

作者: 清风徐来_简 | 来源:发表于2020-10-15 23:29 被阅读0次

    参数 解释

    host 数据库服务器地址,默认 localhost
    user 用户名,默认为当前程序运行用户
    password 登录密码,默认为空字符串
    database 默认操作的数据库
    port 数据库端口,默认为 3306
    bind_address 当客户端有多个网络接口时,指定连接到主机的接口。参数可以是主机名或IP地址。
    unix_socket unix 套接字地址,区别于 host 连接
    read_timeout 读取数据超时时间,单位秒,默认无限制
    write_timeout 写入数据超时时间,单位秒,默认无限制
    charset 数据库编码
    connect_timeout 连接超时时间,默认 10,最小 1,最大 31536000
    sql_mode 指定默认的 SQL_MODE
    cursorclass 设置默认的游标类型
    init_command 当连接建立完成之后执行的初始化 SQL 语句
    autocommit 是否自动提交,默认不自动提交,参数值为 None 表示以服务器为准
    max_allowed_packet 发送给服务器的最大数据量,默认为 16MB
    defer_connect 是否惰性连接,默认为立即连接
    db 参数 database 的别名
    passwd 参数 password 的别名
    read_default_file Specifies my.cnf file to read these parameters from under the [client] section.
    conv Conversion dictionary to use instead of the default one. This is used to provide custom marshalling and unmarshaling of types.
    use_unicode Whether or not to default to unicode strings. This option defaults to true for Py3k.
    client_flag Custom flags to send to MySQL. Find potential values in constants.CLIENT.
    ssl A dict of arguments similar to mysql_ssl_set()’s parameters. For now the capath and cipher arguments are not supported.
    read_default_group Group to read from in the configuration file.
    local_infile Boolean to enable the use of LOAD DATA LOCAL command. (default: False)
    auth_plugin_map A dict of plugin names to a class that processes that plugin. The class will take the Connection object as the argument to the constructor. The class needs an authenticate method taking an authentication packet as an argument. For the dialog plugin, a prompt(echo, prompt) method can be used (if no authenticate method) for returning a string from the user. (experimental)
    server_public_key SHA256 authenticaiton plugin public key value. (default: None)
    binary_prefix Add _binary prefix on bytes and bytearray. (default: False)



