文献学习087--Transcriptional and Imm

文献学习087--Transcriptional and Imm

作者: Hayley笔记 | 来源:发表于2023-07-05 15:00 被阅读0次
    1. Distinct Transcriptomic Signatures of Myeloid Cell Aggregates in CS

    Fig 1A: CS, GCM, 和 lymphocytic myocarditis 形态特征类似,存在大量髓系细胞浸润。(Granulomatous inflammation composed of epithelioid histiocytes and scattered multinucleated giant cells are present in CS and GCM, while a mixed lymphohistiocytic inflammation in an interstitial pattern is commonly found in lymphocytic myocarditis)
    Fig 1B: 为了探究这些疾病中髓系细胞的转录差异,作者整合了三种疾病的DSP数据中的CD68+巨噬细胞。
    Fig 1C-E: 结果显示和另外两种疾病相比,CS的巨噬存在不同的转录特征。和GCM相比,CS巨噬存在3044个上调基因,和LM相比,CS巨噬存在1496个上调基因。其中有1280个基因和两种疾病相比都上调。
    Fig 1F-H: 这些共有上调基因主要与单核巨噬细胞分化 (CHIT-1, CHI3L-1, RUNX1 and GPNMB), 抗原呈递 (HLA-DRA and HLA-DRB1), ECM降解 (MMP9), 溶酶体 (LAMP2), 和炎症 (LYZ, CCR5, CCL5, CXCL9, FKBP5, and STAT1)相关。富集分析结果显示存在Inflammatory, lysosome, JAK-STAT 和 Toll-like receptor signaling pathways的富集。

    In summary, these data showed that myeloid cells in CS exhibit a distinct transcriptomic profile compared with those in GCM and lymphocytic myocarditis.

    2. Cellular and Transcriptomic Landscape of Inflammation in CS

    Fig 2A-D: 随后作者对4例CS样本进行了单核细胞测序,得到12个细胞群。对髓系细胞的二次聚类得到6个群。
    Fig 2E-F: 轨迹分析提示组织原位巨噬细胞Mac_Res和第四群Mac_GPNMB的Entropy最低,pseudotime最高,提示这两群代表着most differentiated cell states。(嗯...不是特别有说服力)
    Fig 2G: 在鉴别了亚群之后,使用免疫荧光染色鉴定了空间关系。结果显示GPNMB主要存在于multinucleated giant cells,提示Mac_GPNMB 代表多核巨细胞。HLA-DR染色存在于紧密包绕在多核巨细胞边缘epithelioid macrophages。SYTL3 和 CD163 染色显示其分散存在于肉芽肿中多核巨细胞间。CD1c树突和 CD16a 非经典单核则存在于肉芽肿周围。这个模式在所有患者样本中都被观测到(n=14)。

    Together, these data highlight the complex heterogeneity and spatial distribution of myeloid cell populations in CS. Moreover, we have identified GPNMB as a molecular marker for multinucleated giant cells in CS.

    3. Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Pathway Activation and Macrophage Proliferation in CS

    Fig2e, f中提到Mac_Res和Mac_GPNMB代表着most differentiated cell states,所以这一部分作者首先对Mac_Res进行了进一步分析。

    Fig 3A-C: 和其他髓系细胞相比,Mac_Res存在621个上调基因,主要参与免疫调节如mTOR信号通路。此前有文献报道mTOR信号通路参与肺淀粉样变,但其机制不明确。
    Fig 3D-E: p-S6 (phospho-S6 ribosomal protein)是mTOR信号通路活化的标志,免疫染色提示不同患者存在异质性的p-S6活化。此外,肉芽肿中p-S6活化与增长基因Ki67的表达呈显著正相关。
    Fig 3F-G: 随后作者在不同亚群中检测了p-S6的表达情况,结果显示Mac_HLA-DR 和 Mac_SYTL3 存在最高水平的 p-S6 染色, 而多核巨细胞 (Mac_GPNMB) 存在 minimal p-S6 染色,而组织原位巨噬的p-S6也较低。

    Taken together, these results suggest that the cardiac sarcoid granuloma is comprised of diverse myeloid cell types arranged in a stereotypic pattern. Moreover, our findings raise the possibility that mTOR activation may regulate expansion of specific macrophage subsets including Mac_HLA-DR and Mac_SYTL3 subclusters. (这个fig说了啥?感觉啥也没说啊)

    4. Multinucleated Giant Cells Display a Specific Transcriptional Regulatory Network

    Fig 4A-B: 为了进一步明确Mac_HLA-DR, Mac_SYTL3, Mac_GPNMB, DC_CD1C, 和 mono_ FCGR3A 与 Mac_res 相比的功能,作者进行了差异和富集分析。(哈哈哈 没有对照sample就拿Mac_res当对照,怪不得前一个fig先看了Mac_res)结果显示Mac_GPNMB特异性富集到lysosomal 和 PPAR通路。
    Fig 4C-D: 随后作者做了SCENIC分析,ARID5B、NRIH3、MITF和TFEC regulons在Mac_GPNMB中特异性富集。
    Fig 4E: 转录因子调控网络提示Mac_GPNMB中这些TF参与调控了很多基因,包括GPNMB, SNTB1(beta-1-syntrophin), TPRG1 (tumor protein P63 regulated 1), FBP1 (fructose-1,6-bisphosphatase 1)。
    Fig 4F: 此外,DSP数据中,和GCM和MP巨噬相比,CS巨噬特异性高表达的基因,有很多是Mac_GPNMB中特异性表达的。

    5. Mac_GPNMB Subcluster Is Specifically Identified in CS 为了探究

    These data support the conclusion that the Mac_GPNMB cluster is specific to CS. GPNMB and HLA-DR immunostaining distinguish CS from other forms of myocarditis.

    We identified a specific staining pattern for CS granulomas: GPNMB+ multinucleated giant cells cuffed by HLA-DR positive epithelioid histiocytes(Figure 2G).
    随后作者想要去探究这种特征区别不同心脏疾病的clinical utility,结果显示只有CS存在这种特征。

    These data highlight a distinct organization of GPNMB+ and HLA-DR+ macrophages in CS (Figure 6F), which may provide diagnostic utility in differentiating CS from other forms of myocarditis including GCM.




          本文标题:文献学习087--Transcriptional and Imm
