RecyclerView 静态布局实现过程解析:如何构建高性能的

RecyclerView 静态布局实现过程解析:如何构建高性能的

作者: 艾瑞败类 | 来源:发表于2023-05-03 13:20 被阅读0次






    protected void onMeasure(int widthSpec, int heightSpec) {
        if (mLayout == null) {
            defaultOnMeasure(widthSpec, heightSpec);

        //LinearLayoutManager isAutoMeasureEnabled() 默认是true
        if (mLayout.isAutoMeasureEnabled()) {
            final int widthMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(widthSpec);
            final int heightMode = MeasureSpec.getMode(heightSpec);

             * This specific call should be considered deprecated and replaced with
             * {@link #defaultOnMeasure(int, int)}. It can't actually be replaced as it could
             * break existing third party code but all documentation directs developers to not
             * override {@link LayoutManager#onMeasure(int, int)} when
             * {@link LayoutManager#isAutoMeasureEnabled()} returns true.
            mLayout.onMeasure(mRecycler, mState, widthSpec, heightSpec);

            mLastAutoMeasureSkippedDueToExact =
                    widthMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY && heightMode == MeasureSpec.EXACTLY;
            if (mLastAutoMeasureSkippedDueToExact || mAdapter == null) {

            if (mState.mLayoutStep == State.STEP_START) {

            //将目前测量出来的大小传递给LayoutManager,因为最终复测layout children
            mLayout.setMeasureSpecs(widthSpec, heightSpec);
            mState.mIsMeasuring = true;

            mLayout.setMeasuredDimensionFromChildren(widthSpec, heightSpec);

            if (mLayout.shouldMeasureTwice()) {
                        MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(getMeasuredWidth(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY),
                        MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(getMeasuredHeight(), MeasureSpec.EXACTLY));
                mState.mIsMeasuring = true;
                // now we can get the width and height from the children.
                mLayout.setMeasuredDimensionFromChildren(widthSpec, heightSpec);

            mLastAutoMeasureNonExactMeasuredWidth = getMeasuredWidth();
            mLastAutoMeasureNonExactMeasuredHeight = getMeasuredHeight();
        } else {



 * The first step of a layout where we;
 * - process adapter updates
 * - decide which animation should run
 * - save information about current views
 * - If necessary, run predictive layout and save its information

private void dispatchLayoutStep1() {
    mState.mLayoutStep = State.STEP_LAYOUT;


  • 处理adapter发起的布局更新
  • 决定执行什么样的动画
  • 保存当前children的特定信息
  • 如果有必要就执行predictive动画



private void dispatchLayoutStep2() {
    //因为在 dispatchLayoutStep1()中最后一行代码设置为State.STEP_LAYOUT,所以正常往下走
    mState.assertLayoutStep(State.STEP_LAYOUT | State.STEP_ANIMATIONS);
    //这里主要是处理adapter 的增删改的逻辑
    mState.mItemCount = mAdapter.getItemCount();
    mState.mDeletedInvisibleItemCountSincePreviousLayout = 0;
    if (mPendingSavedState != null && mAdapter.canRestoreState()) {
        if (mPendingSavedState.mLayoutState != null) {
        mPendingSavedState = null;
    // Step 2: Run layout
    mState.mInPreLayout = false;
    mLayout.onLayoutChildren(mRecycler, mState);

    mState.mStructureChanged = false;

    // onLayoutChildren may have caused client code to disable item animations; re-check
    mState.mRunSimpleAnimations = mState.mRunSimpleAnimations && mItemAnimator != null;
    mState.mLayoutStep = State.STEP_ANIMATIONS;

