卡片知识 第十三篇 --- “即兴问答 2”

卡片知识 第十三篇 --- “即兴问答 2”

作者: yangsunior | 来源:发表于2020-03-22 13:46 被阅读0次

How to be a good story-teller?

  • Eaily understood
  • Your stories don't have to be sentimental; they just have to be sincere.
  • A story has an appealing protagonist, in pursuit of a worthwhile goal, against seemingly unsurmountable obstacles.
    unsurmountable adj. 不能克服的;不能超越的

How to increase membership Stength(someone never join meeting any longer)?

  • improve quality of meeting
  • build learning group
  • select club star to encourage more people
  • figure out goal of joining TM, VPE review goals with him/her every 2 months(whatever)
    Note: One example of weak membership is that president's leave will lead to collapse of a club

Tell us the greatst benefit from public speaking.

It is about self-discovery. Crafting stories forces you to explore yourself as human being. Those who learn deeply about themselves are truly strong, authentic and humble.

What's education?

  • Education is a tree shaking a tree

  • a cloud to promote a cloud

  • a soul awaken another soul

  • 教育就是一棵树摇动一棵树

  • 一朵云推动一朵云

  • 一个灵魂唤醒另一个灵魂


保持激情|| 词(7%)肢体(55%)语调(38%)


  • 迟到角色由到场会员顶替,Timer&GE在报告中需酌情体现
  • 会前官员团队在active微信群里提醒
  • 会前GE通知Role Taker,比如会前建立微信群,会后解散群



    本文标题:卡片知识 第十三篇 --- “即兴问答 2”
