American is killed by bow and arrow on remote Indian island
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John Allen Chau seemed to know that what he was about to do was extremely dangerous.
Chau, an American thought to be in his 20s, was floating in a kayak off a remote island in the Andaman Sea. He was about to set foot on one of the most sealed-off parts of India, an island inhabited by a small, enigmatic and highly isolated tribe whose members have killed outsiders for simply stepping on their shore.
人们认为周是一位 20 多岁的美国人,当时他正乘坐皮艇,漂浮着离开安达曼海一个偏远的岛屿,并准备踏上印度最封闭的地区之一——在那座岛上住着一个神秘莫测而又与世隔绝的小部落,岛上的居民曾经将只是踏上了海岸的外来者杀死。
Fishermen warned him not to go. And Indian government regulations clearly prohibited any interaction with people on the island, called North Sentinel. But Chau pushed ahead, setting off in his kayak, which he had packed with a Bible. After that, it is a bit of a mystery what happened. But police say one thing is clear: Chau did not survive.
On Wednesday, Indian authorities said Chau had been shot with bows and arrows by tribesmen when he got on shore and his body was still on the island. Fishermen who helped take Chau to North Sentinel told police that they had seen tribesmen dragging his body on the beach.
It was a “misplaced adventure,'’ said Dependra Pathak, police chief in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. “He certainly knew it was off limits.'’
Pathak said Chau, believed to be 26 or 27 and from Washington state, may have been trying to convert the islanders to Christianity. Right before he left in his kayak, Chau gave the fishermen a long note in case he did not come back. In it, police officials said, he had written that Jesus had bestowed him with the strength to go to the most forbidden places on Earth.
帕塔克还表示,周的年龄应该是 26、27 岁,来自华盛顿州,他可能一直试图让岛民皈依基督教。就在周乘坐皮艇离开之前,他给了渔民一张长纸条,以防自己再也回不来。警方说,他在纸上写道,耶稣赐予了他力量,让他踏足地球最封闭的禁区。
————— 文章来源 / 纽约时报
bow /boʊ/
n. 弓;鞠躬 (bow v.)
to bow to sb (v.)
to take a bow
to bow and scrape (v.)
It's embarrassing to see people bowing and scraping to the new CEO. (v.)
Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed.
remote /rɪˈmoʊt/
adj. 遥远的,疏远的
a remote village
in the remote past/future
a remote cousin
a remote manner
kayak /ˈkaɪæk/
n. 皮艇
set foot on
sealed-off /ˈsiːld ɔːf/
adj. 封闭的,隔离的
to seal an envelope(v.)
inhabit /ɪnˈhæbɪt/
v. (人)居住,(动物)栖居
enigmatic /ˌenɪɡˈmætɪk/
adj. 神秘的,费解的
an enigmatic smile
isolated /ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd/
adj. 孤立的,分离的
an isolated house
an isolated patient
tribe /traɪb/
n. 部落,宗族
interaction /ˌɪntərˈækʃn/
n. 交流,来往(interact v.)
the interaction between teacher and student
sentinel /ˈsentɪnl/
n. 哨兵
push ahead
to push ahead with
The government have decided to push ahead with its reform programme.
n. 部落居民
misplaced /ˌmɪsˈpleɪst/
adj. 错误的,不合时宜的
off limits
adj. 禁止入内的
The site is off limits to the public.
Cream cleansers are off limits for oily skin.
a convert to Catholicism (n.)
bestow /bɪˈstoʊ/
v. 赠与,授予
to bestow an honour on sb
to bestow sb with sth
forbidden /fərˈbɪdn/
adj. 被禁止的(forbid v.)
Photography is forbidden in the museum.
it is forbidden to do sth