What do you think of predictions

What do you think of predictions

作者: MLan兰喵 | 来源:发表于2020-02-23 23:02 被阅读0次

    What do you think of predictions?

    Firstly what is a prediction? Perhaps, we should first understand what the definition of a prediction is. To predict or prediction, is to say something will happen before it does. 


    Tarot cards-  a pack of cards invented in the 15th century to play games. They gained popularity in the 18th century as a method for reading the future.               塔罗牌—一包在在15世纪发明的玩游戏的卡。到18世纪时,它作为预测未来的一种方式而广受欢迎。

    So, what do you think of predictions? Well, usually when people read anything to do with prediction of the future, this may conjure up crazy or outlandish ideas of what the future may be. And certainly not without reason as many predictions tend to be inconsistent and don't provide any evidence or proof of the processes used to attain such results.


    Nostradamus- was a French astrologer, physician who is best known for his book Les Prophéties (The prophecies)     这家伙是一位法国占星家和医师,以他的著作《预言家》而出名。

    However scientists, can make predictions as part of their hypothesis. Which they try to answer through their experiments.


    Well, let's look at 4 predictions for the future.


    1) Actors will one day be replaced by CGI

    CGI has improved remarkedly over the years. It has already been used to create new scenes featuring actors back in their youth. How long before it completely replaces them? - This could also be applied to performers, and muscians.

    1)演员终有一天会被 CGI 技术(computer-generated imagery计算机生成图像)替代:近年来 CGI 技术有了显著提升。它已经被用来创作演员年轻时的一些场景。在它完全取代他们之前还需要多久呢?—这也可以应用于表演者和音乐家。

    2) Robots will be invented sooner than later

    Apparently  it's predicted to be invented and not to be the butler. While it sounds like something from the realm of science fiction. It could herald enhanced humans which may one day pose a threat.


    3)Nanobots will repair cells and cure illnesses

    Well, back to robots. But a good use could be it being used to curing illness and repairs cells in the body. Imagine never getting ill or diseases due to miniture robot protectors.


    4) Antibiotics may stop working one day

    We have depened on antibiotics for some time. However what if its effectiveness were reduced in time due to over use. This is something we may need to worry about one day.


    While on the topic of predictions. I came upon this by chance. Strange!


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    Now on how to use the word 'Predict' ?

        pre‧dict /prɪˈdɪkt/

        Stocks were higher than predicted.

    predict (that)               

    John predicted that He would win the lottery

    predict (what)            

    It is easy to predict what the long-term effects of smoking will be.

    be predicted to do something               

    Global warming is predicted to increase every year.



        本文标题:What do you think of predictions
