Tik Tok beats Facebook at the top of U.S. App store
So much for Chinese tech not able being to become popular in the U.S. While millions leave Facebook flagship app, they aren't all going to Instagram. ByteDance recently overtook Uber as the most valuable startup in the world and now its proven that it can make popular apps faster than Facebook can acquire them.
那么,里程碑是啥呢?9月份,一款你可能从没听说过的非常流行的APP下载量超过Facebook,YouTube,和Snapchat。它可能是最流行的APP了。Tik Tok在中国叫做抖音,它成功使得字节跳动成为下一代社交,视频,和互动领域的下一代公司的领头羊。
So what is the milestone exactly? A viral video app you've probably may never heard of had more downloads in September than Facebook, YouTube, or SnapChat. It's basically the most viral app. Tik Tok is called "Douyin" in China and has made ByteDance into the next-gen company to beat in social, video, and interactive app.
还记得吗?Tik Tok就是musicial.ly并入进去的。
Tik Tok is the app that musicial.ly merged into, remember them?
在Facebook股价下跌的时期,它的用户也在离开。这个世界不仅仅是一家的故事,它正在成为像Tik Tok这样的微视频app的创业天堂。这是Instgram之后的下一代。
In an era where Facebook's stock is falling, its users are leaving. The world isn't becoming just a family story, it's becoming a creator's heaven with micro-video apps like Tik Tok. It's the next gen after Instagram.
它已经从GenZ app成为了主流app,并且成功打入西方消费者中。记住字节跳动的总部在北京,而不是硅谷。这些人在开发你可能从没听说过的最聪明的app。
It's gone from a GenZ app to a mainstream app and has penetrated the western consumer now. Keep in mind ByteDance is based in Beijing, not Silicon Valley. These people are creating the smartest apps you've likely never heard of.
The future of apps is not advertising or creating a “family of apps” because you cannot innovate, it’s actually video. Facebook has largely failed in video, and with just YouTube that’s meant even stealing SnapChat Stories is not good enough for 2019.
Tik Tok是2018年9月美国下载次数最多的app。抖音不仅在亚洲受欢迎,因此中国科技公司正在全球扩张。你可以把Facebook挡在外面,但你不能把中国的创新拒之门外。这对硅谷来说是一个重要的教训。
Tik Tok was the most downloaded app in the U.S. in September, 2018. Douyin is not popular only in Asia, there Chinese tech companies are scaling to globally. You can keep Facebook out of the party, but you can't keep Chinese innovation out of the world. This is a major lesson for Silicon Valley.
JD.com, Didi, Meituan, Ant Financial, Tencent Music, IQiyi, Pinduoduo — they are coming and they represent something Americans don’t understand. There’s a new wave of Chinese tech companies that are more customer-centric than even Amazon is.
Will Facebook Die?
Facebook’s apps are in decline in Europe and realistically in North America as well. October, 2018 was a milestone for how quickly it might happen.

For ByteDance this is nothing new. Anyone familiar with Toutiao knew this was a step up in personalization and how user experiences are optimized in apps. Whether this is News curation or micro video, China has led live-streaming and micro video (and mobile payments too) for quite some time.
亚马逊可以买下SnapChat,但是Tik Tok现在是Instagram的直接竞争对手,应该会让Facebook感到恐慌。
Amazon can buy Snapchat, but TikTok is now a direct competitor to Instagram and it should terrify Facebook.