因为这章只讲静态布局,所以真正相关的逻辑只在mLayout.onLayoutChildren(mRecycler, mState),逻辑已经进入LM(LayoutManager)中了,那这里我们就以LLM(LinearLayoutManager)为例


public void onLayoutChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state) {
    // layout algorithm:
    // 1) by checking children and other variables, find an anchor coordinate and an anchor
    //  item position.
    // 2) fill towards start, stacking from bottom
    // 3) fill towards end, stacking from top
    // 4) scroll to fulfill requirements like stack from bottom.
    // create layout state
    if (DEBUG) {
        Log.d(TAG, "is pre layout:" + state.isPreLayout());
    if (mPendingSavedState != null || mPendingScrollPosition != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION) {
        if (state.getItemCount() == 0) {
    if (mPendingSavedState != null && mPendingSavedState.hasValidAnchor()) {
        mPendingScrollPosition = mPendingSavedState.mAnchorPosition;

    mLayoutState.mRecycle = false;
    // resolve layout direction

    final View focused = getFocusedChild();

    //第一次进来时 mAnchorInfo.mValid 是false
    if (!mAnchorInfo.mValid || mPendingScrollPosition != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION
            || mPendingSavedState != null) {
        mAnchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd = mShouldReverseLayout ^ mStackFromEnd;
        // calculate anchor position and coordinate
        updateAnchorInfoForLayout(recycler, state, mAnchorInfo);
        mAnchorInfo.mValid = true;
    } else if (focused != null && (mOrientationHelper.getDecoratedStart(focused)
            >= mOrientationHelper.getEndAfterPadding()
            || mOrientationHelper.getDecoratedEnd(focused)
            <= mOrientationHelper.getStartAfterPadding())) {
        mAnchorInfo.assignFromViewAndKeepVisibleRect(focused, getPosition(focused));
    if (DEBUG) {
        Log.d(TAG, "Anchor info:" + mAnchorInfo);

    // LLM may decide to layout items for "extra" pixels to account for scrolling target,
    // caching or predictive animations.

    // 如果 mLastScrollDelta 大于等于 0,则说明当前的布局方向是向末尾(即底部)方向布局(即 LayoutState.LAYOUT_END),
    // 否则就是向起始(即顶部)方向布局(即 LayoutState.LAYOUT_START)
    mLayoutState.mLayoutDirection = mLayoutState.mLastScrollDelta >= 0
            ? LayoutState.LAYOUT_END : LayoutState.LAYOUT_START;
    mReusableIntPair[0] = 0;
    mReusableIntPair[1] = 0;
    //如果是从顶部往底部布局mReusableIntPair[0] = 0,mReusableIntPair[1] = RV.height - padding
    calculateExtraLayoutSpace(state, mReusableIntPair);
    int extraForStart = Math.max(0, mReusableIntPair[0])
            + mOrientationHelper.getStartAfterPadding();
    int extraForEnd = Math.max(0, mReusableIntPair[1])
            + mOrientationHelper.getEndPadding();
    if (state.isPreLayout() && mPendingScrollPosition != RecyclerView.NO_POSITION
            && mPendingScrollPositionOffset != INVALID_OFFSET) {
        // if the child is visible and we are going to move it around, we should layout
        // extra items in the opposite direction to make sure new items animate nicely
        // instead of just fading in
        final View existing = findViewByPosition(mPendingScrollPosition);
        if (existing != null) {
            final int current;
            final int upcomingOffset;
            if (mShouldReverseLayout) {
                current = mOrientationHelper.getEndAfterPadding()
                        - mOrientationHelper.getDecoratedEnd(existing);
                upcomingOffset = current - mPendingScrollPositionOffset;
            } else {
                current = mOrientationHelper.getDecoratedStart(existing)
                        - mOrientationHelper.getStartAfterPadding();
                upcomingOffset = mPendingScrollPositionOffset - current;
            if (upcomingOffset > 0) {
                extraForStart += upcomingOffset;
            } else {
                extraForEnd -= upcomingOffset;
    int startOffset;
    int endOffset;
    final int firstLayoutDirection;
    //所以firstLayoutDirection ==LayoutState.ITEM_DIRECTION_TAIL
    if (mAnchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd) {
        firstLayoutDirection = mShouldReverseLayout ? LayoutState.ITEM_DIRECTION_TAIL
                : LayoutState.ITEM_DIRECTION_HEAD;
    } else {
        firstLayoutDirection = mShouldReverseLayout ? LayoutState.ITEM_DIRECTION_HEAD
                : LayoutState.ITEM_DIRECTION_TAIL;

