世味 • 之一
我家老太太不知从何听说有一土产胜地,拉我寻访传说中的藕元子。德胜桥其实是一条狭长的菜市街。 阳光透过高大而寥落的法桐, 穿过电线杆、树干和头顶上晾着的各种衣物,照在这条由均高不过三层的建筑拢成的小道上。除了常见的鱼肉禽蛋油米粮蔬菜水果铺,还有自制的酱、酒,日杂、床品、服装、布匹、毛线店,缝纫、皮匠铺、理发屋、浴池,以及各种不同程度的食品加工店。 小门店见缝插针地摊摆着各种货品, 小推车上卖着瓷器,自行车上挂个大篓子,就能贩些干货、酱菜或腐乳。一个拉着蜂窝煤的板车,停在一家熟食店前。一家手工麻花店,大锅旁蜿蜒排着队,队尾不时蹦出汉腔“莫(二声)插(三声)队(dei,四声,尾音上扬)”,冲散前面不断聚拢的围观路人;一家菜铺,一块一斤的菜薹成堆摊在下方积水的路牙子上,尚有几只蜜蜂毫不知情地在花尖上忙活;一家适逢无客的鱼店,夫妇俩穿着同样的塑胶套鞋围裙手套,以同样的姿势坐在鱼摊后小板凳上,店铺小得他俩连转身的空间都没有,汉子只得以端坐的姿态眯起眼睛,脚边尚有剔除的鱼件和血迹。时间好像在这里停滞:十年,二十年,三十年,喧闹繁华的市井之气如唐宋画卷再现,充满活力,让人心安,又有同样暗潮涌动的无奈。
世味 • 之二
话说当年我妈刚生娃,体弱不下奶,娘家送来两对鸽子,可怜我爹也不会弄那玩意,费了老劲料理了一锅,剩下一对就养着。养着养着,这对鸽子孵下了一窝又一窝幼仔,鸽丁日渐兴旺。【论语 述而】言:「弋不射宿」 ,我爹妈既是初为父母,又脚着养久了也有感情了不是,就没再给它们剪翅,也没怎么限制它们的自由。结果有一天,鸽子一家老小一齐飞跑了!每每说起这段往事,他俩多少都有些桑心,宛如地主家的小妾跟长工私奔了,枉费口粮生生养了一窝白眼狼 。
世味 • 之三
In a faraway land, a long-suffering, cold winter had withered this secluded kingdom. People have been calling for a wise governor who can bring the spring back to the land. However, the only Crown Princess was a young, slim and sentimental girl who seemed the last candidate to their dream leader. Minister compromised: "I'm afraid marriage is your only way to the thorne, your Majesty. "
And the one came. Confident, resolute, handsome, he is with all the virtues they demanded, as if angels sprinkled all the god's blessing on him. Until the moment she saw him, she suddenly realized the truth that the ministers wanted him, instead of her, to be crowned.
The stituation left her no choice. She had to conceal the struggles inside her. With a sigh frozen in the air, she gave the last look at the roof in the darkening night and decided to devote herself into supporting his reign.
It's a dark evening. she saw him, at the outmost of the hall, but to found he was posting her poster for her selection.
"Why, why you do this for me?"
"Because you deserve a try."
"After all these years?"
"Always," he looked into her eyes, smiled.