【初级趣读】What are You Talking About

【初级趣读】What are You Talking About

作者: 双语趣味阅读 | 来源:发表于2018-08-18 11:19 被阅读0次

    Jane and Laura are walking to the mall. They want to buy new clothes. Jane has some money and Laura has some money.

    Suddenly, Jane is calling: "Laura! Laura! Look at that dress! Isn't it beautiful? I want that dress, but I don't have enough money."

    Laura is calling: "What are you talking about? This is an ugly dress! It is just horrible! I don't even want to see this dress."

    "Ok, ok…" Jane is whispering sadly.

    Suddenly Laura is calling: "Oh my god! Look at this dress! It is beautiful! I want this dress. Oh, but look at the price. It is too expensive for me."

    Now Jane is calling: "What are you talking about? This is an ugly dress! It is really horrible! I don't even want to see it."

    "Ok, ok…" Laura is whispering sadly.

    Now Jane is sad, and Laura is sad. They are walking home. They have no new clothes, but they know that next time they should respect other opinions



    1、 mall (n.) 购物中心

    2、 dress (n).衣服

    3、 beautiful (adj.)漂亮的

    4、 enough (adj.)足够的

    5、 ugly (adj.)丑陋的

    6、 horrible (adj.)可怕的

    7、 price (n.)价钱

    8、 expensive (adj.)昂贵的

    9、 respect (vt.)尊重

    10、 opinion (n.)意见


    简和劳拉走在去购物中心的路上。 她俩想买新衣服。 简带钱了,劳拉也带钱了。







    现在简很难过,劳拉也很难过。 她俩正走在回家的路上。 她俩没买新衣服,但她们知道下次她们应该尊重彼此的意见......




          本文标题:【初级趣读】What are You Talking About