    onAnchorReady(recycler, state, mAnchorInfo, firstLayoutDirection);
    mLayoutState.mInfinite = resolveIsInfinite();
    mLayoutState.mIsPreLayout = state.isPreLayout();
    // noRecycleSpace not needed: recycling doesn't happen in below's fill
    // invocations because mScrollingOffset is set to SCROLLING_OFFSET_NaN
    mLayoutState.mNoRecycleSpace = 0;
    //上面因为mAnchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd = mShouldReverseLayout ^ mStackFromEnd;逻辑
    if (mAnchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd) {
        // fill towards start
        //将mAnchorInfo 布局信息设置给mLayoutState
        mLayoutState.mExtraFillSpace = extraForStart;
        fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state, false);
        startOffset = mLayoutState.mOffset;
        final int firstElement = mLayoutState.mCurrentPosition;
        if (mLayoutState.mAvailable > 0) {
            extraForEnd += mLayoutState.mAvailable;
        // fill towards end
        mLayoutState.mExtraFillSpace = extraForEnd;
        mLayoutState.mCurrentPosition += mLayoutState.mItemDirection;
        fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state, false);
        endOffset = mLayoutState.mOffset;

        if (mLayoutState.mAvailable > 0) {
            // end could not consume all. add more items towards start
            extraForStart = mLayoutState.mAvailable;
            updateLayoutStateToFillStart(firstElement, startOffset);
            mLayoutState.mExtraFillSpace = extraForStart;
            fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state, false);
            startOffset = mLayoutState.mOffset;
    } else {
        // fill towards end
        //② 根据AnchorInfo来更新LayoutState的内容,主要同步布局方向,
        //从RV的什么位置开始布局(比如从RV y轴100的地方开始向底部布局)
        mLayoutState.mExtraFillSpace = extraForEnd;
        //③ 在这里开始真正的执行填充逻辑
        fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state, false);
        endOffset = mLayoutState.mOffset;
        final int lastElement = mLayoutState.mCurrentPosition;
        if (mLayoutState.mAvailable > 0) {
            extraForStart += mLayoutState.mAvailable;
        // fill towards start
        mLayoutState.mExtraFillSpace = extraForStart;
        mLayoutState.mCurrentPosition += mLayoutState.mItemDirection;
        fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state, false);
        startOffset = mLayoutState.mOffset;

        if (mLayoutState.mAvailable > 0) {
            extraForEnd = mLayoutState.mAvailable;
            // start could not consume all it should. add more items towards end
            updateLayoutStateToFillEnd(lastElement, endOffset);
            mLayoutState.mExtraFillSpace = extraForEnd;
            fill(recycler, mLayoutState, state, false);
            endOffset = mLayoutState.mOffset;


    layoutForPredictiveAnimations(recycler, state, startOffset, endOffset);
    if (!state.isPreLayout()) {
    } else {
    mLastStackFromEnd = mStackFromEnd;
    if (DEBUG) {


  1. 参数检查并找到anchorView
  2. 向前填充child
  3. 向后填充child
  4. XXXXXXX,我没懂....




