* 单链循环链表:终点的指针域改为指向头节点
* 采用尾指针表示单链循环表:查找开始节点和终端节点都很方便
using namespace std;
class Chain;
class Node{
friend class Chain;
char _data;
Node* _next;
class Chain{
bool Find(int i, Node*& x);
bool Insert(int i, char& x);
bool Delete(char x);
ostream& display( ostream &out );
friend ostream& operator << (ostream &out, const Chain &x);
Node* _head;
int _length;
Node* _raear;
_head = new Node;
_head->_next = _head;
bool Chain::Find(int i, Node*& x){
if(i<0 || i>_length) {cout << "out of index..." << endl; return false;}
Node* p = _head;
while(i--) p=p->_next;
x = p;
return true;
bool Chain::Insert(int i, char& x){
Node* pre_node; //store the address of node i-1
if(Find(i, pre_node)==false) return false;
Node* tmp = new Node;
tmp->_data = x;
tmp->_next = pre_node->_next;
pre_node->_next= tmp;
if(tmp->_next== _head) _raear = tmp; //updata _raear
return true;
ostream& Chain::display(ostream &out){
int i= _length;
if(i==0) return out;
Node* p = _head->_next;
while(--i){ cout << p->_data; p=p->_next;}
return out;
ostream& operator<< (ostream &out, Chain &chain){
return out;
int main(){
char str[] = "su fang";
Chain w;
for(int i=0; str[i] != 0; i++)
w.Insert(i, str[i]);
cout << "input: " << str << endl;
cout << w << endl;
return 0;