How to earn money

How to earn money

作者: lanlingxiao | 来源:发表于2018-01-05 11:36 被阅读0次

I don't like work for others, may because I wasn't in a manage position and I couldn't enjoy large sum of money and privilege.

I hate to hurry to work during rush hours. So I worried a lot what I can do for myself and have more flexible time.  I had many ideas.

Firstly, I plan to develop deeply in my current industry. I sell LED Lights to foreigners. After 1 year, I will try to develop other products, small and convenient ones, such as watches. I can operation whole export process by myself.

Secondly, I consider to provide beauty service to CN ppl. Because the young ppl are tired of their work, I can help them to relax. Such as massage shops, beauty shops etc.

Thirdly, I think about environmental protection and eduction industry which I think CN is too much weak in these 2 aspects.

So many ideas rush in my mind, I almost can't control them.



      本文标题:How to earn money
