

作者: 杉杉妈Alice | 来源:发表于2022-12-23 22:55 被阅读0次



Love is like the wind; you can't see it but you can feel it.


  -Nicholas Sparks

Today is a normal day and also is different day because my daughter eyes is  Not good!

In the morning I found that there's a little red, so I ask her, how about your eyes? Did you feel hurt or not?

And in the afternoon we stay in her  Daddy's bedroom, we just stay there learning

And also I took  the videos and sent to the titok.  She read the Phonics

And also today we go outside when I because we just to get our delivering all the things are the food.

The first thing we draw the picture and play it

I say, can you draw a tree and then can you write down the tree words?

It is the cake and also this is the first time I eat the cake.  It's just like a ice cream, it is cold.  But actually it's yummy .  And at this time I also told my daughter you can't eat so fast and also the food that your daddy bought that. And also all of us can eat it.  You  Need share the food

And also the most of that is my daughter to eat

This picture you can saw it. Her eyes are red

This evening we also spend more than 30 minutes to write down the pingyin.  She read it.


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