private void updateAnchorInfoForLayout(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state,
        AnchorInfo anchorInfo) {
    if (updateAnchorFromPendingData(state, anchorInfo)) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "updated anchor info from pending information");

    if (updateAnchorFromChildren(recycler, state, anchorInfo)) {
        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.d(TAG, "updated anchor info from existing children");
    if (DEBUG) {
        Log.d(TAG, "deciding anchor info for fresh state");
    anchorInfo.mPosition = mStackFromEnd ? state.getItemCount() - 1 : 0;

private boolean updateAnchorFromChildren(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler,
        RecyclerView.State state, AnchorInfo anchorInfo) {
    if (getChildCount() == 0) {
        return false;
    final View focused = getFocusedChild();
    if (focused != null && anchorInfo.isViewValidAsAnchor(focused, state)) {
        anchorInfo.assignFromViewAndKeepVisibleRect(focused, getPosition(focused));
        return true;
    if (mLastStackFromEnd != mStackFromEnd) {
        return false;
    //① 主要看这里他是如何找到anchorView的
    View referenceChild =

if (referenceChild != null) {
    anchorInfo.assignFromView(referenceChild, getPosition(referenceChild));
    // If all visible views are removed in 1 pass, reference child might be out of bounds.
    // If that is the case, offset it back to 0 so that we use these pre-layout children.
    if (!state.isPreLayout() && supportsPredictiveItemAnimations()) {
        // validate this child is at least partially visible. if not, offset it to start
        final int childStart = mOrientationHelper.getDecoratedStart(referenceChild);
        final int childEnd = mOrientationHelper.getDecoratedEnd(referenceChild);
        final int boundsStart = mOrientationHelper.getStartAfterPadding();
        final int boundsEnd = mOrientationHelper.getEndAfterPadding();
        // b/148869110: usually if childStart >= boundsEnd the child is out of
        // bounds, except if the child is 0 pixels!
        boolean outOfBoundsBefore = childEnd <= boundsStart && childStart < boundsStart;
        boolean outOfBoundsAfter = childStart >= boundsEnd && childEnd > boundsEnd;
        if (outOfBoundsBefore || outOfBoundsAfter) {
            anchorInfo.mCoordinate = anchorInfo.mLayoutFromEnd ? boundsEnd : boundsStart;

        return true;
    return false;

View findReferenceChild(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state,
        boolean layoutFromEnd, boolean traverseChildrenInReverseOrder) {

    // Determine which direction through the view children we are going iterate.
    int start = 0;
    int end = getChildCount();
    int diff = 1;
    if (traverseChildrenInReverseOrder) {
        start = getChildCount() - 1;
        end = -1;
        diff = -1;

    int itemCount = state.getItemCount();

    final int boundsStart = mOrientationHelper.getStartAfterPadding();
    final int boundsEnd = mOrientationHelper.getEndAfterPadding();

    View invalidMatch = null;
    View bestFirstFind = null;
    View bestSecondFind = null;
    //如果你是从顶部向底部布局,那么for循环就是从0 开始,for循环每次+diff(1)
    for (int i = start; i != end; i += diff) {
        final View view = getChildAt(i);
        final int position = getPosition(view);
        final int childStart = mOrientationHelper.getDecoratedStart(view);
        final int childEnd = mOrientationHelper.getDecoratedEnd(view);
        if (position >= 0 && position < itemCount) {
            if (((RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams()).isItemRemoved()) {
                if (invalidMatch == null) {
                    invalidMatch = view; // removed item, least preferred
            } else {
                // b/148869110: usually if childStart >= boundsEnd the child is out of
                // bounds, except if the child is 0 pixels!
                boolean outOfBoundsBefore = childEnd <= boundsStart && childStart < boundsStart;
                boolean outOfBoundsAfter = childStart >= boundsEnd && childEnd > boundsEnd;
                if (outOfBoundsBefore || outOfBoundsAfter) {
                    // The item is out of bounds.
                    // We want to find the items closest to the in bounds items and because we
                    // are always going through the items linearly, the 2 items we want are the
                    // last out of bounds item on the side we start searching on, and the first
                    // out of bounds item on the side we are ending on.  The side that we are
                    // ending on ultimately takes priority because we want items later in the
                    // layout to move forward if no in bounds anchors are found.
                    if (layoutFromEnd) {
                        if (outOfBoundsAfter) {
                            bestFirstFind = view;
                        } else if (bestSecondFind == null) {
                            bestSecondFind = view;
                    } else {
                        if (outOfBoundsBefore) {
                            bestFirstFind = view;
                        } else if (bestSecondFind == null) {
                            bestSecondFind = view;
                } else {
                    // We found an in bounds item, greedily return it.
                    return view;
    // We didn't find an in bounds item so we will settle for an item in this order:
    // 1\. bestSecondFind
    // 2\. bestFirstFind
    // 3\. invalidMatch
    return bestSecondFind != null ? bestSecondFind :
            (bestFirstFind != null ? bestFirstFind : invalidMatch);






