

作者: 8daaf7dbd899 | 来源:发表于2016-04-16 03:37 被阅读0次

28托福黎老师 每日一题  写搭配 / 同义词 12.16

1. 对… 有不良的影响 2. 好好想某个问题 3. 实现目标 4. 充满了挑战 5. lead a ____lifestyle 请分别填入:生活的比较快、健康、久坐的、有压力的、富裕的生活

28托福黎老师 每日一题  写搭配 / 同义词 12.16  答案 1. 对… 有不良的影响 exert a negative / an adverse impact / influence / effect on 2. 好好想某个问题 deliberate over a matter / problem consider a matter / problem thoroughly 3. 实现目标 accomplish, achieve, attain, fulfill, meet an objective / aim / ambition / aspiration   4. 充满了挑战 be saturated with / be brimmed with / be full of / be filled with obstacles / problems / troubles 5. lead a ____lifestyle 请分别填入:生活的比较快、健康、久坐的、有压力的、富裕的生活 lead a hectic lifestyle lead a healthy / wholesome lifestyle;  lead a sedentary lifestyle ;lead a stressful lifestyle ;lead an affluent lifestyle

28托福黎老师 每日一题  汉译英 12.17 答案 尽管家庭作业对于学生来说很重要,但是老师天天布置作业是没有必要的,学生已经有很多事情要做了,过多的作业会使得学生焦虑,甚至失眠.

Though homework places students as the beneficiaries, assigning too much of it, on the other hand, is unnecessary. Adolescents, already saddled with overwhelming workloads, will suffer from depression and even undergo insomnia due to excessive school assignments.

28托福黎老师 每日一题  请用汉语写出下题的破题思路 12.18 答案 Some people think that giving students time during a class to discuss ideas with each other is a good way to help students learn; others think giving students time for discussion is ineffective or a waste of time. Which idea do you agree, and why?

1. 对学生好 1.1 提高学生的学习效率 1.2培养学生的技能 (人际交往能力、时间管理能力等)     e.g. 北大附鼓励小组活动

2.对老师好 2.1 多样化老师的教学方法 2.2. 老师压力小,比较轻松 e.,g. 哈佛的老师经常进行小组活动


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