阿尔忒弥斯的召唤 The summon of Atremis

阿尔忒弥斯的召唤 The summon of Atremis

作者: 夜影若依 | 来源:发表于2018-06-16 21:12 被阅读0次


阿尔忒弥斯的召唤 The summon of Atremis


This work is a copy of Mr. Lake layton's book, posey Jackson. In this way, I pay tribute to my favorite writer, Mr. Leclerton.

  第一章/卡厄斯预言Chapter 1 / the caeus prophecy


  If you've read Greek mythology, you're no stranger to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt. You will remember, then, that she had sworn never to marry, but she had a few affairs of love, which were eight hundred years ago, and twelve years ago Artemis was pregnant.


  Twelve years ago, Apollo from the oracle himself: "Artemis will find solution about the fifth world war ii in human‘world, so Artemis searched all over the world, and finally find my father, lowry. Jelisy. Dream of my father in a night, the god of chaos khalai is awakening, and will make the whole world is in chaos again, and the son of Artemis, will be able to stop it.


  When I was born, Artemis took me to Mount Olympus to raise for a year, until I was one year old, my father took me received the human world and are also responsible for Florida raising I grow up.


  Then my strange affair was began.


  When I was two years old, my father took me to the kindergarten. I saw our teacher mrs Dacy has a angle and her skin is like a alligator.I was so scared that but all the other parents thought I was crazy, so my father took me home and taught me at home


  On a Sunday at my age of four, my father and I go to a big shop, and after that, a group of tall, with a bag in his hand special football monopoly salesman go to the store, they began to shop to play football, not and in a short while, he built a fire, the store is just looking for is in addition to me, no one seems to find it.

  第二章/坐着购物车窜上天空Chapter 2 / flying in a shopping cart


  Dad took me on a roller coaster, but I never tried to sit in a shopping cart.


This summer vacation, also is a now, father allow me to go to a summer camp, this is the first time in my life to go to the summer camp, before because of warcraft that damn why almost all summer so I'd never been away around my dad. but it also means that I will leave my father and go to the halfblood camp








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      本文标题:阿尔忒弥斯的召唤 The summon of Atremis
