

作者: 吴筱雨_8dbf | 来源:发表于2017-10-29 20:26 被阅读0次

    1Britain government has not prepared well to Brexit, before March 2019, Britain should be in a customs union with the EU. But the government officials declared that even in transition period, Britain would be out of the customs union. Whether Britain quit out of customs union would influence economy and politics, especially the British government would be affected badly. The government now needs to build anewsober approach for there is too much debate of the Brexit. It will take time, because the ultimate trade arrangements must be agreed. by all the other countries. This week the paper was put out for a more realistic approach to Brexit.

    2China made a big progress in navy. China and Russia showed their naval power together to point at Nato and their common enemy America. American officials worried about China's growing naval power that influenced deeply in the disputed territory of east and south seas , as well as to threaten Taiwan. China and Russia hands off in each other's International disputes, however Russian officials worried about China's growth in economy and military as America, so that they not only sell weapons to China. but also China 's rival India. China's growing naval power should be welcomed but not feared. For China's deploying navy in Djibuti would makes China understand why America deploy navy out of its own waters. Furthermore China 's growing navy can bolster global security rather than threaten it .



