1.concatenate 连接wave
concatenate [/DL /FREE /KILL /NP[=dim ] /O] [typeFlags ] {wave1, wave2, wave3,...}, destWave
2.sort 排序wave,
Sort DateTime_traj,BC_traj,DateTime_traj,Lat_traj,Lon_traj;DelayUpdate
Sort [ /A /DIML /C /R ] sortKeyWaves, sortedWaveName [, sortedWaveName ]...
3.binarysearch ,
BC_traj[] = bc_rawdata_AE33[binarysearch(DateTime_BC_AE33, DateTime_traj[p])]
BinarySearch(waveName, val )
The BinarySearch function performs a binary search of waveName for the value val. BinarySearch returns an integer point number p such that waveName [p] and waveName [p+1] bracket val. If val is in waveName, then waveName [p]==val.
BinarySearch is useful for finding the point in an XY pair that corresponds to a particular X coordinate.
WaveName must contain monotonically increasing or decreasing values.
BinarySearch returns -1 if val is not within the range of values in the wave, but would numerically be placed before the first value in the wave.
BinarySearch returns -2 if val is not within the range of values in the wave, but would fall after the last value in the wave.
BinarySearch returns -3 if the wave has zero points.
Lon = (lon <0)? lon+360:lon
Redimension [/B/C/D/E=e /I/N=n /R/S/U/W/Y=numType ] waveName, [waveName ]...
The Redimension operation remakes the named waves, preserving their contents as much as possible.
Redimension/S TimeWave ///将双精度改为单精度