B3. Main Window-4

作者: 橡果 | 来源:发表于2016-12-07 19:54 被阅读19次




    单击图标时,容器窗口将显示Exasmoc / Exarqe历史消息。

    Fig. B 3.6 Message banner 图B 3.6消息条目

    Table B 3.4 Message banner
    表B 3.4消息条目

    | 条目| 说明|
    | ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
    | Message bar(消息栏)| 显示实时消息。总是显示最新的3条消息。|
    | Date Time(日期时间) | 显示PC的日期和时间。
    | Copy(复制)| 将视图复制到剪切板上。
    | User information(用户信息) | 显示登录用户名,仅适用于APC和Web客户端。

    B3.3 应用窗格




    Fig. B 3.7 Example of Exarqe application 图B 3.7 Exarqe应用示例



    Fig. B 3.8 Container Window 图B 3.8容器窗口

    表B 3.5容器窗口
    Table B 3.5 Container Window

    | 项目 | 说明|
    | ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
    | Application tab(应用选项卡)| - 选项窗口- 最大数量为5-当显示的应用超过最大数量时,左侧的选项卡将自动删除。
    | View(查看)| 显示所选应用的消息。|

    B3.4 用户登录验证(登录)

    输入正确的用户名和密码后,Web客户端将连接到Exasmoc / Exarqe Web服务器。此窗口仅在Web客户端显示。

    Fig. B 3.9 Sign On Window (normal case / error case) 图B 3.9登录窗口(正常情况/错误情况)

    Table B 3.6 Sign On Window
    表B 3.6登录窗口

    |条目 |说明|
    | ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
    |User(用户)| 输入用户名。用户名应从Window管理员账户预注册。
    |Password(密码) |输入密码。密码应从Window管理员账户预注册。
    |Error Message(错误消息)| 当输入用户名或密码错误时,错误消息将显示。
    |Sign On(登录)| 使用用户名和密码完成身份验证。
    |Cancel(取消)| 关闭登录窗口。

    再次显示时,只要是通过单击IE关闭按钮(窗口右上角)关闭APC HMI,就不必重新登录。
    默认值可以在APC Builder的“Auto Sign On(自动登录)”进行设置。


    B3.2. Information Pane

    Messages form each applications are displayed real-time on the message banner.

    ■ ICON

    On the tree view, the message icons are displayed for Exasmoc and Exarqe.
    When an icon is clicked, a historical message of Exasmoc/Exarqe is displayed in the container window.

    | Items| Explanation|
    | ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
    | Message bar| Real time messages are shown.The top three latest messages are always show.
    | Date Time | Data and time of PC is shown,
    | Copy | View is copied on the clipboard.
    | User information| Log in username is shown, in case of APC and Web clients only.

    B3.3. Application Pane

    Detail information of selected applications is displayed on the container window. As to the detail, please refer to the following chapters.

    ■ Start

    When the node of each application is clicked from the browser bar, the corresponding application is displayed in the container window.

    ■ Configuration

    Following shows the outline of container window.

    | Items| Explanation
    | ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
    | Application tab| - Tab window- Maximum number is 5- When more that maximum numbers of applications are required to display, the tabs on the left side is automatically removed.
    | View | Selected application‘s information is displayed.

    B3.4. User Logon Authentication (Sign-On)

    The user authentication window is shown when logging on from the Web client to the Web server.
    By applying the user-name and password, the web client is connected to the Exasmoc/Exarqe Web server. This window is displayed only for the Web client.

    | Items | Explanation|
    | ------------- |:-------------:| -----:|
    | User| Input the user name. User name should be pre-registered from Window administrator.
    | Password| Input the password. Password should be pre-registered from Window administrator.
    | Error Message | Error messages are displayed when the input user name or password is wrong.
    | Sign On| Authentication processing is done using the username and password.
    | Cancel | Close the sign on window.
    ● Auto Sign on function
    To simplify the sign-on, the auto sign-on function is prepared.
    When the automatic sign-on function has been selected, the account name and the password registered once can be maintained.
    When displaying it again, it is unnecessary to do sign-on, as far as APC HMI is previously closes by clicking close button of IE (upper right of the window).
    In the following cases, the keeping account name and password are deleted.
    • Sign-off is done.
    • When HMI is not displayed during the prescribed time(default: 0 days).
    The default value can be set from “Auto Sign On” of APC Builder.




        本文标题:B3. Main Window-4
