On Saturday afternoon, its a sunny and cool Autumn day, I accompany with my son to practise kayak, when the children were Doing warm-up exercises, I climbed up the ancient city wall of Xiangmen to see the clear sky. Put aside my worries and enjoy the leisure time.
Today, the first day of the children to practice team kayak, the teammates need to cooperate well, a few laps down, they have been down better. tourists who standed on the shore cheered for them, I also feel praud of them.
几个阿姨站在旁边聊天,拍照,多美好的友情! 看样子应该是从年轻时一路走过来的朋友,我身边的朋友不多,个别留在苏州的也不常相聚,看着她们叽叽喳喳,拍照时又略有害羞的样子,心里不禁生出羡慕之情。
Several aunties standing around chatting and taking photos, what a wonderful friendship. It seemed that they should be friends when they are very young. I didn’t have many friends around me, and those who stayed in Suzhou didn’t get together very often either, watching them chat with chirp, and a little shy when they took the photo, I couldn’t help feeling envious with them.
正在遐想时,一个穿着红马甲的小朋友过来跟我打招呼, 估摸着4、5岁的样子。小男孩煞有介事的拿着话筒,一本正经的说:"阿姨,可以采访您几个问题吗?"我笑着点点头;
答: 嗯,就是每次乘坐地铁或公交时,包里都会放一本书,可以利用碎片时间读会儿书。
While I was daydreaming, a little boy wear a red waistcoat came up to me and said hello. He was about 4 or 5 years old. The little boy took the microphone seriously, said seriously:" aunt, can I interview you a few questions?" I smiled and nodded;
答: 嗯,就是每次乘坐地铁或公交时,包里都会放一本书,可以利用碎片时间读会儿书。
Question 1: Do you have any time saving tips?
A: Well, every time you take the subway or the bus, bring a book in your bag, so you can use the time to read.
Question 2: If the world were ended in 30 days, how would you spend your last days?
A: put off all work, will have dinner, chat with families. flat and warmly to spend the last precious time.
The teacher nearby reminded the boy said thank you, took a group photo for the boy and I, so lucky I passed a strange child’s growth moment, my heart full of peaceful love and it spread out like the light.
After answered the boy's question, I suddenly feel a little sad,
when I looked at children practised on the river under sunshine, and I realized how precious now!
After practice, accompany with the my son walked around the quaint Pingjiang road, my son like here very much, we saw the beautiful river, beauties with ancient clothes, heard Suzhou Pingtan, eat a bowl of noodles. Happily ending today.
