Module 1 Planning a presentation
1. Company update
- The company update was very interesting. 公司的最新消息是非常有趣的。
- We are going to merge with Smoot Inc. 我们将要与斯穆特公司合并。
- Our acquisition of Hawley and Smith is going well. 我们对霍利和史密斯的收购进展顺利。
- We have three new hires. The most important is the new COO. 我们有三个新员工。 最重要的是新的首席运营官。
- Sales are poor in our African markets. We'll be closing one of our offices. 我们非洲市场的销售不好。 我们将会关闭我们的一个办公室。
- Brazil is our biggest, most profitable market. 巴西是我们最大的也是收益最高的市场。
- TLG is a subsidiary of Mox Inc. Mox Inc. is the parent company. TLG是Mox公司的子公司。 Mox公司是母公司。
- I will update you as soon as I know. 一旦我知道我就会给你最新消息。
- Is the CEO going to give us an update? 首席执行官将会给我们一个更新吗?
- The company is going to hire more employees. 公司将雇佣更多的员工。
- Is he the new hire? 他是新员工吗?
- We need to find a new way to market the product. 我们需要找到一个新的方法来推广产品。
- Marketing the new product is a big challenge. 推广这个新产品是一个大的挑战。
- The two companies are going to merge. 这两家公司将要合并。
- Will there be a merger between the two companies? 这两家公司会合并吗?
- The parent company will acquire Smoot Inc. 母公司将收购斯穆特公司。
- After the acquisition, Smoot Inc. will be a subsidiary. 收购完成后,斯穆特公司将成为一家子公司。
2. Subject-verb agreement: 'number of'
number of' 的主谓一致
对不确定的数量,使用 a number of + plural noun + 复数动词。注意,由于数量不明,所以使用不定冠词(a)。
- A number of companies have merged lately. 最近许多公司合并了。
- A number of the projectors are broken. 许多投影仪坏了。
对于确切的数量,使用 the number of + plural noun + 单数动词。由于数量已知,故使用定冠词(the)。
- The number of people in that company is tremendous. 这家公司的员工人数巨大。
- The number of our subsidiaries has increased to 15. 我们子公司的数量增加到 15 家。
- Each of my colleagues has a different opinion regarding the merger. 我的每一位同事对合并的看法都不同。
- Every one of the board members was happy with the acquisition. 每一位董事会成员都对收购很满意。
- Every one of the board members was pleased. 所有董事会成员都很满意。
- One of my colleagues has quit, another is thinking about it. 我的一位同事辞职了,还有一位在考虑辞职。
3. Presentation outline 写演示提纲
写outline(大纲)的关键是保持简明扼要。一个简单的介绍之后,在主体写main points(要点)。在结尾时,给你的信息做summary(总结),并列出任何next steps(下面的步骤)。
- Introduction: There have been a number of recent changes in the company. Here's an update.
Main points:
- Acquisition of Sistronicks Computers
- 1.1 will complete by Aug. 16
- 1.2 will help in African markets
- New hires
- 2.1 CFO Bob Barnett
- Sales
- 3.1 big increase in China
- 3.2 stable in Russia
Summary: Company is generally very healthy.
Next step: Review the CEO's monthly email for details.
Module 2 Opening a presentation
1. Presentation tips
Opening a Presentation
The opening, or introduction, of your presentation is the most important part. Use these pointers to help you deliver a successful opening.
First, welcome your audience. Thank them for coming.
Then get people's attention. Present an interesting fact or statistic, something that introduces your topic to the audience, and gets them thinking.
Offer people a 'map' of your presentation. Your opening should summarize what you will talk about first, second, third, and so on.
Give your audience the rules for questions. Tell them if they can ask questions at any time or whether they should wait until the end. It's your choice.
Practice your opening until it's perfect.
2. Opening a presentation
- Thanks for coming. 感谢到来。
- I know that you're all anxious to 我知道你们都对...感到焦虑
- I'll give you what I can today. 今天我会给出我所能够给出的信息
- I'll start by 我先说一下
- Then I'll talk about 然后我会谈一谈
- And I'll finish by talking about 最后我会讲一下
- If you have questions, please just ask. 如果你有问题,请尽管问
- Good morning. Thank you all for coming today. 早上好。感谢大家今天的到来。
- I know that you're all anxious to know about our acquisition of DPXG. I have some news.
