliefs and the way you live

                your life. Perception creates bias as much as it creates understanding. It creates fears much as it creates curiosity.

    Do you want your reality to be narrow or vast?

    Will the bliss that ignorance provides be sufficient, or do you need more?

    The truth is most people want more. Even if it is on a subconscious level. Humans tend to trail blaze. From cradle to the grave, our society emphasizes the importance of education.            Learning and discovering is what we do, but still, it is increasingly hard to understand what you don't understand.

    So how do you learn to know what you don't know?            Start by asking yourself: What don't I know? What do you want to learn more about?

    Most importantly, understand that it's OK to be wrong. In error there is growth.

    2. Everything is temporary

    Your good times are temporary and your bad times are temporary. So when you're up, enjoy it, bask in it, and be grateful for it. And when you're down, know you will get through it. Know that it's not the end and that it's just a rough patch. Life is full of twists and turns, ups and downs, and surprises.

    We forget that it's about the journey, not the destination.

    There is a lesson in everything. I think it's hard for a lot of people--especially young people--to appreciate life.            Recognizing the full worth of your hardships and your blunders is key to appreciating the journey. It's just as important to stay humble and be grateful for the joys life brings you.

    Everything is temporary, so make the most out of all of it.

    3. The importance of being present

    "If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are            at peace, you are living in the present." --Lao Tzu

    More often than not, we tend to worry about what's to come or dwell on something that's already happened. While it's crucial to care and consider your future, be careful not to let it hinder your present. Moments turn into memories. Enjoy the moment while you have it.

    It usually takes a lifetime of piled up worries for a person to realize: Worrying isn't productive.

    Living in the past is equally unproductive. There are definitely benefits in being able to reflect on yourself and on your past. Paying attention to what you've been through and how that makes you feel matters. It takes a lot of emotional energy to grieve, process, and overcome.

    The balance of being able to take time to reflect,            and to prioritize your future while spending the majority of your day in the present, is beyond valuable, it's life changing.

    4. Do what you love, love what you do

    There was a huge mosaic near my university in London            that said that those words. I was grateful to walk past it almost every day and remind myself of the importance of loving your career and loving what you do. Your work is a considerably large aspect in your life that you dedicate yourself to. If you aren't happy in your career, that unhappiness will seep into other aspects of your life. And while nothing is perfect, it's important to work on yourself and position yourself to reach the goals and satisfaction you desire.

    Most importantly: Invest in yourself.

    This goes for your non-work life, too. What habits and hobbies do you want to stop? Which ones do you want to develop?            It's important to be conscious of the type of people and activities you surround yourself with. Information is like nutrients to your brain, be aware of what you are feeding yourself. Success isn't one triumphant moment. Success is a series of moments (and choices)            leading up to bigger moments.

    You are the only person who can get in the way of living every day doing what you love.

    Bob Dylan said it best when he said "What's money? A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and goes to            bed at night and in between does what he wants to do."

    5. Being happy takes work

    The happiest people tend to be the ones who've worked the most on themselves. Being happy takes a lot of work.            It's just as much work--if not more-- to be unhappy. So choose wisely. Being happy means at some point you decided to take control of your life. It means you decided to not be a victim and to put that energy back into yourself. Sometimes it's hard, but you have to pull yourself up and push yourself forward.

    Your life is a series of developments and personal growth.

    One of the worst things you can do for self-development is comparing yourself to other people. It's easy to get caught up in jealousy and wanting what other people have. Especially with the way we interact with social media. You have to remember that people     tend to show only the best parts of their lives on those platforms.            It's not fair to yourself when you see that and think "I want to do that" or "I want to look like that". Not only            does that distract you from being appreciative of what you have in            our own life, it doesn't provide any productive input to yourself.            Most often, your perception of someone's life is a fallacy. And            even if it isn't, focus on yourself. It's your journey and your            path that you should be concerned with.

    Being happy takes practice. Whether it's you            learning to let go of your ego, or forming more self-loving            habits...it takes practice. You only have one life, work as hard as            you can to make it your best life.



          本文标题:Quora精选|What did you learn too l