protected void calculateExtraLayoutSpace(@NonNull RecyclerView.State state,
        @NonNull int[] extraLayoutSpace) {
    int extraLayoutSpaceStart = 0;
    int extraLayoutSpaceEnd = 0;

    // If calculateExtraLayoutSpace is not overridden, call the
    // deprecated getExtraLayoutSpace for backwards compatibility
    int extraScrollSpace = getExtraLayoutSpace(state);
    if (mLayoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START) {
        extraLayoutSpaceStart = extraScrollSpace;
    } else {
        extraLayoutSpaceEnd = extraScrollSpace;

    extraLayoutSpace[0] = extraLayoutSpaceStart;
    extraLayoutSpace[1] = extraLayoutSpaceEnd;

protected int getExtraLayoutSpace(RecyclerView.State state) {
    if (state.hasTargetScrollPosition()) {
        //① 这里我们以LLM 的垂直布局为例
        return mOrientationHelper.getTotalSpace();
    } else {
        return 0;

public int getTotalSpace() {
    return mLayoutManager.getHeight() - mLayoutManager.getPaddingTop()
            - mLayoutManager.getPaddingBottom();



int fill(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, LayoutState layoutState,
        RecyclerView.State state, boolean stopOnFocusable) {
    // max offset we should set is mFastScroll + available
    final int start = layoutState.mAvailable;
    if (layoutState.mScrollingOffset != LayoutState.SCROLLING_OFFSET_NaN) {
        // TODO ugly bug fix. should not happen
        if (layoutState.mAvailable < 0) {
            layoutState.mScrollingOffset += layoutState.mAvailable;
        recycleByLayoutState(recycler, layoutState);
    int remainingSpace = layoutState.mAvailable + layoutState.mExtraFillSpace;
    // 但是不应该不参与真正的空间剩余空间的计算)
    LayoutChunkResult layoutChunkResult = mLayoutChunkResult;
    while ((layoutState.mInfinite || remainingSpace > 0) && layoutState.hasMore(state)) {
        if (RecyclerView.VERBOSE_TRACING) {
            TraceCompat.beginSection("LLM LayoutChunk");
        //①这里是真正layout child的逻辑
        layoutChunk(recycler, state, layoutState, layoutChunkResult);
        if (RecyclerView.VERBOSE_TRACING) {
        if (layoutChunkResult.mFinished) {
        //layoutState.mLayoutDirection的值是 1或者-1 所以这里是 乘法
        //如果是从顶部往底部填充,当前填充的是第三个child 且每个高度是10dp,那么layoutState.mOffset的值
        //就是上次填充时的偏移量 + 这次填充child的高度
        //如果是从底部往顶部填充,那就是次填充时的偏移量 - 这次填充child的高度
        layoutState.mOffset += layoutChunkResult.mConsumed * layoutState.mLayoutDirection;
         * Consume the available space if:
         * * layoutChunk did not request to be ignored
         * * OR we are laying out scrap children
         * * OR we are not doing pre-layout
        if (!layoutChunkResult.mIgnoreConsumed || layoutState.mScrapList != null
                || !state.isPreLayout()) {
            layoutState.mAvailable -= layoutChunkResult.mConsumed;
            // we keep a separate remaining space because mAvailable is important for recycling
            remainingSpace -= layoutChunkResult.mConsumed;