我知道你们都渴望了解我们收购DPXG的情形。我有一些消息。 - I'll start by giving an update. Then I'm going to introduce our new CEO. Finally, I'll be talking about our changing product line.
- Please hold all of your questions until the end of the presentation. 请各位在演示结束后再行提问。
- If you have any questions, feel free to ask them at any time. 如果你有问题,随时可以提问。
- Then I'll be talking about our merger with DPXG. 然后我将要谈谈我们与DPXG的合并。
- Finally, I'm going to explain our new projects. 最后,我要说明我们的新项目。
3. Previewing main points
- I'll begin by giving a general update. 我开始先谈一下大体的最新消息。
- I'm going to finish by talking about new projects. 我结束时会谈一下新项目。
带-ing的形式听起来不太确定并且更友好。例如,I'll be discussing听起来比I will discuss更放松。
- I'll be discussing our acquisition of Smoot Hawley. 我将讨论我们对斯姆特霍利的收购。
- I'll be explaining our merger with Smoot Hawley. 我将说明我们与斯穆特霍利的合并。
要告诉你的听众哪些不会被覆盖在你的演示中,用won't 或者 not going to。注意在否定式后,用any而不是some。
- However, I won't have any new financial information. 不过,我不会有任何新的财务信息。
Module 3 Presenting information
1. More business presentations
- headquarters 总部
- particularly good 尤为不错
- candidate 候选人
- accepted 接受
- controller 主管
- a common vision 共同的愿景
- continent 大洲
- pie chart
- flowchart
- line chart
- table
- bar graph
2. Transitioning to the next point
- As you know ... 如你所知……
- however 但是
- ... which brings us to my next point. ……这就把我们带到了我要说的第二点。
- Best of all ... 首先……
- Now, I'd like to move on to ... 现在,我想转到……
- These pie charts show ... 这些饼分图显示……
- As you can clearly see ... 你可以清楚看到……
- I'd like to draw your attention to ... 我想让大家注意……
- The headquarters building is fairly old. That brings me to my next point. We're moving in July. 总部大楼非常旧了。这就是我接下来要说的事情,我们将在七月搬迁。
- Let's move on to the organizational flowchart. 让我们现在来看看组织流程图。
- Let's move on to the second table, on page 5. 我们下面来看第五页的第二张表。
- I'd like to draw your attention to the third column in this table. 我想让大家一起看本表格第三栏。
- I'd like to draw your attention to this flowchart. 我想让大家来看这幅流程图。
- I want to transition to the next topic – payroll. 我要转到下一个话题 - 工资表。
使用带有 as you 的表达,转到可能已经明显或清楚的事项。
- As you may know, Clark is leaving in November. 你们可能知道,Clark 十一月将离开。
- As you may know, we're building a new headquarters. 你们可能知道,我们正在修建新的总部。
- As you can see on this bar graph, sales are up, particularly in South America. 你们在柱状图上可以看到,销售额上升,尤其是南美地区。
- We share a common vision. However, we have different strategies. 我们怀有共同的愿景。但是,我们有着不同的策略。
- We share a common vision, particularly with training. 我们怀有共同的愿景,尤其在培训上。
- The pie chart shows spending is down. On the other hand, you can see that sales have also decreased. 从饼形图上可以看出,支出在下降。另一方面,你也可以看到销售也同时在下降。
- Best of all, the program allows us to reward our best salespeople. 最棒的是,该项目让我们可以奖励我们最好的销售人员。
- Best of all, the new controller worked in Africa. 最棒的是,新主管在南非工作过。
- Worse yet, sales are down for the third straight month. 最糟糕的是,销售额连续三个月在下降。
3. Prepositions for trends
使用 increase 或 decrease + by + number 谈论程度或数量变化。你也可以讲 rise by 或 fall by。
- Sales rose by 13 percent last year. 销售额去年上升了 13%。
- Sales increased by 5 percent last month. 销售额上个月增长了 5%。
- Spending will decrease by $1.2 million over the next five years. 未来五年内,支出将减少 120 万美元。
使用 to + 数字,谈论变化至某具体数字。
- Inventory increased to $200,000. 库存金额增加到 20 万美元。
- Unemployment fell to 7.3 percent. 失业率下降至 7.3%。
- Our number of customers rose to 500 last week. 我们的客户人数上周上升到 500 人。
使用 from + 数字,确定改变之前的数字。
- Inventory rose to
187,000. 库存金额从 18.7 万美元增加到 20 万美元。
- Profits rose from 10,000 to 20,000. 利润从 10,000 上升至 20,000。
- Unemployment decreased to 7.3 percent from 7.5 percent. 失业率从 7.5% 降至 7.3%。
使用 remain steady + at 或 hold steady + at 谈论没有变化的具体数字。
- Costs remain steady at $6.8 million. 成本稳定在 680 万美元。
- Sales held steady at 370,000 units. 销售额稳定在 37 万件。
- Sales remained steady at 200 units. 销售额稳定在 200 件。
- Profits held steady at $100,000. 利润稳定在 10 万美元。
Module 4 Ending a presentation
1. Effective conclusions
Communication Keys
Volume IV, Issue 3 April
Presentation pointers: conclusions
The conclusion of your presentation is critical. It's your final chance to impress your audience and make sure they understand your key points, your most important ideas. Here are some pointers for a successful conclusion:
- 1.In the body of your presentation, you discussed your most important points in detail. In the conclusion, you should quickly summarize the main ideas. In a few sentences, remind your audience about the critical ideas, before you offer your final thoughts – your 'big finish.'
