11.29 每日一词| source

11.29 每日一词| source

作者: Mandy_梓彤 | 来源:发表于2018-11-29 21:21 被阅读0次

source n.

释义:a place, person, or thing from which something originates or can be obtained

“source”是可数名词,字面意思是“河流的源头”,可以引申为“XX 的来源”,比如“收入来源”就可以说成“a source of income”。a source of 后常接抽象名词,比如 delight、strength、happiness、progress 等,是个非常实用、地道的写法。

例① 种族和文化多样性一直被视为美国的优势

Racial and cultural diversity has long been considered a source of strength for the US.

例② 拳王阿里去世之后,《经济学人》给他写了一篇讣告,里面提到打拳击获得冠军并没有给他带来快乐

Conquering the world, as he had done time after time with pure punching skill, did not now seem the source of true happiness.

例③ 《经济学人》在一篇讨论安乐死的社论中这样写道:

Liberty and autonomy are sources of human dignity.


例④ 奥巴马在卸任美国总统之后,接受了《经济学人》的邀请,写了一篇回顾第二任期的文章,其中有一句是这样的:

America’s political system can be frustrating. Believe me, I know. But it has been the source of more than two centuries of economic and social progress.


另外,我们要注意中英文表达的区别。我们平时想表达“XX的来源”时,会很容易就想到“a source of X”,不过英文的“a source of X”可以表达的意思远远多于“XX的来源”。比如例句中的“得益于” “赋予” “带来”,很多时候都可以用到“a source of X”。在学习词汇时,要多留意中英文表达习惯的不同,积累的越多,我们的口语、写作和翻译就会变得越地道。

1.翻译: 姚明和刘翔让上海人感到骄傲。

Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are sources of pride for Shanghainese.

(参考翻译:Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are a source of pride for Shanghainese people. )

2. 造句练习

场景: 金钱并不是人们真正幸福的源泉,幸福源于我们对生活的热爱。

造句: Money is not the source of real happiness, but the passion that we put into our life is.

搜索source一词时,偶然看到 Henrik Ibsen对于金钱观的描述,摘在这里。希望人与人之间不要把情意和金钱捆绑在一起。

11.29 每日一词| source


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    source n. 释义:a place, person, or thing from which somethi...

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    1) 翻译:姚明和刘翔让上海人感到骄傲。 Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are a source ...

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    n[C] 引申意为“xx的来源” Racial and cultural diversity has long b...

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    翻译 Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are a source of pride for Shang...

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    “source”是可数名词,字面意思是“河流的源头”,可以引申为“XX 的来源”,比如“收入来源”就可以说成“a ...

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    1)翻译下面的句子: 姚明和刘翔让上海人感到骄傲。 Yao Ming and Liu Xiang are a so...

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    释义: “source”是可数名词,字面意思是“河流的源头”,可以引申为“XX 的来源”,比如“收入来源”就可以说...

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    1. 姚明和刘翔让上海人感到骄傲。 YaoMing and LiuXiang are a source of pr...

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