        if (layoutState.mScrollingOffset != LayoutState.SCROLLING_OFFSET_NaN) {
            layoutState.mScrollingOffset += layoutChunkResult.mConsumed;
            if (layoutState.mAvailable < 0) {
                layoutState.mScrollingOffset += layoutState.mAvailable;
            recycleByLayoutState(recycler, layoutState);
        if (stopOnFocusable && layoutChunkResult.mFocusable) {
    if (DEBUG) {
    return start - layoutState.mAvailable;

void layoutChunk(RecyclerView.Recycler recycler, RecyclerView.State state,
        LayoutState layoutState, LayoutChunkResult result) {
    View view = layoutState.next(recycler);
    if (view == null) {
        if (DEBUG && layoutState.mScrapList == null) {
            throw new RuntimeException("received null view when unexpected");
        // if we are laying out views in scrap, this may return null which means there is
        // no more items to layout.
        result.mFinished = true;
    RecyclerView.LayoutParams params = (RecyclerView.LayoutParams) view.getLayoutParams();
    if (layoutState.mScrapList == null) {
        if (mShouldReverseLayout == (layoutState.mLayoutDirection
                == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START)) {
        } else {
            addView(view, 0);
    } else {
        if (mShouldReverseLayout == (layoutState.mLayoutDirection
                == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START)) {
        } else {
            addDisappearingView(view, 0);
    measureChildWithMargins(view, 0, 0);
    //记录当前child 消费了多少空间
    result.mConsumed = mOrientationHelper.getDecoratedMeasurement(view);
    int left, top, right, bottom;
    //从这里看到定义了left, top, right, bottom,就知道肯定是
    if (mOrientation == VERTICAL) {
        if (isLayoutRTL()) {
            right = getWidth() - getPaddingRight();
            left = right - mOrientationHelper.getDecoratedMeasurementInOther(view);
        } else {
            left = getPaddingLeft();
            right = left + mOrientationHelper.getDecoratedMeasurementInOther(view);
        if (layoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START) {
            bottom = layoutState.mOffset;
            top = layoutState.mOffset - result.mConsumed;
        } else {
            top = layoutState.mOffset;
            bottom = layoutState.mOffset + result.mConsumed;
    } else {
        top = getPaddingTop();
        bottom = top + mOrientationHelper.getDecoratedMeasurementInOther(view);

        if (layoutState.mLayoutDirection == LayoutState.LAYOUT_START) {
            right = layoutState.mOffset;
            left = layoutState.mOffset - result.mConsumed;
        } else {
            left = layoutState.mOffset;
            right = layoutState.mOffset + result.mConsumed;
    // We calculate everything with View's bounding box (which includes decor and margins)
    // To calculate correct layout position, we subtract margins.
    layoutDecoratedWithMargins(view, left, top, right, bottom);
    if (DEBUG) {
        Log.d(TAG, "laid out child at position " + getPosition(view) + ", with l:"
                + (left + params.leftMargin) + ", t:" + (top + params.topMargin) + ", r:"
                + (right - params.rightMargin) + ", b:" + (bottom - params.bottomMargin));
    // Consume the available space if the view is not removed OR changed
    if (params.isItemRemoved() || params.isItemChanged()) {
        result.mIgnoreConsumed = true;
    result.mFocusable = view.hasFocusable();


fun fill(){
    var couldLayoutSpace = layoutState.mAvailable + layoutState.mExtraFillSpace
    while (couldLayoutSpace >0 && curLayoutChildPosition < adapter.itemCount - 1){

        val layoutChunkResult = layoutChunk()
        couldLayoutSpace -= layoutChunkResult.consumed

fun layoutChunk(){
    val childView = getChildView()




      本文标题:RecyclerView 静态布局实现过程解析:如何构建高性能的
