Like Mr. Darling, Hook worried about things like breeding and class -- what he liked to call "good form. " He, too, cared very much what people -- especially people with good form -- thought about him.
今天又读到Peter Pan里这一章,有大片的篇幅写缺爱的Hook船长对“good form" 的执迷。这个good form到底是什么呢?查一查字典,可以是有礼貌,或表现良好,但都有点难以确切地描述;以英语解释倒清楚很多:behavior that conforms to social conventions of the time.
Mr. Darling是第一章里出现过的人物,最重要的一个特点便是很在乎邻居们的评价,有点虚荣,非常讲究体面。一个典型的细节便是他们家的保姆,Nana, 是一条狗。因为别人都有保姆,所以Mr. Darling觉得自己家也必须要有。但因为拮据,只能让一条狗来充当保姆。
They still had a nanny, of course, because all the other families in the neighborhood had one, and Mr. Darling cared very much about keeping up with the neighbors. But the Darlings were poor, and so their nanNy was actually just a giant Newfoundland dog named Nana.
Whenever he did something, or wanted something, he would ask himself, Is it good form to do or want such a thing? Sometimes he worried that it was not good form to think so much about good form.
也是这一章,后面又写到Hook对抓到船上的男孩们的处理。8个孩子,他说,有6个要走跳板坠海而死,有2个可以留下打杂。Wendy的弟弟,John, 原本对当一个海盗心存向往,但他忽然问了个问题:Will we still be respectful subjects of the king of England?我们仍将是受人尊敬的英国国王的臣民吗?
这个”respectful", 难道不是“good form" 的换一种说法吗?很难说它们不是异曲同工。
想起《泰坦尼克号》,第一次看的时候,印象最深刻的竟不是男女主的爱情故事,而是船沉下去的时候,那支至死至终都在演奏的乐队。当时就很迷惑,也很震动,为什么他们可以如此优雅的面对死亡?想来,也就是这种对“good form"的追求,已经写在了他们的DNA里。
又想起在英国的时候,对着淘气的孩子们,英国的爸爸妈妈总是和和气气地说:Don't do it. That's not good. 然后孩子们就会立时停手,无奈地说OK. Fine.