- Perhaps you work for a market leader with a long history, and the company continues to increase its market share. You make a presentation to try to motivate your sales team. How can you summarize your critical points? Here's an example:
'To summarize, our long history means that our customers trust us. As far as company growth, we have become the market leader in just three years. We can easily increase market share by 15 percent next year, but that's not good enough.'
- Perhaps you work for a market leader with a long history, and the company continues to increase its market share. You make a presentation to try to motivate your sales team. How can you summarize your critical points? Here's an example:
- After you summarize your key points, offer your audience something memorable that will motivate them. It should be something they will remember after your presentation. One good method is to give your audience a 'next step' or 'an action item'; that is, something that you want them to do. For example, if you want your sales team to start thinking about how to increase sales, you can say something like:
'As next steps, I want you all to think of ways to increase sales. We will offer a $1,000 award for the most innovative idea.'
- After you summarize your key points, offer your audience something memorable that will motivate them. It should be something they will remember after your presentation. One good method is to give your audience a 'next step' or 'an action item'; that is, something that you want them to do. For example, if you want your sales team to start thinking about how to increase sales, you can say something like:
- After that, ask your audience if they have any more questions. Finally, thank them for coming.
- During your presentation, don't just stare at your notebook – look around at the people in the audience. Emphasize your key points by saying them slowly and clearly. Emphasize key words by saying them more strongly than other words, particularly during your big finish.
- Finally, as with the other parts of your presentation, practice the conclusion several times until you can say it smoothly. Then give your presentation with confidence.
2. Concluding a presentation
- To summarize, we have a new CFO, sales are rising steadily and our merger with Smoot happens next month. 总而言之,我们有一位新的首席财务官,销量稳步上升而且我们与斯穆特的合并下个月开始。
- To summarize, sales rose only in Asia. 总之,销售仅在亚洲增长。
- To summarize, sales are going up. 总之,销售正在上升。
- In conclusion, because of rapidly increasing sales, we're opening 10 new offices.总之,由于销售的迅速增长,我们将开设10个新的办公室。
- In conclusion, we need to cut expenses. 总之,我们要削减开支。
- In conclusion, the company is doing great. 总之,公司现正做得很不错。
用下面的表达方式来传达next steps,回答问题和感谢大家的出席。
- Next steps for us all are to come up with ideas for improving morale. Email them to me. 我们所有人下面要做的是想出提高士气的主意。把它们用邮件发送给我。
- Our next step is to create products for Asia. 我们的下一步是要为亚洲创造产品。
- As a next step, think about cutting costs. 下一步,想一想降低成本。
- I'll take questions now. 我现在回答问题。
- Thank you all for coming today. 谢谢大家今天的到来。
3. Handling questions
- Are there any questions? 有问题吗?
- Does anyone have any other questions? 有人有任何其他的问题吗?
- A. Yes, Harry? 什么,哈利?
- B. Are we going to have any team-building activities? 我们是否有任何团队建设活动?
- If you think of other questions, just send me an email. 如果你想到其他的问题,尽可以给我发电子邮件。